Tinker spring maps: You can make these beautiful DIY ideas with the children yourself

From a creative table decoration toSowing the spring flowers: From March everything revolves around spring. And we agree with beautiful spring flowers, butterflies and flowering trees made of colored paper! Of course, the children can help or even make the spring tickets themselves. Because tinkering is much more than just a pastime on rainy days and offers the opportunity to get out creatively. These are the most beautiful greeting cards with which you can surprise the family and friends in spring.

Tinker spring maps: flowers made of buttons and felt

You can find inspiration for tinkering spring tickets, especially in nature. Organize a walk in the forest or on a meadow and look for wildflowers with the children. You can then get the outdoor flowering splendor with a wonderful spring card. You need the following materials for a greeting card with flower motifs:

  • Three large plastic buttons, different colors
  • 21 small plastic buttons, different colors
  • Felt fabric, green
  • 3-5 small green buttons
  • Tonkarton
  • adhesive
  • A scissors

ThisCraft idea is suitable for childrenin preschool and primary school age. Before you start handicrafts, practice the correct handling of adhesives with the children. This DIY idea promotes fine motor skills in children aged 4 and over and is suitable for families with a child and for large families with several children. So all family members can work together and nobody has boredom.

How to make the spring card with the children: fold a sheet of toner cardboard in the middle and put it. Glue a large button on the middle of the leaf. Now put the others on so that you form a colorful flower. Cut the flower stem out of the green felt fabric and glue it onto the greeting card. Glue two small green buttons to the flower stem. Put two more flowers together on the greeting card.

Tinker spring maps: Use handprints as a template

If the weather does not allow the children to play outside, then creativity is required. With the next handicraft idea you can drive away the boredom and at the same time a nice spring card withMake butterfly motif yourself. You need the following materials:

  • Ton cardboard in yellow, pink and purple
  • Undoing in lilac
  • Fineliner
  • Wobble eyes, self -adhesive
  • A scissors
  • a pencil
  • adhesive

This handicraft idea is suitable for primary school age. It also offers itself for children's birthdays andat Easter. The children can also work alone as long as the parents have already explained the handling of adhesives and the handicrafts take place in a well -ventilated room. Alternatively, you can find special water -based paper glue in stores. These are mostly made from potato strength and are considered harmless for children aged 4 and over.

How to make the spring cards: fold a pink and a purple leaf in the middle. Then put the children's hand on the closed side of the pink sound box, whereby the child spreads their fingers as far as possible. Draw the hand tear with a pencil and cut out the detail. Make sure that you do not cut the folded side. In the end, the two children's hands should be connected to each other on the palms. Proceed in the same way with the purple tone cardboard: fold in the middle, trace the contours of the hand of mom or dad, cut out your hands. Then glue the two details together. Then cut out the body of the butterfly from the yellow clay box, paint a face and stick the wobble eyes tight. Pour purple paint into a bowl and dip your thumb of the child. Now press your fingers crossed onto the two butterfly wings. Glue the body to the wing of the butterfly. As soon as the color and the glue have dried, you can label the spring card.

Crafts spring flowers made of muffin shapes with the children

The next handicraft idea is suitable for children in primary school. Take cute flowers from muffin shapes together. Once you master the handicraft technology, you can have a nice bouquet of flowersMake Mother's Day yourself. These are the necessary materials you need for a flower:

  • A large and a small muffin shafter in different colors
  • a wooden skewer
  • Ton cardboard in green
  • a self -adhesive rhinestone
  • A scissors
  • A cutter knife
  • Green paint color
  • a brush

First fold the large muffin shape in the middle and then again. Then cut the upper edge round with scissors. Also go ahead with the small muffin form and cut it in the form of a flower. In the meantime, you can ask the children to paint the wooden handle green. First glue the large muffin shafter to one end of the wooden handle. Then you can put together the flower. Bring the small muffin fawn and two leaves made of green sound box and decorate the flower with a rhinestone.

Crafts spring maps with the children: tulips made of clay box

In the following we explain how you tinker tulips that do not wither. This 3D greeting card with colorful spring motifs is suitable for children in primary school. Depending on how well your child's hand muscles and fine motor skills are trained, you can either use scissors or a motif punch to cut out. You also need these materials:

  • Ton cardboard in different colors
  • Adhesive for paper
  • a pencil
  • A scissors
  • A motif dipper with a motif size about 5 cm

Instructions: Punch out eight circles from the sound box with the motif punch. Fold each circle in the middle and cut off a corner. Apply adhesive and glue the circles together so that a 3D motif is created. Then you can glue the tulip flower onto a sheet of clay cardboard. Then cut out a stem made of clay cardboard and the spring card is ready.

Stamp spring motifs with celery

Stamping is particularly popular with children aged 3 to 8 years. Stamping offers you the opportunity to let your creativity run free and even gives young children in kindergarten age. It is twice as much fun if you also make the stamp yourself. The celery is the classic par excellence. So that the end result really convinces, you should choose the right colors. Acrylic paints are not very suitable for small children. But you can use finger, placa or water colors. For this craft idea you also need the following materials:

  • Column of rods
  • Mal color of your choice
  • green pipe cleaner
  • A sheet of paper or tone cardboard
  • Satin band, 5 mm wide
  • adhesive
  • a flat brush
  • a plastic lid

How to stamp the flowers: wash the celery thoroughly and cut it off at the back. Then put some color on a plastic lid. Ask the children to paint the celery stamp with the brush with color. Now you can press the stamp onto the sheet. Try to distribute the prints as evenly as possible on the sound box. Alternatively, you can draw the contours of a bouquet of flowers with a pencil. Then cut the green pipe cleaner and glue on the card as a flower stem. Finally, you can tie a loop out of the satin tape and thus decorate the bouquet of flowers.

Tinker spring maps: butterfly and flower made of toilet paper roller

The next handicraft idea is also perfect for small children and children in primary school. She trains the skills and fine motor skills. For the cute flowers and butterflies made of toilet paper rolls you need the following materials:

For a flower:

  • A toilet paper roller
  • white clay box
  • Finger or water colors
  • a flat brush
  • A scissors
  • a wooden handle
  • a button
  • adhesive

For a butterfly:

  • A toilet paper roller
  • white clay box
  • Finger or water colors
  • a flat brush
  • A scissors
  • a pipe cleaner
  • adhesive

Handicraft instructions: Let the children paint the paper rolls and the wooden handle as desired. Then cut the roll into 4 cm wide rings. Then press them together slightly so that the shape of a flower sheet is created. Then glue five rings together like a flower. You need four rings for the butterfly. Then put together the flower or the butterfly. For the flower you need a button, a green wooden handle and two more 4 cm wide green rings. For the butterfly you also need a piece of pipe cleaner.

Spring maps made of clay box in different colors

With a motif pier, beautiful motifs are quickly and easily created. We will explain how you can make a nice spring card with colorful butterflies. For this purpose, you need motif punches in three sizes with which you can punch small, medium -sized and large butterflies. Then you still need clay box in different colors. The whole thing looks most beautiful when you combine nuances from the same color palette. For example, tender pink with lavender, nude and white. You can also spice up the greeting card with butterflies made of glittering box.

Tinker spring maps: large format flowers

The next handicraft idea is suitable for children in primary school who can handle adhesive. You need the following materials:

  • Ton cardboard in different colors
  • adhesive
  • A scissors

This is how you do the flower: draw the leaves and stem on a green clay box. Then draw the contours of an oval form on pink or purple sound cardboard. Ask the children to cut out the leaves, the stem and the flower. Then cut another 6 stripes with a width of 3 cm and a length of 8 cm out of the pink or purple sound cardboard. Glue the two ends of each stripe together. Now all that remains is to put the flower together on the tone cardboard.

Handicrafts are a lot of fun for children and adults. The children are promoted by fine motor skills and creativity in adults. Let your creativity run free and make wonderful spring cards.

Handicrafts is fun and promotes concentration

If you don't have a motif pier with butterfly at home, you can simply use a template

Template for Tulpe