Autumn crafts are versatile because nature provides many wonderful craft materials in autumn. In the following article we will give you some suggestions for crafts with leaves.
The reddish-orange leaves offer you the opportunity to decorate your hometo decorate for falland guarantee craft fun for adults and fun when the days get longer. Get inspired by our fall craft ideas and tips.
Cheap craft materials from nature
Fall is actually the best time for crafting. On the one hand, we spend longer and often rainy days at home and feel the need to make ourselves more comfortable at home. On the other hand, it would simply be a shame not to use the countless materials that nature gives us. The colorful leaves of deciduous trees are ideal forwonderful craft ideas, which you can do yourself at home without any effort. Regardless of whether you want to make autumn window pictures with your children or create colorful table decorations, it is worth mentioning how towork with the autumn leavescan.
Preserving leaves using various methods
Anyone for a certain period of timecraft with autumn leavesIf you want to, you don’t need to treat the foliage separately. The leaves will last for a few weeks, provided the leaves are not damp. If you still want to have the leaves for a longer period of time, you can help a little and make the leaves last longer. You can preserve the colorful autumn leaves in various ways and enjoy their beauty for a long time. You can press leaves into a thick book and dry them. The iron can also help you.
Place the sheets between two paper towels and iron each side for a few minutes. The excess moisture will evaporate. Alternatively, you can place the leaves between two sheets of wax paper. Cover the wax paper with two sheets of printer paper and iron it. After a few minutes the sheet is sealed with wax. Once the whole thing has cooled down enough, you can carefully try to peel the wax paper off the autumn leaves. A great and simple method for preserving, which also increases the color of the leaves, is to treat the leaves or entire branches with glycerin.
Cut the branch diagonally and dip it in a mixture of two parts water and one part glycerin. Leave the branch in the solution for five days. You can make the autumn leaves last a little longer with clear varnish from a spray can or with hairspray. If you want a specific color for the decoration, you can of course also spray the leaves with colored varnish and create beautiful, colorful masterpieces. You can decorate the dried leaves to your heart's content with acrylic paints of your choice with different patterns and create unique autumn decorations.
Decorate the autumn leaves with small dots, stripes, circles or other decorative figures. For crafts with leaves, all you need to do is let your creativity run wild. For example, you can use the colored leaves to create an original, autumnal table decoration. Make small bundles of the leaves and place them on the plates. With a tablecloth in a matching color, you can create a great, natural decoration in no time.
Suggestions for crafting with leaves for different occasions
You can also make creative items and decorations out of leaves for various autumn festivals. For Halloween, the decorations don't necessarily have to be scary and frightening. A stylish decoration results when you spice up typical Halloween motifs, such as pumpkins, with leaves. You are welcome to cover the pumpkin with plain or colorful leaves and create a great garden decoration. If you are looking for a unique gift idea, you can make a picture with leaves or create an autumn picture frame. Cute cards or invitations can also be designed with individual autumn leaves.
You can also make crafts with leaves for your household. You can print useful objects with autumn leaves and textile paint. Plain tea towels or fabric bags that you want to customize are created by dipping the leaves in paint and carefully stamping them onto the fabric. You can also paint a branch with paint and place it on the cloths. In no time you can conjure up this creative fabric print with autumnal natural material. You can also stamp textiles with potato or apple halves.
Another great idea is this beautiful rose bouquet made from maple leaves. First of all, for the beautiful rose, you have to take a leaf and fold the top inwards towards the middle of the leaf and roll the leaf up. Then take a new leaf and place it on the rolled up autumn leaf. Fold the top back inward and fold the left and right sides of the sheet around the others. If you have already received a well-filled rose, you can attach it to a wooden stick.
What do you think about creating such beautiful and original pictures at your next craft lesson? Making pictures with leaves is a pleasant and great leisure activity that can quickly transform simple paintings into works of art. If you like painting, you can make the figures look more lively and real by gluing leaves. For example, those of you who are not painting professionals can use ready-made templates and let your creativity run wild.
If you are already thinking about what the autumn decorations will look like at home this year, you can easily copy this beautiful, decorative bowl made of autumn leaves. Inflate a balloon and brush the surface with paste. Then start gluing the leaves in autumn colors. Coat the leaves with wallpaper paste and stick on the next layer. Finally, apply the paste again and let the balloon dry for two days. If the paste is already dry, carefully pop the balloon and spray the decorative bowl with clear varnish.
If there are a lot of leaves in your garden or if you collected beautiful, colorful leaves on your last autumn walk, you can create a door wreath or a smaller wreath for table or window decorations. Depending on the size, you can either use a straw wreath as a base or a paper plate that you can stick the leaves on. Feel free to use other natural materials, such as acorns and chestnuts, and design the wreath according to your own ideas.
Craft ideas for children
If you want to do crafts with your children, you can perhaps make this great leaf crown yourself as your next craft project. You can make the crown while you are walking and without any additional tools. Gather larger leaves, such as maple leaves, and break off the stems. Now you can sew the individual leaves together with the stems. It is best to push the stems vertically through the leaf so that the crown does not come apart.
Another idea for crafts with leaves is this great mask. The mask is ready in no time and can either be worn at a themed party or used as decoration. Coat the autumn leaves with glue and stick them onto a cardboard mask. Let them dry well, place them in a foil and press them with a heavy book. Then cut out holes for the eyes and attach a stick or ribbon to them.
A great, inexpensive and versatile craft material that every child will love is salt dough. The salt dough can be easily made from two parts flour, one part water and one part salt and is absolutely safe for children's health. Your children can roll out the firm and easy-to-shape dough and use autumn leaves to create beautiful patterns on the salt dough. To do this, you have to place the autumn leaf on the salt dough and roll it on top with the rolling pin.
Then remove the sheet. The veins of the autumn leaves have left great impressions that the kids can expand to their heart's content. For example, if the salt dough is colored brown, the little ones can make a tree out of it. The works of art should dry in the air without exposure to heat from a heater or oven. After a few days you can paint them with varnish or watercolors.
On a rainy afternoon or just when you feel like crafting with natural materials, you can make cute animals with leaves. The animal figures that can be created from the great craft material are almost endless. Whether you choose a cute owl, turtle, butterfly, fox or mouse, incredibly cute creatures emerge on a piece of paper.
Let the older children draw the desired animal figure on the paper for the first time and then glue the colorful leaves onto the pre-painted figure. Ready-made templates also provide a perfect basis for the animal figures. The more different the leaves are, the more freedom you have to design them. Take advantage of nature's diversity and get leaves in a wide variety of shapes and colors. Green, almost red or ocher leaves look great on the cardboard.
You can even use the leaves to depict entire scenes or fairy tales on paper. Check out this pretty picture of the little chicks in the nest! Be creative and create pictures that are currently interesting for your children. You can even use the pleasant and exciting craft lessons to encourage your child in a playful way. Children love fairy tales and history. Crafting with leaves is a creative way to create a great picture book or storybook.
With the leaves collected, children can create pretty prints of the leaves using different watercolors. The results vary greatly depending on the sheet, which makes such images unique. Have your child paint the side of the leaf where the veins stand out with the brush. Place the sheet with the colored side down on the paper, roll it with an object and the colorful picture is ready.