Outdoor wedding tips, amaze all your wedding guests

Outdoor weddingis really great. But it can also lead to make-up disasters if the bride is not prepared with rescue tools such as blotting paper and waterproof mascara. In this article, we have some helpful outdoor wedding tips to help you avoid makeup and photography issues. This way your wedding will be perfect.

Makeup Tips for Outdoor Wedding – Prepare the skin

One of the most important tips for theOutdoor weddingRegarding makeup, before you start applying makeup and applying makeup in general, first of all, thoroughly prepare the T-zone on the face. This is also what Amanda Shackleton, celebrity hairstylist and make-up artist, recommends.

First step for the perfect makeup at an outdoor wedding

The bride should also use blotting paper to enhance the makeup rather than constantly re-powdering. “The primer should be a mineral foundation. This applies not only to the coverage, but also to the existing SPF,” recommends Heather Adessa, company director and senior make-up artist atGlo Beauty Barin Mamaroneck, New York in one of her makeup tips for theOutdoor wedding. “Mineral foundation has a sun protection factor of 4 to 22, depending on the brand and consistency.”

Important tip when applying make-up - avoid lip gloss

It's best to stay away from lip gloss and rely on matte lips. Shackleton warns: “You won’t want a wind to pick up during the wedding and your hair to stick to your lips. What a disaster on that oneOutdoor wedding!

Use waterproof make-up

Whether your wedding is outdoors, indoors, daytime or evening, you should definitely choose waterproof makeup. Shackleton says she always uses waterproof makeup. To help with her wedding makeup tips, she reveals that she starts with a mattifying primer and then applies a silicone primer, gel eyeliner, and waterproof mascara to keep it from smudging. Finally, she uses a finishing spray to set the make-up.

Note the time of day

The time of day the wedding will take place also determines what kind of makeup you should choose. “The sun is strongest in the early afternoon and is directly overhead. “It’s not the most flattering light and can cast shadows under the eyes,” says Shackleton in one of her wedding makeup tips. For weddings that take place in the early afternoon, she uses a concealer that contains a little highlighter so that the sun's light is reflected back and the skin under the eyes doesn't look tired and dark. Other outdoor wedding tips include also choosing lighter makeup overall for this time of day than she would for later weddings. She uses a little more color on the lips and cheeks and makes the eyes appear simpler. “No bride wants to be seen wearing excessive makeup in broad daylight,” she says.

Wedding ceremony in the evening

For weddings that take place later in the day, Shackleton emphasizes the eyes with a little more eyeliner, eyeshadow, or both. “The dimming light is beautiful and as it gets dark and candles and lanterns are lit, you will need more emphasis on the eyes,” she says.

The outdoor photos

For an outdoor wedding, it's not just important what makeup you choose. That's why we have a few professional wedding tips that will explain which lighting is most beneficial for the photos. Alissa Pagels, manager of internal communicationsGeorge Street Photo & Video, shares some outdoor wedding tips from George Street on how the bride and groom will look best in your wedding photos.

Lighting and temperature

“One of the biggest differences between outdoor and indoor weddings is the lighting and temperature,” explains Pagels. “During an indoor wedding ceremony, the wedding photographer has to deal with the dim lighting and limited space. AtWeddingsoutdoors can present many more challenges. The most difficult thing is when the outdoor wedding is accompanied by strong sun. Then your guests will most likely be squinting, sweating and wearing sunglasses. The sun will also cast unfavorable shadows under the nose and eyes.”

Under white canopy

According to Pagels' outdoor wedding tips, the best option for a perfect outdoor wedding is a large, white garden tent. “White textiles diffuse light on a sunny day, creating a generally pleasant glow. Also, at sunset, photographers can put their spotlights on top to avoid direct flashes.”

Photos in the garden

“It may also be that the photographer decides to “flip” the celebration so that the sun is behind the guests and uses a flash to add fill light,” she says.

Nature in the background

A great way to avoid the strong midday sun is for everyone present to be in an open shade area, such as a dense forest area or the shady side of a building. The best technique is to start with optimal conditions rather than trying to fight the strong, direct sun,” says Pagels in one of her outdoor wedding tips.

Steps to the perfect photo

“It’s the photographer’s job to take care of the right lighting,” she explains in one of her tips for outdoor weddings. “Sometimes the bride and groom don’t realize that they are in strong sunlight and it is the photographer’s job to explain to them what conditions are best for the photos.”

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