14 wedding games for guests and have real fun at the wedding

As perhaps everyone knows from their own experience, imaginative wedding games ensure the real fun at the wedding. They can be divided into two groups: for the wedding guests and for the bride and groom. Funny wedding games for guests lighten the atmosphere and usually have the purpose of entertaining the wedding party. The right time for the games depends primarily on individual circumstances and wedding planning. This should ideally bridge the breaks between the small events during the wedding celebration and improve the mood. In addition, it is the right time for guests to get to know each other better.

When planning a wedding, you don't have to plan fixed times for the games, but rather proceed with a bit of sensitivity, as a little variety is always good for the mood. So that you feel comfortable and can enjoy the wedding menu, the festive meal is definitely not the right time for wedding games. There should also perhaps be opportunities to have one or another conversation with the people sitting next to you at the table. Ideally, the individual games are coordinated and organized in such a way that they are as varied as possible. Funny quiz games are a wonderful complement to more serious speeches. This means that guests feel constantly entertained and there is definitely no chance of boredom. For the course of the celebration are usuallythe witnesses are responsible. You should also discuss all wedding games with the bride and groom, because games that may make the bride and groom uncomfortable have no place at the wedding reception.

Fun games break the ice

Guests from different regions who don't know each other often come to a wedding. There are wedding games that quickly ensure that everyone involved gets to know each other better. This is how the ice is broken, a relaxed atmosphere is created and people really enjoy themselves at the wedding. Maybe it makes sense to play the “who’s who” game at the beginning. This requires a captain who can speak freely. He stands in the middle of the hall and asks funny questions that have a relationship with the bride and groom or the bride:

Who has known the bride and groom for more than ten years?
Who has ever been on vacation with the bride and groom?
Who knows a secret of the bride and groom?
Who knows when the bride/groom's birthday is?
Who went to the same school as the bride/groom?
Who cooked with the bride and groom?
Who has already had a glass or two of wine with the bride and groom?

The game leader asks the guests to first introduce themselves and then briefly answer the question.


The volunteers who will take part should not be persuaded to do so. After all, everyone shouldGuest at the weddingfeel good. People who don't want to take part don't have to take part. Perhaps you could find out from the witnesses or even the bride and groom which guests would like to take part in which games and appoint them as “volunteers” when planning the wedding games.

14 tolleWedding gamesfor guests

We've collected 14 great, fun wedding games for guests, but they're just a selection of the most popularWedding party games. There are no limits to your own creativity and of course there are many others and some that the bride and groom can also take part in.


A great surprise for the wedding and particularly pleasant for the bride and groom and their guests is the idea of ​​the 52 postcard wedding game. All guests can take part. 52 postcards are required, which can be designed yourself or purchased ready-made. They are then filled out by the guests with nice greetings, wishes, invitations, surprises or sayings. All of them are collected directly at the wedding and sent to the bride and groom as traditional postcards week after week within the first year of marriage. This wedding game is a nice way to enrich the bride and groom with positive moments a year after the wedding celebration.

Guestbook chronicle

The guestbook chronicle is much more original than a classic guestbook. It's also a nice way to wake up the wedding party and lighten the mood. A creative guest book is simply designed as a chronicle in poster format and attached to a wall using poster strips or adhesive strips. A timeline divides the bride and groom's life into equal periods of time and can be further divided if desired. The guests immortalize moments from the couple's life and can enter funny, romantic or touching memories. All important moments find their place on the timeline. Just like in a guest book, each of the guests is welcome to leave a kind word or a drawing on the memento. You can use any pen that is at hand. This easy handling makes the timeline an eye-catcher and underlines the uniqueness of this wedding game.

Wedding time capsule

The time capsule is a wonderful wedding idea that is different from the other wedding games and could not be unpleasant or embarrassing for the guests. However, this great wedding custom will remind you of the happy event many years later. For the time capsule, each wedding guest should bring something small, very personal about themselves that has a connection to the bride and groom. You can also write something down. Everything is then placed in a festively decorated bucket, sealed and buried for a long time. On the tenth wedding anniversary (i.e. after ten years), the couple should try to bring all their friends and guests back together to dig up the time capsule. This means marriage can be celebrated in a new way.
Optionally, you can use a snap camera to take lots of photos of yourself and the other wedding guests. The best ones are locked in a beautiful box and the rest can be taken away by those involved as a souvenir. If you wish, you can also get a bottle of wine and some decorations from the wedding reception. The bride and groom are only allowed to open the box after a wedding anniversary.

Heliumballonslet rise

The wedding game with helium balloons is a perfect time for great shots. When organizing the game, enough helium balloons should be provided for all wedding guests. A card is attached to each helium balloon on which each guest can write congratulations or kind words. When writing it down, it is particularly important to include the address of the bride and groom. Then all the balloons are released at the same time. If someone finds one of the postcards and sends it to the bride and groom, it would be a really nice surprise.

Wedding quiz

The topics for the wedding quiz must concern and relate to the bride and groom. Questions about how the two of them got to know each other, right down to the time and place of their first kiss, are welcome. After all, the bride and groom are the main characters. The questions should be asked of volunteer wedding guests. The winner is the person who knows the most about the bride and groom and has guessed the correct answers. He can also receive a small gift or a prize in return.

Wedding puzzles

Similar to the quiz, a wedding puzzle is designed. This is built around the bride and groom with very individual questions. Here it makes sense to first create a solution sentence and then insert suitable words. The enthusiasm of everyone involved is usually much greater when it is an individually tailored puzzle. Each wedding guest then receives a printout of the wedding puzzle and everyone begins to answer it at the same time. The first to solve the puzzle wins the game. To make it even more exciting, the bride and groom can also take part in the competition at the same time. As a prize, the young family takes the winner out to dinner.

PersonalizedWorld mapas a travel guide

Traveling is a popular leisure activity for most young people. There is also a tradition of going on a trip immediately after the wedding. A fun and extremely creative wedding game with the theme of “travel” is a personalized world map that enriches the bride and groom with little tips about their future travel destinations. A large world map is required, which is mounted on a stable surface, such as cardboard. Wedding guests who feel like it can give their travel tips directly on the card and leave a fingerprint signature on it. In this way, a fingerprint is placed on a beautiful place that you have already visited. In addition, each guest writes down a short insider tip about the respective location. It could be a reference to a great restaurant or shop or perhaps a tip about where you can rent a car cheaply.


Many wedding customs more or less ignore the guests and focus primarily on the bride and groom. With great activities like Photo Booth you can get all wedding guests involved and actively participate in the celebration. Photo booth accessories invite you to a fun shoot. The funny, varied photos with a high memorable value increase the good mood and are always a good party idea. A separate area is designed and lavishly decorated for this wedding game. Fun accessories are provided with which guests can dress up in an imaginative and fun way. Various accessories such as: nerd glasses, mustache, huge lips, large bow tie, feather boa, colorful balloons, giant tie and much more can be used wonderfully. A background or a beautifully decorated wall is certainly time-consuming to design, but it will be the perfect backdrop for great shots.

“Mannagainst woman”

The bride and groom can take part in this wedding game, but it doesn't just have to be couples, but also women and men who like to play. They are divided into two teams: women's and men's teams. Then three disciplines will be created for men and three for women. Here we present a few inspirations:

Women's team:
Which lady can tie a man's tie best?
Who can open a beer bottle with a lighter or somehow without a beer opener?
Who can drive a nail into a wooden board the fastest?

Men's team:
Who can fold a T-shirt the most beautifully?
Who can sew on a button the fastest and most beautifully?
Who can peel a potato the fastest?

Of course, different disciplines can be devised, but there don't have to be too many. It is then left to the audience to decide who the winner is.

Dance gamesfor guests

In addition to the classic wedding games, fun dance games really lighten up the atmosphere and are a real icebreaker. You don't necessarily have to be good at dancing to have fun. This also attracts a lot of guests to the dance floor, which can otherwise be a challenge. Each dance game requires different accessories and supplies that must be provided to the volunteers.

Balloon dance:Inflated balloons are required for the balloon dance - one balloon for each dancing couple. The balloon must first be held with their heads, later possibly with their bodies, but it must not fall to the ground. At the same time, the couple dances to the beat of the music. The game continues until only one couple remains on the dance floor.
Fin dance:The fin dance definitely looks fun for everyone outside of the dance floor. Each volunteer first puts on flippers and tries to perform an elegant dance. The game can also be played as a couples game, but it doesn't have to be.

High-five dance:Many guests don't dare to step on the dance floor, so the high-five dance is always a good idea to break the ice. First, the bride and groom demonstrate a few steps of a simple dance and then each choose a new partner. The new couples try to imitate the dance steps. After a few minutes, other guests are also invited until you manage to get the entire wedding party onto the dance floor.
Pillow dance:The pillow dance is a little-known wedding game for guests who are quickly encouraged to dance. All you need is an old pillow. A gentleman grabs this from the wedding guests and uses it to look for a potential dance partner. He places the pillow in front of her feet, kneels and kisses her hand. Then the two of them have to dance together on the cushion. Now the lady passes the pillow on to another gentleman, who can now choose a potential dance partner whom he can invite. The dance game continues like this. It usually becomes very funny when the pillow ends up in the possession of a child.

So that you can remember the happy event for a long time, the wedding games for guests should be made as fun and entertaining as possible. With the right wedding planning and preparation, all small events during the celebration are sure to be successful and a high fun factor is guaranteed. But if you are under time pressure and want to get the game preparations over with more quickly, then you can simply use ready-made play sets.