DIY animal masks made of paper plates as an accessory to the carnival costume

If you want to come in carnival in carnival despite the pandemic, lockdown and other restrictions, just because you love this festival, you can also at homeA little partyOrganize for your own family. It may also be a small festival for the children who are still going to the daycare center. Either way, you also need cladding and animals are particularly popular with children. And how good that the selection there is so big! The perfect accessory, if you don't want to make up the child or just don't have the talent for it, is of course the mask. You can make these particularly quickly and easily if you use paper plates or use it as a basis. We now show you how you can make animal masks made of paper plates for carnival.

Crafts animal masks made of paper plate to the carnival - countless masks, a basis

Regardless of which model you choose, everyone usually has one thing together, namely halve this for all animal masks made of paper plates and equip it with two holes for the eyes. This variant is particularly suitable for smaller children so that the entire face is not covered. But you can also make simple animal masks from the whole plate. We have provided some examples for both variants. Furthermore, you can use both fully colored plates as well as white ones that you simplypaint with acrlylyl(for example if you cannot find the right colors).

Then you canMask for the carnivalwith rubber for tying or with a rod to hold on. If the mask is to get a rubber and is worn for a long time, a wider model is recommended, as the thin ones often start to cord in the area of ​​the ears over time.

A wide variety of things are suitable for sticking sticks: a wooden stick, wooden spatula (ice cream steam), a straw,Wire or pipe cleanerOr even real branches. In principle, you have free choice. Depending on how old the children are that will carry the animal masks made of paper plates to the carnival, it is best to choose the staff. Straws are particularly harmless, while a wooden rod could, for example, cause injuries when falling. The rod is attached to the back of the mask and on the side (right for right -handers, left for left -handers) or in the middle.

Tinker of the animal masks made of paper plates - tinker bear mask

The cozy bear is undoubtedly one of the classics when it comes toDesolations on any occasionsgoes. This is probably due to the fact that youCostume even with normal everyday clothing, which is nice and fluffy, can put together inexpensively. If you have exactly this carnival costume in mind, we would like to supply you with a suitable carnival mask made of paper plate. So we come to the first of our paper plates:

  • Brown paper plates or white plates and brown acrylic paint
  • brown handicraft paper or felt
  • Beiges tinker paper or felt
  • Black craft paper or felt
  • Straw or rubber
  • Glue, scissors, circle
  • Optional punch for the eyelids

Halve the plate. If you couldn't find brown paper plates, paint it with dark brown acrylic paint instead and let them dry. If necessary, apply another layer. Then draw three circles of the same size (in the example of 5.5 cm in diameter) on the beige paper and two larger ones (in the example of 9.5 cm in diameter) on the brown and cut them out (you can also record a circle, this Cut out and then use it for the bear as a handicraft template to get the other circles). Glue the light in the middle of the dark circles and the ears obtained to the side on the side of the plate.

With the third beige circle you design the bear snout by cutting out a triangle with rounded corners from the black paper and sticking it onto the circle. Attach the snout in the middle to the straight edge of the plate. Instead of paper you can tooUse felt. Stab or cut holes in the cardboard to the left and right of it. Stick the straw on the back or tie the rubber tightly (punch two small holes with a hole in the sides for the rubber).

Tinker panda

Would you like one insteadTinker panda bears, you can also use white models for the animal masks made of paper plates. Halve the plate and punch out the holes for the eyes. All around, paint the dark circles typical of Pandas with black acrylic paint or an edding. The animal ears tinker from black circles with a diameter of 7.5 cm and glue them to the side of the round cardboard side. Now you need an equilateral triangle (4.5 cm) with rounded -round corners made of black paper, which you stick between your eyes. Then attach a straw or rubber.

Tinker monkey mask

You can use the examples above in the picture for the monkey as a handicraft template, because there are several options for how to implement monkeys for animal masks made of paper plates. We particularly like the variant where the box is preserved. Simply cut part of the inside and then glue an oval element for the monkey mouth and ears. For the example at the bottom left of the picture, use two plates again - a dark browner remains intact except for the eye holes while designing the face with a beige.

Tinker horse mask

Horses and similar animals like zebras or unicorns are among the favorites this year. Here we have a few instructions on how to do such animal masks made of paper platescarnival. For a horse you can use the example from the picture above, only that you do not stick your eyes sticking, but cut it out.

Tinker carnival masks - unicorn

Even if this is a mythical creature, it is still an animal and since it is also so popular with the girls, of course it should not be missing in our list for animal masks made of paper plates. One of many possibilities follows how they have oneTinking unicorn maskcan. We explain the middle variant, but with a flower punch you can also make the other two animal masks made of paper plate. Then you get a cool frame for the face and your face remains visible.

  • White paper plate (alternatively pastel tones are also suitable)
  • Wool in purple, pink, blue, yellow, pink or other (any combinations possible)
  • white paper
  • Pink paper or felt pen
  • glittering paper (or normal paper painted colorful or designed with glitter (adhesive)
  • Black felt pen or edding
  • Wood spatula or straw
  • Glue, scissors, punch

Use the whole plate if you tinker with these children mask. Cut out the holes for the eyes. Draw an ear shape on the white paper, cut it out and use it as a template for a second. Repeat this with a smaller shape in pink or paint the pink elements with a felt pen. In the area of ​​the forehead, they punch the box a few times and tighten wool threads in any colors. Repeat this on one of the two sides. Cut out a glittering horn. Glue horn and ears on the top of the plate and draw nostrils and eyelashes with the felt pin. Finally, stick a straw or ice cream stick.


  • white paper plate
  • Black handicraft box
  • White handicraft paper
  • pink
  • Black marker or acrylic paint
  • Glue, scissors, circle

Halve the plate and punch out holes for the eyes. Cut a rectangle with the dimensions 9 x 7 cm from the craft box. On one of the shorter pages, cut the paper several times at a distance of about 2 millimeters. Leave about 2 cm on the opposite side. Apply adhesive to this vacancy and glue the rectangle in the middle to the back of the round side to get the mane.

Simply paint the zebra crossing on each side with a marker or acrylic paint. Draw an ear with a height of 6 cm on the white paper and another with 4 cm on the pink paper. Cut it out, use them as a template for another ear, cut them out and then glue the pink on the white and the finished ears on the back of the round plate side.

Tier masks made of paper plate - horse

If you want to expand the animal masks made of paper plates with an ordinary horse, you can use the same instructions as for the unicorn or zebra. All you have to do is leave out the horn or stripes and adapt the colors. With regard to the mane, you can decide for yourself whether you use paper like the zebra or wool like the unicorn. You also have free choice regarding the use of a whole or half the plate.

Tier masks made of paper plate - funny frog and cat

If you want to make a frog mask, you need half a white plate that you paint in any green tone (e.g. with acrylic paint). Draw two of the same large circles on white paper (or oval) with a circle, cut them out, draw a black dot in the middle and glue the eyes obtained on the straight edge of the plate. With acrylic paint or a felt pen, you can also draw up nostrils and mouths and glue a straw to hold the mask on the back to the back. Complete!

Tinker carnival masks from paper plates - the cat

You canFor the catCut the plate in the middle or cut the cheeks in the example by rounding off the interface towards the middle. Cut cat eyes into the plate and paint it black. From the other half of the plate, prepare the triangular nose and ears - first cut it out, then use it as a template for the second and also cut it out. Paint your ears black and, as soon as the color is dried, a red inside. The mustache can consist of thread or woolen pieces, strips of paper, pipe cleaners or similar materials. Glue all the elements and on the plate and add a straw to hold on.

Tinker pig mask

A pink plate, which you can halve or use as you wish, presents the basis for pigs as animal masks made of paper plate. Proceed with the design as with all other masks: paint the plate, cut out the eye holes and ears And glue them up. Various options are available for the pork. You can paint it from paper, felt orCut out foam rubber. However, such masks made of paper plates become even funnier if they stick on a pink cup. This is how the mask receives a 3D effect.

Tinker children's masks - more ideas

Carnival masks tinker made of paper plate - cow with flower made of felt

Make masks for animals as a costume for children and adults - cute fox

Crafting simple carnival masks - tinkering rabbits as an animal from paper plates

Animal masks tinker with a paper plate and colored paper or wool for a lion

Tinker carnival masks yourself - ideas for ox, goat, dog and koala

Read too:Crafting masks with children: Instructions for the carnival