Wall wallpapers are in demand again – wallpaper types and designs at a glance

Wall wallpapers have an extremely exciting history behind them: once they adorned every wall, then they were spurned as unimaginative and old-fashioned. But now they have fought their way back into the selection of interior designers. No wonder, as the wall paper is available in very different materials and in various designs that leave hardly any design wishes unfulfilled.

Wall wallpapers are not the same as wallpapers - differentiation between wall coverings

These days, not all wallpaper is the same. In this paragraph, the focus should first be on the material. However, a distinction is also made based on the structure of the surface, the quality of the color and the coating. You can read about the general grouping of wall coveringsin there DIN EN 235, which names eight types of wall coverings:

1.) Wall covering made of plastic (with paper backing)
2.) Wall covering made of plastic (without paper backing)
3.) Wall coverings made from natural materials
4.) Paper wall coverings
5.) Wandbekleidung aus Textil
6.) Wall coverings made of velours
7.) Wandbekleidung aus Vlies
8.) Wallcovering with a metal effect

The more eye-catching the wallpaper is, the more minimalist the rest of the interior design should be

But now to the two most well-known types of wallpaper: non-woven and paper wallpaper. Non-woven wallpapers are particularly popular because they are extremely stable. A lengthy soaking of the wallpaper is not necessary. You can do it easily and, above all, quicklyNon-woven wallpapers can be glued to the wall using wall adhesive technology. Paper wallpapers are - as the name suggests - made of paper that is printed in multiple colors during production. A special form, embossed wallpaper, is not only printed with color, but also embossed with a relief. Duplex wallpapers are wall wallpapers that have a two-layer embossing - and are therefore very dimensionally stable.

Wall wallpapers at a glance – which wallpaper fits which wall?

Simply because of the fact that a range of eight different wall coverings was initially presented, it is now necessary to provide an explanation as to which wall covering fits on which wall. The following table is intended to be a useful reference work.

Type of wallpaperAdvantagesDisadvantagessuitable for …
Fleece tapetesNon-woven wallpapers can be processed immediately because the material does not have to soak through first.The wallpaper can only be removed when renovating if the surface has been properly prepared. A very special paste must be applied.Non-woven wallpapers can withstand water and steam and are therefore also a conceivable option in the bathroom and kitchen.
Paper wallpapersPaper wallpapers are the classics of yesteryear, only today they are available in gathered, wrinkled or even embossed versions. Basically, the thicker the wallpaper is, the better its quality is.If the quality is poor, the paper wallpaper can quickly tear. Processing is also more tedious than with non-woven wallpaper because the paste has to be absorbed and the wallpaper has to soak through.Paper wallpaper is the classic that can be installed anywhere where a drier climate prevails.
Plastic wallpapersThe new generation of plastic wallpaper is characterized by a natural carrier material (paper) and a plastic application.If it is plastic wallpaper that is made entirely of plastic, the sealing of the masonry is too tight. That's why these plastic wallpapers are not recommended for living rooms.Washable, waterproof, dirt-resistant. These three properties make plastic wallpaper a classic in small, damp rooms.
Natural material wallpapersThe most natural variant of wall covering in terms of appearance and content is natural material wallpaper, which can be made from leaves, grass and cork.This type of wallpaper is often still made by hand, which also affects the price. It is not suitable for every room.Natural material wallpapers are small works of art that should be placed accordingly. In the study, for example, you can create a wonderful ambience. They are also popular in the living room.
Photo wallpapersPhoto wallpapers put the chosen wall in the spotlight perfectly because they are usually installed over the entire surface.It takes a lot of practice to wallpaper photo wallpaper professionally without leaving white edges visible. Ultimately, a complete work should be created.A photo wallpaper can conjure up a view of the sea in the bedroom or visually transport the sandy beach into the living room. It is also suitable in the children's room if the child has a special hobby that should also be incorporated visually.
VelourtapetenThe surface of velor wallpaper is particularly soft and therefore has many fans.Care and experience are necessary to put velor wallpaper on the wall.Velor wallpaper must be placed as a highlight. This also means that they are primarily installed at specific points rather than throughout the room.
Metal Effect WallpaperAluminum foils, which are applied to paper or non-woven fabric, create the unique look of this wallpaper.The basic requirement is a level surface, as any unevenness will be visible here.A metal effect wallpaper brings a wow factor into the room. This wallpaper is particularly suitable in the dining area if it is luxuriously furnished.

Trend report: What’s currently popular on the wall?

Looking at the trendiest walls of 2016, patterns and pastel tones, opulent designs and used-look variants can be seen,as this gallery reveals. This is a particularly clever and rare modelBrick wallpaper variant, which - based on the trend of highlighting individual walls with walls - is presented as a practical non-woven wallpaper that no longer requires walling stone on stone.

The photo wallpaper behind the table sets the scene perfectly for the dining area

Figure 4, 5: pixabay.com © keresi72 (CC0 Public Domain)
Abbildung 6: pixabay.com © PublicDomainPictures (CC0 Public Domain)