Coloring eggs with onion peel: pretty Easter eggs with natural colors!

We are happy about Easter and all the creative activities and decorations that can be done at this time. Colorful eggs are of course the most popular Easter decoration and there are numerous ways to color them. Do you know that a dye can be obtained from onion peels? Yes, you can dye eggs with onion peel. Not just red onions, but white ones too. Try using our instructions and you will definitely be happy with the result!

Dyeing eggs with onion peel: what ingredients you need

You will definitely find everything you need for this Easter decoration with eggs in your kitchen. It's easy and fun to make this dye yourself from onion peels and decorate beautiful eggs.


1 dozen eggs
Peels of 10 onions
2 tablespoons red wine vinegar
Clean nylon stockings cut into 4 inch pieces
Herbs, flour and/or leaves for decoration

Step-by-step coloring instructions

Here you will find the steps on how to dye eggs with onion peel.

  • Place onion peels in a large stockpot. Make sure the eggs are clean. Lightly moisten the eggs and decorate with leaves/flour.
  • Place each egg in a piece of stocking and tie both ends together. Make sure the egg is tightly wrapped,thus the decorationstays in place.
  • Then place the prepared eggs in the pot with the onion skins. Cover with water so that it is about 3 cm above the eggs. Add the vinegar and place the pot over medium-high heat.
  • Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 20 minutes.
  • Check the eggs for the desired color. When they are ready, carefully take them out.
  • Allow to cool slightly and then remove the stockings and design pieces. Dry and oil if desired to make them shine. Blot the dyed eggs with clean paper towels and buff them with a little oil to make them shine. It's so easy and fun to dye eggs with onion peel.

Helpful tips for dyeing Easter eggs

  • You can decorate your Easter eggs with a pattern as described above, with leaves and herbs of your choice. This is where tights come in to secure the designs and transfer the color to the rest of the egg.
  • Whatever you use, moisten the egg with a little water to help it stick. Wrap it tightly in the nylon, being careful not to break the egg.
  • Put the eggs in a pot along with the onion skins. Use any size so that the prepared eggs are completely covered with water.
  • You can boil the onion peels in a solution of water and vinegar. The vinegar helps thatthe color of the eggsis absorbed. The color depends on how many onion skins you use and the color of the egg - whether it is a white or a brown egg, different shades will result.
  • Cooking the eggs directly in the dye might sound a bit risky. What if an egg breaks when submerged and the color gets inside? Adding a good amount of salt to the water will prevent the egg from breaking. And as long as you carefully dip the eggs into the water, everything will be fine.