These 11 fall craft ideas for kindergarten are guaranteed to be fun for all children

It seems like crafting is especially fun in the fall. Whether it's because of the beautiful colors, the many natural materials that can be used or simply because the weather is getting worse and you have to keep busy at home, it doesn't matter. We need craft ideas! Especially if you have to keep several bullies busy at the same time, it can be a challenge to find craft instructions and ideas that everyone will like. So if, for example, you work with small children in kindergarten or even in the crèche and would like to try out beautiful crafts with them, suitable autumn ideas are needed. For this reason, we will show you some creative but at the same time simple craft ideas for autumn in kindergarten in this article. Whether with natural or artificial materials, there is sure to be something suitable for you.

Craft ideas for autumn in kindergarten – foxes made from leaves

  • Maple leaves (real leaves, artificial ones or cut out of paper)
  • brown or black pompoms
  • White paper eyes or googly eyes
  • Paper triangles for ears
  • Glue

Would you like to make foxes with small children in autumn? Not easier than that! Since this idea uses small parts, you should not use it for fall crafts with children3 yearschoose, unless you keep an eye on all the children so that no one swallows anything. If the children are older, these foxes are the perfect craft ideas for autumn in kindergarten. Prepare the leaves: you can collect them on a walk or draw some on paper, color them and then cut them out. If you want the project to go faster, you as an educator can simply bring some with you and distribute them among the children. Artificial leaves are also suitable.

Cut circles out of white paper for the eyes and draw the pupils in the center (or use googly eyes). Furthermore, each fox needs two ears, which are made from triangles. The triangles are now glued to a piece of paper. Glue the leaf over it and the eyes onto the leaf again. Finally, add the pompoms for the nose.

Make a wreath in the crib in the fall

  • paper plate
  • Craft paper in autumn colors
  • pom poms
  • Yarn
  • Glue

No scissors are used for this great idea for fall crafts with small children, so you can also use them for fall crafts with children under 3 years old. In this case, you can also leave out the pom-poms to avoid accidentally swallowing them. It's best to prepare the rings before the craft day by simply cutting out the inner surface of the paper plates. The children's task is then to tear the construction paper into pieces. These pieces are then glued onto the ring until it can no longer be seen.

Are you looking for fall craft ideas for kindergarten that are also suitable forSuitable for older childrenthis variant can also be selected. Then give the children a few pom-poms that they can also distribute on the wreath. Finally, the wreath is given a piece of string to hang up and the self-made autumn wreath is ready, which is the perfect gift for mom or grandma.

Pool noodle pumpkins

  • Semi-noodles
  • child-friendly colors in orange and green
  • Plastic spoon
  • sheet of paper
  • paper plate

Each child will need a ring and a rectangular or square piece of foam for the stem, all cut from the pool noodle. How many pool noodles you need depends on how many children you are looking for autumn craft ideas for in kindergarten. Pour orange paint into a paper plate and press the ring into it. In this way it turns into a stamp with which the color can now be transferred to the sheet of paper.

You then need green paint (brown is also an option), which you pick up with the rectangular or square foam and use to stamp the stems. You also paint the leaves in green, but this time you apply them with a plastic spoon.

Creative autumn tree made from pointed waste

Craft ideas for autumn in kindergarten that involve making tree toppers from a variety of materials are nothing new. We would still like to introduce you to an interesting variant that you may not know yet. The waste that is created when sharpening yellow and orange colored pencils can be used for this purpose. You simply glue them to a prepared, leafless tree and you get a beautiful autumn picture.

Stamp entire images

  • Playdough
  • cardboard
  • Colors
  • sheet of paper
  • Sponge brush

Use play dough to make beautiful autumn pictures in the form of stamps. You can then use this to transfer the image onto paper in any color. Depending on how old the children are with whom you are doing the craft, you can either let them make the picture themselves with the modeling clay or, for younger children, you can bring finished ones to class and then just let the children work with the colors.

You can implement these craft ideas for autumn in kindergarten as follows: Stick the dough onto the cardboard. You can use leftover kneading or new ones for thisdoesn't matter. The colors aren't important either because they won't be visible later anyway. Once the cardboard is glued, create a flat surfacesurface and smoothTransitions between the individual pieces of dough. You can then start engraving. Each child chooses any autumn motif (trees, pumpkins or other autumn fruits, animals such as hedgehogs, foxes or squirrels, leaves, berries, umbrella or anything else they can think of).

The motif is then engraved into the clay using a toothpick, a hair clip or another thin object. Then paint is applied with a sponge brush (autumn colors are best, of course). The clay image is then pressed onto a sheet of paper with the color facing down, which automatically transfers the autumn image.

Fall craft ideas for kindergarten with yarn for children under 3

  • cardboard
  • Wax crayons
  • Yarn

Cut out leaves from the cardboard. It is best to use different leaf shapes (maple, oak, chestnut, etc.) to create a diverse collection. The children can then color the leaves with the crayons. Autumn colors are best used for this purpose. Finally, just wrap yarn around each leaf, tie it and you're done. Multiple colors can also be combined in one sheet. Not only leaves, but also other autumn motifs can be used for these autumn craft ideas in kindergarten.

Funny autumn flowers

  • colorful autumn leaves
  • Craft paper in any fall colors
  • white paper
  • black felt-tip pen
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Straws
  • cardboard
  • The claw role
  • Bags, scraps of fabric or toilet paper to fill the toilet rolls

Cut a circle out of colorful construction paper. Next you will need two small circles of white paper to make the eyes. Glue them to the front of the large circle and draw a face with the felt-tip pen. Glue the leaves onto the back, which will then turn into petals. Glue another paper circle over it, also fixing a straw at the same time.

Next, make a stand in which you can place the flower. To do this, cut the toilet roll on one of the two sides as shown in the instructions. Fold the resulting tabs outwards and use them to glue the roll onto a piece of cardboard. Stuff the roll with any materials that will help hold the flower upright and the fall flower is ready.

Make funny creatures yourself

  • leaves
  • Stem
  • Googly eyes
  • Glue

These cute and at the same time funny craft ideas for fallKindergarden are also suitable for slightly smaller children. And all that needs to be done is to glue the leaves onto a piece of paper and then add googly eyes. Little monsters arise when the leaves get more than just two eyes. Googly eyes in different sizes can also be combined. A mouth can again be designed by using the stems of the leaves. But a simple felt-tip pen is also suitable. With these few steps you can create beautiful autumn pictures that the children can then give as gifts or hang up in kindergarten.

Lion made of leaves

  • 1 yellow paper plate
  • yellow craft paper
  • brown leaves with stems
  • 1 black pompom
  • 2 Plastic spoons
  • black Sharpie
  • Hot glue gun with glue

First, prepare the required items. Cut out the ears from the yellow paper, break off the spoon handles (you don't need these) and paint the spoons with the Sharpie as shown to create pupils. Cut the stems of the leaves and save six of them.

Now glue the eyes, nose and ears to and on the plate. Use Sharpie to draw the mouth underneath the nose and then glue the stems for the whiskers in place. Turn the plate over and glue the leaves along the edge until they are all the way around and there are no gaps. The original lion is already ready as craft ideas for autumn in kindergarten.

Autumn tree made of buttons

  • Buttons in fall colors (yellow, orange, red, brown, beige, purple, purple, burgundy, burgundy, etc.)
  • Sheet of paper or canvas
  • Glue

The trunk can be designed in many different ways: either you print out a finished one or you paint it freehand on a piece of paper or canvas. You can also use finger paint and transfer the print of the hand and arm onto the surface and you have a tree trunk with branches. Instead of a tree, a branch can also be designed. In this case, pre-paint it or use a real branch with many smaller branches to imitate a branch.

No matter which variant you choose, the goal is to get the tree or branchto design with colorful buttons. These are first carefully distributed and arranged on the picture and along the branches. Once you are happy with the arrangement, you can glue the buttons in place.

Make crafts with playdough in the fall and keep small children busy

  • Autumn pictures
  • Play dough in matching colors

You can prepare any autumn pictures for this idea. Find different motifs on the Internet and then circle thempaint or drawCreate the motifs freehand. That doesn't matter. Trees, leaves, pumpkins, hedgehogs, mushrooms and more are suitable. You will also need modeling clay in different colors that can be used for the respective motifs. Once you have gathered everything together, you can implement these interesting craft ideas for autumn in kindergarten:

Every child gets onepicture and the appropriate oneAdd dough (e.g. yellow, orange andRed for a leaf, gray, blue and white for a rain cloud, red and white for a toadstool and so on). For this purpose, the dough should first be formed into a thin roll and then cut into slices. The children then stick these discs onto the marked points in the picture. You can help smaller children by coloring the dots in advance. Then you know straight away where which color goes.

You can also come up with pictures with other materials that you combine with the clay. A great example is the rain cloud above, which used white and blue cotton wool in addition to blue playdough. A tree could, in turn, receive branches from thin sticks. Be creative!