Design a wedding guest book – 18 original ideas and alternatives

The wedding is a very special day in the life of the bride and groom that will remain in their memories forever. Although the wedding photos are a wonderful souvenir of this big day, a beautifully designed wedding guest book can also be used to preserve the memories and congratulations of the guests, which the bride and groom can look back on after many years. If you would also like to design an elegant wedding guest book for your wedding, then you have found it here. We have put together some original ideas and great alternatives that will certainly give you great joy even after the wedding celebration.

Design your own traditional wedding guest book

The typical wedding guest book is a large book with blank pages in which guests can write down appropriate sayings, their congratulations or an anecdote from the celebration. Since there are no special requirements, you can design this completely individually. The color and design can be adapted to the theme of the wedding. For example, you can write your names and wedding date on the cover page in a beautiful font and further decorate the book with a pretty bow. There are no limits to your creativity.

As an important part of the wedding celebration, the guest book should be placed in a visible place so that it attracts the attention of the guests. A separate table that is decorated with the colors and motifs of the wedding is best suited for this. You can, for example, set this up at the entrance and provide it with a suitable sign. This means that as many guests as possible can leave their personal entry.

If you want a very special guest book for your wedding, you can have a book cover made out of wood. Wooden guest books are currently very trendy and are perfect for weddings in different styles. With a suitable engraving, the book can be individually designed and remains as a beautiful memory of this special day for years to come.

However, many wedding guests are overwhelmed by finding the right words. For those who do not want to write sayings and quotes in the guestbook, you can ask a few questions that should be answered in the book. Here are a few examples:

  • What is the recipe for a good marriage?
  • Where do you see the bride and groom in 5/10/20 years?
  • What is your favorite memory of the newlyweds?

Creative design

More and more often, guest books for weddings are not designed as books, but as a beautiful board with congratulations or signatures. In this way, the bride and groom can hang the guest board on the wall and use it to decorate their apartment. The board with congratulations and anecdotes can also be individually designed so that it matches the interior design of the bride and groom's apartment.

If you would like to make an original guest table yourself, you can use a wooden pallet. This can be painted with paint and adapted to the wedding decoration. To write down the congratulations, you should also prepare suitable pens that are suitable for writing on wood.

Another popular alternative is the so-calledFingerprint tree. To do this, a tree is first painted or printed on a canvas and then the wedding guests are asked to leave their fingerprint somewhere on the branches of the tree with finger paint. The names of the bride and groom can be written underneath, as well as the wedding date. A canvas like this works just as well as a beautiful wall decoration that reminds you of the big day.

If you would like to design the wedding guest book as a beautiful table, you can cover a canvas with paper hearts. The guests should then write a loving saying or congratulations into each heart. The hearts must be as many as the guests so that no empty heart is left.

With a display case and small wooden hearts you can create an original design that is a loving decoration for your shared apartment. Guests should write their names and a one-word wish on the heart and place it in the display case.

Original alternatives

If you are looking for a great alternative, you can design it as a message in a bottle. A total of five bottles are designed for entries - one for each of the first five wedding days. The guests can decide for themselves which bottle to put their guestbook entry in.

The wishing tree is another great way to receive wedding guests' congratulations in a creative way. This requires some green branches arranged in a beautiful vase and decorated accordingly. Next to the vase there should be several pieces of paper with hangers on which guests can write a memory or a nice quote.

If you want to leave enough space for longer congratulations, sayings and anecdotes, you can design this as a box. Next to it, place several personalized index cards that fit into the box. If you decorate the box, you can use it as a very special decoration after the wedding.

Design a different wedding guest book

The alternatives are simply endless and can be particularly individual. For example, if the bride and groom like to travel, a globe can be used as a guest book. Using the napkin technique, you can design the globe in any color so that it matches the color scheme. Then guests can write on it with matching pens.

For music enthusiasts, various musical instruments can be turned into a guest book. Old records, for example, have a great vintage look and are also perfect as decoration. They will certainly not fail to attract the attention of guests at the wedding reception and will be a lasting memory that you can look forward to for a long time.

Another great idea for the music fans are these guitars. Each guest can write a few nice words on it or just leave their initials. When the bride and groom play the guitar after the wedding, they are reminded of the beautiful celebration.

If you want to create a really creative wedding guest book, you can prepare origami cranes for congratulations. In Japan, the crane symbolizes luck and longevity, which is why it is perfect for a wedding.

Here you will find a nice idea. which is perfect for wine lovers. In this case, instead of sheets of paper, wine corks are provided for short congratulations. You can then use this to create a beautiful decoration that will be a lasting reminder of wonderful moments with friends and family.