Even beginners can sew these autumn decorations

Do you like sewing and would you like to make some beautiful decorations yourself for autumn? Then you have landed in the right place. With our instructions you don't necessarily have to be a professional sewer. Instead, even beginners are welcome to try it out and sew any autumn decoration. Whether coasters, sewn pictures or mushrooms to display, we have put together some great ideas. You can even use leftover fabric for many of them.

Sewing autumn decorations – instructions for acorn-shaped coasters

  • Fabric scraps in matching fall colors or with fall motifs
  • self-adhesive fleece
  • Tea towel for the back
  • Stencil for acorn
  • Cuff band, 6 mm wide
  • The stick part
  • Fabric scissors
  • sewing machine

Sewing instructions for beginners: Before you sew this simple fall decoration, you must first have yourCut fabrics. You need 15 strips about 5 cm wide, which you then sew together in fives. Iron the patchwork sets. To create a square pattern, cut the three sets of strips again into 5 cm wide strips. The easiest way to do this is to fold a set along the seams and then cut the resulting strip into 5cm squares. If you now unfold these squares, you will get strips of 5 different fabric squares. Sew these strips together again in fives.

Alternatively, you can cut out 25 squares and then sew them together to create the patchwork pattern.

Now you need the stencil in the shape of aautumnal acornthat you cut out beforehand. Pin them to one of the patchwork fabrics and cut them out with scissors. Then cut out the acorn cap in the same way from the selected fabric (preferably dark brown). Place the hat on the left side of the acorn as shown in the picture, pin it in place and sew both fabrics together, leaving a gap of approx. 5 to 6 mm from the edge. Then fold the hat over and iron the seam.

If you want to sew coasters as fall decorations, you now have to incorporate the fleece, which serves as thermal insulation. To do this, stick the acorn onto the fleece and cut off the excess fleece along the edge with scissors. Fix by ironing it on. Now place the acorn with the fleece facing up on the kitchen towel and pin the edges. Cut out the shape. Sew the two together along the edge with a gap of about 6 mm. But leave an opening for turning.

Now turn the coaster over and sew the opening closed. You can then also use a loopfor hangingadd. You can sew this fall decoration and give it as a gift or use it for yourself. It is also suitable as a pot holder. For the latter, you could add a little more fleece or something thicker just in case.


Autumn decoration with embroidery frame

  • felt
  • Cardboard
  • Marker
  • Fabric scissors
  • Embroidery frame
  • Linen fabric
  • Stickgarn
  • Stitch advantage
  • Buttons

If you don't have a sewing machine and would rather sew by hand, you can work with felt and sew these autumn decorations, for which you can also use a beautiful embroidery frame. Cut freehand or with the help of oneStencil leavesfrom the felt and stretch the linen fabric into the embroidery frame. Now place the leaves on the linen fabric and try out which positions you like the most. Then simply sew the leaves along the edge of the felt.

At the end, tie a knot at the back and cut off the excess yarn. You can then add a few more at any pointdecorative buttonsSew it in place and the autumnal decoration can be set up or hung on the wall.

Sew mushrooms

  • Fabric residue
  • Template
  • Stickgarn
  • fiberfill
  • Filling granules
  • Wooden slices
  • general sewing materials: needle and thread, scissors, sewing machine

If you would like to sew mushrooms as an autumn decoration, you can use these simple instructions with a printable template. You can then use it to wonderfully decorate your home in autumn. But first, print out the template from the link below and cut out the elements. You will need the circle twice, but only cut out the inner circle of one of the two and save it. Trace all the elements onto the fabrics (or pin them and cut them out directly).

Fold the rectangle lengthwise, right sides together, and sew the two sides together, leaving a 6mm seam. You will receive a hose. Apply thefabric and ironyou him. Now place the two circles right sides together and sew them together along the edge (again with a 6 mm gap). You can now turn the fabric through the hole in the middle of one circle. Iron again.

Fill the mushroom cap with fiberfill. Now sew the small circle that you previously cut out of one of the circles onto one side of the tube. Fill the resulting stem of the mushroom largely with the filling granules and the restwith filling cotton. Fold about 6 mm of the open edge inwards and press with your fingers. You can now use the embroidery thread to sew the stem onto the mushroom cap.

After you sew the fall decorations, you can place them on the wooden discs. If they don't want to stand, they can also be fixed with glue. It's best to make different sizes by simply changing the size of the template and placing the finished mushrooms in groups (e.g. on a large wooden disc). Then see yoursAutumn decoration with wooden slicesand mushrooms look even more beautiful.

Tipp:If you would like to sew longer mushrooms as fall decorations, simply extend the rectangle. For larger mushroom umbrellas, choose a larger diameter for the stencil circles.

Stencils to print outhere