Crafting with paper plates for Easter and spring

When it comes to crafts with kids, paper plates are a really great material. They are round, (usually) white, can be decorated in any way you like and cost almost nothing. Because of their round shape, various animals or animal masks can be made really easily by hand. The children also find it really interesting that so many different crafts can be created from a simple plate. If you are currently looking for craft projects for your children, then you have come to the right place. Here you'll find lots of inspiration for crafting with paper plates for Easter and spring, as well as a few step-by-step instructions.

What can you make with disposable plates for Easter?

Even a single paper plateis completely enough to make something nice. At Easter you can of course try out typical motifs such as Easter bunnies, chicks and baskets of eggs. DifferentSpring motifs like flowers, butterflies or small insects are also popular. After all, Easter is a spring festival and everything that belongs to spring can of course also be used as Easter decorations.

With a few supplies, any paper plate can be turned into a beautiful craft. You can use whatever you want. Although paper is the most common choice, crafts can be really creative using items around the home. Let your creativity flow and try out different combinations of craft materials. For example, you can use cotton wool to make fluffy bunnies or sheep, whereaswith some feathersa chick is quickly created.

When you think of crafting with paper plates, craft ideas for round things come to mind. However, a cardboard plate offers a significantly larger selection of ideas. Because the round plates can be cut out and cut as desired when crafting. You can then glue the different parts together or, most easily, attach them with a stapler. Small Easter baskets made from paper plates, for example, are a cool idea for egg hunts.

Craft ideas with paper plates for Easter and spring

The ideas we have collected in this post are easy to follow and therefore perfect for children. Some of them still have picture instructions showing the individual steps. Browse through the creative craft projects for children and try them out yourself at home. We wish you a lot of fun and a nice Easter!

Make your own Easter bunny shoulder bag

Make simple bunny ears

Craft ideas for cute Easter bunnies

Easter baskets made from paper plates

Make cute animals

Bird nests as a craft idea for spring

Chicks and rabbits in the egg

Paint paper plates red and turn them into ladybugs

Butterfly craft projects