Make spring decorations with natural materials – ideas with wood, moss, flowers

People like to tinker with materials from nature because they can usually be found quickly, easily and cheaply in the great outdoors. In addition, things made from it have a nostalgic and pleasant aura, which is not only suitable for certain holidays, but also for any other day. If you also want to have the rustic and romantic charm in your home this coming spring, you can use the following ideas as inspiration and make a beautiful spring decoration. The suggestions for making spring decorations with natural materials are divided into three groups: You can make crafts with branches and twigs or wood, as well as with moss or flowers. Of course, the materials can also be wonderfully combined with each other.

Spring decoration ideas made of wood and twigs

You can create a simple and beautiful decoration made from branches by simply cutting the branches into slices. You can then do thisdesign in any way. Lettering, like in this example, but also motifs that suit spring are suitable. Since Easter falls in spring, Easter motifs can also be used to design the wooden discs.

Another beautiful craft idea with wooden discs is this hanging flower pot. To do this, use a larger wooden disc with ropes and a hole slightly smaller than the top circumference of a bucket or other container. You can then plant this container or use it as a vase for spring flowers.

You can also use a wooden board for such wall decoration. You can also paint this as you wish. Attach a shelf on which you can place a homemade nest made of twigs. You can then design the nest with a few upright branches, eggs and artificial flowers. This rustic decoration is suitable for the entire spring, as well as for Easter.

Collect sticks and then use them to make a wreath. For theCrafting with sticksSimply cut the sticks into smaller, roughly equal pieces and then glue them together. To ensure that the wreath radiates the perfect spring atmosphere, you can also design it with flowers and other elements.

You can also make your own wooden decoration in this way from a simple board. For this you will also need some nails, yarn and real or artificial flowers. You can create any motif with the nails. This can be a vase or, as here, a mason jar. Connect the nails with the yarn and then add some flowers.

You can make owls with wooden discs. They're not just good for autumn. With some colorful and spring-like elements you can design it to suit the fresh season. Glue buttons to the wooden discs for eyes and make legs out of plush wire. Then hang the decoration with a colored ribbon that symbolizes spring.

Create a basket with fresh spring flowers and then wrap it with branches. Willow branches are particularly suitable for this because they are easy to bend. This lush decoration not only looks pretty on the table, but can also perfectly decorate dressers or side tables.

You can also get these craft ideas from twigs. For example, decorate an old ladder or even more unusual – a mannequin with fresh twigs. A flowery dress can be created on the mannequin. You can make the upper part from strips of bark. These decoration ideas are rustic and romantic at the same time.

This wooden vase is also a real eye-catcher on the table and consists of a simple piece of branch. Using a drill with a suitable attachment, simply drill a hole in the middle and you have a vase. You can also place an appropriately sized waterproof container in this hole to place your arrangements in water.

In general, a wide variety of things can be made from wood and twigs. For a change, hang the Easter bouquet on the wall after painting the branches or make a cross out of branches as an alternativeclassic wreath. In this way you can make an Easter decoration from natural materials. The idea with the boards and bright colors that represent the capricious weather in spring is also particularly cheerful.

You will probably also want to create some ideas for spring decorations with natural materials that you can use for the garden. Since you'll be preparing the vegetable beds in spring, you might as well look for a way to label them. If you also value natural materials, you can use wooden spoons for this idea. Simply paint and label them and you're done!

Arrangements are for spring decorationperfect, but alternatively the flowers can also be planted so that you can enjoy them for longer. Here you see a container that has been planted with white hyacinths and the soil has been covered with moss. The branches around it are either tied with wire or fixed with hot glue. You are guaranteed to make an impression with this chic decoration with moss and twigs.

Although flowering branches are preferred for decorative compositions, you can also use those with leaves. It is best to choose thin branches of a bush that can be easily bent and form such an arch out of them. Both ends of the branches are placed in containers lined with paper or fabric. Hang small garlands or pendants and set up a few rabbit figures.

During a walk through the forest you can find many natural materials with which you can...Make decorationscan. This also includes a simple decoration with branches in spring, where you can let your imagination run wild. This Easter decoration is a great inspiration, for which you need small branches or twigs, decorative glasses, Easter eggs and, if desired, filling materials such as soil or moss with which you can partially fill the glass. Tie an egg to the branches and place them on the glass so that the egg hangs in the glass. You can also plant flowers in it.

Decoration ideas with birch wood

Birch wood including bark is very popular for craft projects and decorations due to its interesting colors. So if you would like to make a spring decoration using natural materials, you should consider it. How about making a tray like this?Birch wood in spring. All you need is a larger wooden disc on which you can place any other decorations, such as vases with spring flowers or candle holders made from birch branches.

If you are making crafts with branches from the forest, in principle all types of trees are suitable. And effective spring decorations don’t have to be complicated to make. For example, here you see three cut birch branches that have only been tied together with string. Combined with a moss wreath, a flower pot, vases or Easter nests, a rustic-looking table decoration is created.

Wreath made of twigs and moss

Would you like to make this beautiful wreath?branches from the forest? Nothing easier than that! Tie string or wire around a foam or Styrofoam ring for hanging and then use hot glue to attach real reindeer lichen or moss (artificial or real) everywhere until the wreath is completely covered. Finally, add a few pieces of twigs here and there using hot glue.

You might also be interested in:Crafting with moss in spring: These 7 DIY ideas are perfect

Spring decoration with pussy willow

A beautiful oneIdea for cut flowersYou can implement it with a wire basket and willow branches with pussy willows. The branches are simply braided through the wire. Then insert spring flowers through the holes in the bottom of the basket and place it on a glass of water so that the stems are in the water.

Simple yet beautiful: place simple willow branches with pussy willows in a vintage pot for a stylish spring decoration. Of course, flowering branches or those with simple green leaves can also be used for this. But it shouldn't be more than that for this arrangement, because the simplicity is what is so impressive.

A few branches that you form into wreaths and tie together with twine to hold the plates on theto decorate the festive table. Then place a few eggs in the wreath and the decoration is reminiscent of a nest. You can decorate the center of the table with spring flowers.

Decorate your home in spring with moss and bark

You can do the same thing as with wood and twigsa romantic decoration with mossdo it Yourself. For example, take a flat container and cover the outside with bark. Now you can fill the inside with moss and then decorate it with any other elements. Come up with something interesting!

Bowl of flower bulbs

You can also fill the container with soil and some spring flowers and then decorate it with moss, as was done in this example with hyacinths. If you use a pretty container, you don't necessarily have to cover it with bark. Such a metal bowl, for example, underlines the nostalgia of your spring decoration.

DIY arrangement made from natural materials

You can also see an original option here. Moss is used to create a carpet, so to speak, on which any arrangements can be created. Stack wooden slices on top of each other and add some flower pots. Succulents awaken in spring and are just as suitable for decoration as spring flowers.

Quick and easy ideas

This idea for making spring decorations is particularly quick and easy to create using natural materials from the forest. Moss goes into a mason jar, which is then decorated with a twig and a butterfly. Simply place two or three pine cones next to the glass. Display the arrangement on a linen runner or colorful spring tablecloth.

You're probably familiar with these flat clay plates that are primarily used for growing cress and similar herbs. You can also decorate them wonderfully with moss and use them as a base for other decorations. The example above shows a colorful bouquet of spring flowers in a bucket. The plate of a flower pot can also be used for this purpose.

Classic moss wreath

How about a door wreath made of moss? To ensure that the moss lasts a long time, we recommend wrapping it around floral foam. Because then you can moisturize it without any problems. In addition, the wreath should not be in the blazing sun so that the moss does not dry out too quickly. If plain moss is too boring for you, combine it with other elements such as a birdhouse, for example.

Spring decoration with tree bark

Or how about making such a unique vase with tree bark? All you need is a can of any size and many pieces of bark that are longer than the can is tall. Using hot glue, gradually glue these pieces to the outside of the can. You can then display fresh cut flowers in it.

This decoration with moss and tree bark is perfect for the Easter season. Get a longer piece of bark. It doesn't necessarily have to be uniformly shaped, because an irregular piece also looks very nice. Then spread moss or artificial moss, lichens and any other plants, as well as a few small eggs (e.g. quail eggs) and feathers on the inside of the bark. Of course, you can also dye the eggs in advance.

Decoration in a glass

This pretty decoration was also made with bark and moss. Plant any spring flowers with bulbs in a glass container, such as hyacinths, daffodils, crocuses or small tulips. To do this, first add a layer of expanded clay to the container on which you place the flowers and their soil after carefully removing them from their pot. Distribute pebbles around it and moss in the upper area or, as in the example, real reindeer lichen (Cladonia rangiferina). Finally, add a small willow wreath and a few pieces of bark.

Creative craft ideas with flowers and flowering branches

Forsythia are not flowers, but rather bushes and the branches are also used for decoration in spring, but since this door wreath mainly features the flowers, we have also classified the spring wreath made of forsythia in the group of flowers. The branches are simply formed into a wreath and can be tied together with hidden twine or linen ribbon.

Spring flowers can of course also be used wonderfully for crafting in spring with natural materials. You can decorate an old bucket with live pansies and other plants and then use it to decorate the terrace, porch, balcony or garden.

Use a variety of spring flowers to create a fairytale arrangement for the table. The flowers can be colorful or choose from different shades of one color. In the example above, the color yellow was used, which also matches the dishes in white and yellow. A friendly interaction is created between dishes and decoration.

Feel free to use unusual areas in the house such as the chandelier. Maybe you wouldn't quickly come up with the idea of ​​designing this to match the colorful season. Use green leaves and flowers typical of spring, such as peonies. Beautiful arrangements can also be put together with forsythia and other flowering branches.

Show off the forsythia bouquet in a different way. For example, use a metal bucket instead of a vase. With the help of a stencil you can also write on it or even paint it and make it look even more romantic. And at Easter you can easily decorate this bouquet with pretty Easter eggs and figures.

Simple yet beautiful is a bouquet that you place in a simple glass bottle. Of course, it's best to use spring flowers or flowering branches for this. You can also design the bottle additionally if you think of something interesting. Otherwise, it also makes a loop out of yarn.

Choose different spring flowers and plants and plant them in groups in such baskets depending on the type. Use baskets of different sizes and shapes and the overall arrangement will be particularly interesting. You can then decorate tables, chests of drawers or the mantel. You decide which flower colors you use.

Instead of a bucket, you can also use a wire basket. If you don't have one, you can make one yourself. And in it you then display various decorations made from natural materials. The center is a pot with spring flowers. Distribute moss, Easter bunnies, eggs or twigs around it.

If you are looking for something suitable for the coffee table, take a wooden box and decorate it with any paint and pretty flowers. Place the latter in mason jars or glass bottles so that you can provide them with enough water even in the wooden box. You can make the paint opaque or in a shabby chic style by sanding it here and there.

You are probably already familiar with this idea. Nevertheless, we would like to remind you once again this year of this wonderful way of decoration. Eggshells, which can also be colored in advance, serve as small vases for lilies of the valley, hyacinths, crocuses or snowdrops. The eggshells can also be planted so that you can enjoy the flowers for longer.

Instead of just setting up a basket or as an alternative to the classic door wreath, you can make this pretty decoration with moss and twigs for spring. Some moss, pussy willow twigs, and flowers create a pretty spring scene, finished with a nest of eggs. This is a great example where all the materials mentioned are combined together.

More spring decorating ideas

Also read:Would you like to do crafts with natural materials from the forest?