Halloween is just around the corner and it's time to get creative! Of course you can also use purchased costumes. But when it comes to Halloween costumes for kids, we love to flex our creative muscles this time of year and come up with something unique. You can make simple Halloween costumes for children yourself and here we show you some great ideas!
DIY Gingham Witch Halloween Costumes
Gingham Fabric
Ribbon or string
Strips of black eyelet fabric
How to make the costumes:
- Cut two 80 by 50 centimeter rectangles from black and white gingham fabric. Sew the ends together, leaving the armholes at the top of the rectangle.
- Fold the top part of the fabric over and sew a groove, leaving a one-centimeter opening. Thread a ribbon or string through the channel. Tighten the band to bunch at the top.
- Cut a 25 x 95 centimeter strip of black eyelet fabric. Sew a hand stitch along the edge of one of the long sides. Leave a knot at one end and pull the cord on the other side to create a gather. Pin the costume at the back or add a snap.
- Finish with witch hats.
Star Wars Obi Wan costume
Inexpensive faux leather or knitted fabric
- Cut the fabric into a rectangle according to the child's measurements. Useyou for this costumethe existing edges so that everything is straight and even. For the knit vest, we recommend adding a few centimeters more to the width (shoulders) if you have enough fabric. It is easier to drape and wrap.
- Fold the rectangle in half, with the short ends together, and mark the center of the rectangle.
- Cut a line down the middle of the rectangle to the marked center, along the longest point of the garment. At the fold of the rectangle, cut out a small oval shape for the neck.
- Then cut a strip of fabric that is about 5 to 8 cm wide and as long as twice your child's waist circumference. This is the belt.
- You're almost done! You don't need to hem because knitwear and faux leather don't fray.
- Put the vest on your child and tie it tightly. Cut the belt as desired. You may need to play around with the placement a bit to get it looking just right. The knitted vest is a little easier to work with than the leather vest.
Easy Halloween costumes for kids: rag doll
You need:
Yarn in the color of your choice, cut to the desired length
Felt strips (25 x 5 cm)
a pair of scissors
Embroidery thread or yarn
2 hair combs per wig
How to make a simple center parted yarn wig:
- Gather the yarn and find the middle. Using your felt strip as a backing, begin sewing small sections with a backstitch. The area you sew together will be your midsection.
- Continue sewing in small sections until you reach the end of the felt strip. Once it's ready, turn it over. Starting in the same place where you started sewing the yarn, sew a comb onto the “front” of the wig. After attaching the comb, trim the ends of the wig and try it on! About the sweet oneto complete the look, you can style the wig with braids, pigtails, bows and flowers! Dress your child in a fun outfit and make sure it's amply accessorized with bows, aprons, tights, and cute details. Have fun!
The Bride of Frankenstein
60 x 75 centimeters - Black poster board
Polyester fiber filling
White transparent curtain
White fleece lined long johns
Black spray paint
Spray adhesive
White cheesecloth
Hot glue gun
- For the wig base, measure and cut an 8" x 30" piece of poster board; wrap it around the child's head, over the ears to measure the fit. Overlap the ends and glue them together.
- Glue the fiberfill hair to the base.
- Cut two zigzag-shaped strips of white paper; stick this onto the wig with spray adhesive. The entire wigwith blackpaint with spray paint; let dry. Remove zigzag paper strips.
- Cut the curtain in half crosswise so that one piece is about 2 inches shorter than the other. Cut jagged edges on the bottoms of both pieces.
- Place the two pieces on top of each other, with the longer piece on top, and fold them crosswise in the middle. Cut a hole in the center of the folded edge large enough for the child's head to make a dress.
- Dress the child in long johns, socks and shoes. Then put the dress on the child.
- Pull the gauze from one shoulder to the other and then across the front of the dress. Tie the dress together with jagged drapery strips at each shoulder to form a ruffle.
- Tie additional pieces of cheesecloth to the shoulder straps so that they drape along the dress, and use a strip of cheesecloth to belt the dress.
DIY Peter Pan Halloween-Costume
green nonwoven fabric
large paper to create the pattern
sewing machine
Tape measure
red feather
- Create your pattern by tracing an existing garment. Cut out the back piece using the pattern. Set aside.
- Cut your paper pattern in half. This is going to be a wrap dress/tunic, so cut the front piece out of half of the pattern. Add 13-15 centimeters to the straight side before cutting. This way the edges become longer and can be wrapped around the body.
- Sew the edges together with the cutouts. Also sew the shoulders together.
- To make the sleeves yourself, measure the inside of the armhole. Cut a rectangle this length (as wide as you want) and sew it around the armhole. Make sure your seam is on the inside of the dress.
- Once the sleeves are attached, cut out triangles around the sleeves and bottom of the dress.
- For the hat, measure from the foreheadof the childup to the back of his head. Cut two triangles with curved bottoms from the fleece and sew them together, leaving the bottom open. Turn right side out and cut two notches for the spring. You can be so creative and simpleHalloween costumeMake your own for kids that kids will love!
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