You can organize a bilingual wedding successfully with these tips!

Bilingual partnerships are particularly interesting. When different cultures meet and are connected with love, it's a really pleasant thing. It's also a good idea to include the two languages ​​at the wedding. And especially if some of the guests do not understand the other language, it is important that they are taken into consideration so that they do not get bored and also to show them a certain amount of respect. After all, these guests were kind enough to honor you at your wedding. But what seems like an easy task at first glance can turn out to be a difficult challenge once planning begins. What is the best way to organize a wedding that includes both languages? With our tips you will definitely succeed!

A bilingual wedding with the right service providers

A wedding planner who speaks both languages ​​is a great relief. So if you are planning to hire a planner to plan your bilingual wedding reception, ask around to see if you can find a suitable one. The same also applies to the photographer and any other service providers. In this way, the service providers can communicate directly with the guests and do not have to contact you specifically to translate. Alternatively, you can also hire an interpreter. But this would cover the costs of thisalready expensive wedding celebrationincrease even more. With a bilingual service provider, you will be amazed at how easy wedding planning can be.

Planning a website for the celebration

Creating a website is anything but unusual these days. And if you are organizing a bilingual wedding, this is even recommended. On such a website you can inform your guests about various things in advance in both languages. This includes, among other things, the story of how you met, but also some information about the wedding program, how to get there and possible hotels. It is also the perfect way to inform all your guests about the special features of both cultures and thus arouse their interest. You will be prepared for the fact that foreign traditions will be brought into the celebration and everyone will definitely look forward to that.

Contribute to a pleasant trip

Of course, it may be that some of the guests even have to travel from another country. It's only natural that you as the bride and groom are there to help with planning and booking and help wherever you can so that thetrip is as pleasant as possible. This also includes accommodation where the respective foreign language is spoken. “Other countries, other customs” is a well-known saying and you shouldn’t forget that. Even if you want to celebrate your wedding in another country where the guests also have to travel, there are a lot of things to keep in mind: You shouldn't drink tap water everywhere, but rather rely on bottled mineral water. Every country handles tips differently and in a foreign country it is also important that your passport is always with you everywhere. All of this is important information that you and of course your guests should familiarize themselves with. And this is where the website comes into play again, which simplifies the whole thing and proves to be a useful aid when organizing a bilingual wedding reception.

Written elements in both languages ​​for the wedding

This means invitation cards,Save the Date Karten, the menu, the program and the like. Of course, everything you plan to do in one language should also be done in the other. Here are a few tips:

The invitation cards

There are two options available to you if you are planning a bilingual wedding celebration: Either you have a model designed that contains the same text in both languages ​​or you order two designs - one in one language and another in the other. It is best to find out whether there is a difference in price depending on the variant. Then it might be easier for you to decide. The first variant with both languages ​​in one is definitely a great way to prepare all guests for the upcoming bilingual and bicultural event. You are also welcome to come up with a design yourself that suits your taste and needs. There are various printable templates available on the Internet that you can use for this purpose.

The same applies here as with the invitation cards: both languages ​​are a must so that every guest understands and knows what is coming up. Plus, this way no one feels left out. How would you feel if you were invited to a party and didn't understand anything? You should always remember this! And when it comes to design and creation, you can merge both cultures. Just like you do as future spouses. Use photos or motifs that symbolize both cultures and create a more familiar atmosphere for guests when organizing the bilingual wedding.

Various signs

You may also decorate the location with someSigns and signs. This is the perfect way to do this in two languages. So when you are planning the wedding reception, keep this little thing in mind. Signposts and other types of signs in both languages ​​are useful for everyone present. A fun idea to make this even more interesting for guests is to place signs on the tables with phrases with pronunciation and everything in both languages. Surely some people are interested in learning new foreign words and testing them on site.

A bilingual wedding officiant for the wedding reception

It would be perfect if you can find a wedding officiant who speaks both languages. After all, the wedding ceremony is the most important part of the celebration. If every speech, every phrase and every other statement is repeated in both languages, it not only becomes annoying in the long run, but also ruins the day that was so carefully planned. A bilingual wedding officiant, on the other hand, can assess exactly what is best translated and in what way, because not everything is necessary. For example, it is not necessary for you to recite your vow twice. The second time it would lose its magic anyway.

Instead, you can print it in the other language in the program or you can come up with a nice idea with a projector. Alternatively, after making your vows, you can simply have someone give a beautiful speech in their native language. The variants are numerous. It is also important that the speeches are kept as short as possible so as not to bore guests who do not understand anything. If you can, you can combine several languages ​​in one speech. It's relatively complicated, but it's interesting and makes everyone listen attentively. With a little creativity you can organize and plan something original for the wedding.

Schedule a guest as a translator

If you have a friend who also speaks the foreign language and is also invited, you can ask them to be available if you have any questions. This does not mean that he should act as a free translator all the time. After all, he came to have fun and celebrate your day. No, what is meant is that it should help if someone is not coping and needs help. He'll definitely enjoy doing that, don't you think?

Organize a multicultural wedding celebration

When planning your wedding day, be sure to incorporate traditions from both cultures. Because the best and easiest communication still occurs through body language. You can include traditional food in the menu or play music that is typical of your homeland. In this way, some will get to know more about the other culture, while others will be proud to see that you, the bride and groom, appreciate the traditions and want to continue them.

All in all, you don't need to worry about whether everyone understands every detail during the celebration. This isn't important at all, nor is it necessary, as long as every element of the program is of a comfortable length. It is more important to ensure that everyone feels comfortable, welcome and part of the family or circle of friends. The emotions themselves will do the rest - because who doesn't understand laughter and tears of joy?