Halloween makeup ideas – make up your face and hands

Face painting for Halloween is becoming more and more popular. If you have decided to put makeup on your face instead of a mask and put the finishing touches on your Halloween costume, these Halloween makeup ideas can help you. In our collection you will find ideas for children and adults that can be elegant or spooky.

The witch with green face paint and black lace hat is a popular idea for women. But if you want to be special, consider this option. Everyone may have thought about what aliens might look like? What skin color, face shape and body size do they have? Hollywood films have given us many examples of this. The idea that you can use for this is this one for the large, black, iris-free eyes. With Sclera lenses you can achieve a great effect. Alternatively, you can also look at theApply black makeup to your eyelidsand simply allow yourself to be photographed with your eyes closed. But you need a very precise hand and good freehand drawing skills.

You can't just apply make-up to your face. Hands are particularly expressive and can be painted creatively. You can achieve this interesting and spooky effect using a simple trick. Red yarn can look like blood and veins when glued to the hand. Paint your hands black first. You can apply the color evenly with a sponge. Then draw bones with white body paint. Use a template.

Applying make-up to angels and devils: step-by-step instructions for creative make-up for Halloween!