Decoration ideas for Easter – make sweet butterflies out of paper

In 2014, Easter Sunday is on April 20th. We can hardly wait!

Christmas is barely over and we can't wait for Easter to come! Even if it's snowing outside, a touch of romance from the warm spring days can be brought into the house. We show you 27 inspiring decoration ideas for Easter with sweet butterflies made of paper.

The butterflies are traditionally associated with freedom, light-heartedness and joy in life. In Greek, the word butterfly means human soul. The affectionate insects are a popular guest in the garden - we have already given you ideas on how you can attract them to the garden. But you can also admire their beauty indoors by recreating these Easter decoration ideas. To do this you simply need the following craft materials - a stencil, pencil, colored paper /or white paper and painting mats/, scissors, glue/glue gun, glitter stones. Simply place the butterflies on the stencilPapiermark, then cut out. You can fold the butterflies in two. If desired, you can decorate the designs with glitter stones or glitter spray.

Arrangements for the table

Now only one thing remains – to show off your decorations! For example, the paper butterflies can be placed on the table and replace traditional place cards. Or you can arrange flowers and stick the paper butterflies on the vase. Hang a garland of butterflies on the window or chandelier. Decoration ideas for Easter also look super cute, where the paper butterflies are used as an accent on the children's table. These include, for example, oversized butterflies that are glued to the back of the chair or butterfly garlands that hang over the dining table.

Door wreath in fresh colors

With butterflies, eggs and chicks

Butterflies as decoration on the festive table

Make a door wreath for Easter - and decorate it with paper butterflies

Paper place cards – interesting ornaments decorate the glasses

Paper butterflies in black and white

Decorate the glasses with paper butterflies

Prepare small gifts for guests

Decorate Easter baskets and fill them with sweets

Cut out butterflies according to the template and use them to decorate the garden table

Sweet decoration idea for the children's table