Simple egg recipes: What to do with the leftover Easter eggs

After Easter you will definitely have a few eggs left over. If you're wondering what's best to make with them, here are 8 delicious andsimple recipes for eggsfor you.

Easy recipes for eggs – The ever-popular egg salad

There are endless and simple recipes for egg saladsboiled eggsGoes well with many vegetables and sauces. You can make a salad of boiled eggs, leeks and olives, or add cucumbers. Other good ingredients include avocado, capers and potatoes. Green salads such as garden lettuce are also popular, which you can expand with tuna, croutons or blue cheese. Boiled eggs are also delicious with guacamole or pesto sauce.

Easy Egg Recipes – Marinated Eggs

Marinated, boiled eggs go wonderfully with an evening beer. They may look strange, but they have an interesting and special taste. Prepare the marinade from vinegar, salt, onions, spices (e.g. dill, cardamom, bay leaves) and water. Some replace the water with beet juice to color the eggs. Dip the eggs in the finished marinade and leave them in a dark, cool place overnight. You can enjoy them the very next day.

Lunch for work

Use the remaining eggs to make a delicious lunch for work. Make yourself a sandwich with whole wheat bread and egg salad or egg pie with mayonnaise and cheese spread. Also add garden salad. For a more exotic menu, use burritos or empanadas instead of bread.

Simple recipes for eggs – meat delicacies

Easter eggs also go very well with meat dishes. Some people stuff minced meat with them, bread them and then fry them. Or you can stuff a meatloaf with boiled eggs. They are also deliciousvarious potato gratinswith ham or pasta casseroles with cheese and bacon to which you add eggs.

Meatballs with eggs

Easy Egg Recipes – Cute Appetizers

Boiled eggs can easily be used to create ducks, chicks, mice and other figures that will especially entice children to eat them. All you need is a little imagination, olives or peppercorns and design them. Stuffed eggs are also pretty and delicious. Prepare the filling from egg yolks, mayonnaise and soft cheese (e.g. feta). Use a piping bag to fill the egg whites. Season the whole thing with dill, parsley or leek.

Salty cake made from pancakes

The salty cake made from pancakes or egg tarts is suitable both as a starter and as a main course. You need 3 boiled eggs, which you grate or slice and distribute on the individual pancakes that you stack on top of each other. You can also add pickles, ham and a mayonnaise sauce. One piece of this cake is enough to fill you up.

Easter eggs as a garnish for soups - Simple recipes for eggs

Boiled eggs also go well with vegetable soups, especially spinach soups, dock soups, and cream of potato soup with asparagus and fresh spices. You just need to grate the boiled eggs and sprinkle them on the finished soup.

Eggs for Sunday breakfast

Simply use leftover Easter eggs for Sunday breakfast. Halve a baguette or a roll and spread it with margarine, butter or olive oil. Top with fresh tomatoes, egg and mozzarella. Bake this sandwich in the oven for 5 minutes until the mozzarella melts.

Snowman made from eggs