Decoration for Mother's Day - organize a festive brunch

On May 10, 2015, all mothers worldwide will be pampered - with small gifts, flowers and of course a festive brunch. Of course, homemade decorations are part of Mother's Day. We’ll show you 25 creative ideas – get inspired!

The small, simple wooden table shines in cheerful colors. The chairs are decorated with satin ribbons in orange and grass green, the table itself is covered with a cool tablecloth - the originally white cover has been embellished with children's prints in green and orange. Large bouquet of seasonal flowers - roses, lilies of the valley and carnations attracts attention. Mom will be filled with delicious delicacies –Torte, fruit salad and lemonade and surprised with gifts from the kitchen /jam/.

Paper Napkin Rings – for the project pictured above you will need white paper, scissors, tape, satin ribbon, watercolors. Simply cut a rectangle out of paper and decorate it with fingerprints. Then glue the two ends together and decorate with a satin bow.

Paper place cards – print and cut out a butterfly silhouette on colorful paper. Arrange the butterflies on the plates and lovingly decorate with lavender/carnation flowers/rose petals.

Beautify the bowl and vase with homemade stickers - this is how it isnice decorationcomplete.