If you're stressed about wedding preparations, make sure you don't forget even the smallest details. Because in addition to the wedding cake, the table decorations, the wedding dress and the dishes, there is an important little thing that primarily concerns the groom. What is meant, of course, is the wedding boutonniere. If you choose bright colors for her, you can be sure that she will go well with any type of suit, whether it is light or dark.
Suitable forromantic autumn weddingFall colors like orange and red are best. You can also choose traditional flowers like roses or try something more original. For example, calla and buttercups are suitable for this. It would be just as extravagant and creative if you used a feather or autumn leaves as an accent. For a rustic version that is also more neutral, use ears of wheat and berries. In the following gallery we have different and pretty variants for you to choose between.
Stylish groom jewelry in flaming autumn colors
Floral accessory decorated with feathers
Boutonniere aus Weizenähren
Flower arrangement with berries
Autumn flowers for groom
Fragrant orchid – ideal as a buttonhole flower
Jewelry for the groom - flower on the lapel, pocket square and bow tie
Extravagant for autumn