Make a spring mobile: Beautiful DIY ideas for hanging decorations

In spring, colorful decorations should not be missing in any home. It creates a good mood and with it we can feel good even on a cloudy day. A mobile, for example, is wonderfully calming to look at as it floats gently in the air. This hanging decoration is suitable for both indoor and outdoor usecan be decorated as desired. In today's article we have collected the best ideas for a spring mobile that you can also make with the children.

Make a beautiful mobile in spring with natural materials

Nature has a lot to offer in spring. Even during a walk in the park you can collect many wonderful natural materials with the children and use themUse in various craft projects. How about, for example, a spring mobile as a hanging decoration? This idea also makes a wonderful craft project for Earth Day, which is celebrated on April 22nd every year.

Necessary materials:

  • oven-hardening modeling clay
  • Natural materials, e.g. B. small leaves, flowers, berries, twigs, etc.
  • rolling pin
  • cord
  • a long branch

And this is how it works:

1. Using your hands, roll the modeling clay into balls (approximately 2.5 cm in diameter). Then roll out the balls with the rolling pin to make small circles. Make sure the circles are not too thin.

2. Press the natural pieces (flowers, leaves, sticks) firmly into the modeling clay and carefully remove them to make beautiful impressions. If desired, leave some of it in the clay. This creates a colorful mobile.

3. Using a thin twig, make holes in the top of each circle.

4. Allow the finished circles to harden in a preheated oven according to the instructions on the modeling clay package.

5. Remove the elements from the oven and allow to cool completely. Then knot cords of different lengths and tie each cord to the branch.

6. Hang the branch anywhere in the house (or outside) and the mobile made of natural materials is ready.

Make spring mobiles with butterflies with children

This mobile with butterflies is a beautiful decoration for spring. The project is great for kids and is the perfect activity for a rainy spring afternoon. Colorful tissue paper is used to make the butterflies. Pretty butterflies are made from this and arranged into an atmospheric mobile. Here are the necessary materials and instructions for this great craft project with children.

This is needed:

  • Tissue paper in contrasting colors
  • Pipe cleaners (preferably black)
  • Yarn
  • Scissors
  • Glue stick
  • 2 paper drinking straws

1. Cut squares and ovals out of tissue paper (see picture). For a butterfly you need 2 ovals and 2 rectangles in contrasting colors.

2. Stack two rectangular pieces of tissue paper and two oval pieces on top of each other.

3. Place the rectangle diagonally on the table and fold the paper like an accordion.

4. Crumple the paper in the middle and attach the folds together with the glue stick. The diamond-shaped wings are at the top and the circular wings are at the bottom.

5. Now tie the two parts of the butterfly together with a pipe cleaner, wrap the pipe cleaner and bend the ends to create the butterfly's antennae. Then unfold the paper to better shape the colorful wings.

6. Four butterflies are needed for the spring mobile. These can either be the same size or differ in size and color.

7. Then pull a piece of yarn through each drinking straw and tie the loose ends of the yarn to the butterfly's antennae. Place the paper straws on top of each other to create a cross.

8. Wrap the cross point with a pipe cleaner so that both straws are secured in the middle. The loose ends of the pipe cleaners can be used to attach to the ceiling.

This spring mobile is perfect as an atmospheric window decoration for the children's room!

Make your own hanging decorations with flowers

Yes, you guessed it right – this fantastic mobile is made of real flowers! The fresh spring decoration is simply perfect as decoration for the most popular spring festivals such as Easter and Mother's Day. It can be hung over the table and will keep the house fresh all day long. Of course, you can make a similar mobile from artificial flowers and enjoy the beauty of flowers every day.


  • long flower stalks, such as these snapdragons and Irish bells
  • the inner ring of an embroidery frame with a diameter of approx. 25 cm
  • Washi-Tape
  • white thread
  • Nadel
  • small metal ring
  • Scissors

1. Firstthe embroidery frameWrap completely with washi tape in any color. The color should definitely match the flowers, so a neutral tone is best here.

2. Next, remove the leaves from the stems of the flowers. Then cut each stem about 10cm below the flower.

3. Thread the thread into the needle and pass the needle through the end of the first stem.

4. Tie the thread around the embroidery hoop so that the flower hangs slightly below the hoop. Secure with a double knot and cut off the ends of the thread. Continue in this manner until you are happy with the number of stems attached to the frame.

5. To hang the mobile, cut three long pieces of string and tie them around the hoop, equidistant from each other, holding the hoop at three points. Bring the three threads together at the top and tie them to the metal ring. Make sure that the frame remains flat. This ensures that the mobile hangs straight.

Make spring mobiles out of paper flowers

What's not to like about paper flowers? They last a long time, look beautiful and you can make them yourself using pretty paper of your choice. This colorful mobile can be recreated using the so-called Kusudama flowers, which consist of five folded petals. It would add a whole special touch to your spring decoration and fill the room with happy mood.

What you need:

  • 12 Kusudama flowers – you can find instructions for thisin this article about origami flowers
  • Metal ring, 30 cm diameter
  • green paper twine or green jute twine
  • natural jute yarn
  • Hot glue gun and scissors

1. First wrap the tire with jute twine. This is easier to do in sections and goes faster if you wrap two threads at the same time.

2. Cut the green yarn into 2 meter long pieces, fold them in half and glue one end to the base of a kusudama flower. Repeat until string is attached to all 12 flowers. For a playful effect, tie a few knots on each string.

3. For the central knot: Cut 4 jute strands, each 60cm long, and fold each in half. Tie a knot at the folded end, leaving a small loop. Divide the strands into 4 sections and tie evenly around the ring (you should have four sections that are approximately the same size). This leaves a loop in the middle around which another piece of string is threaded for hanging on a ceiling hook.

4. Now tie the flower strands evenly distributed to the ring. If desired, you can shorten part of it before tying it down to give the mobile different heights.

DIY colorful mobile for spring decoration

With this colorful mobile you will certainly invite the spring atmosphere into your home. Two of the most popular spring motifs are combined - flowers and butterflies. Only artificial flowers and leaf garlands are used for the project, so that the mobile can also be used as a spring decoration in the coming years.

These materials are required:

  • Wire wreath frame
  • artificial ivy garlands
  • artificial boxwood garlands
  • Hot glue
  • Feather butterflies in bright colors
  • Nylon thread or floral wire
  • artificial flowers
  • Scissors

1. Wrap the boxwood garland around the wreath frame twice. Secure with nylon thread or floral wire.

2. Wrap the ivy garland around the wreath frame, filling in any gaps. Secure with thread or floral wire.

3. Cut the stems of the artificial flowers and attach the flowers to the wreath frame with hot glue. Fill in any gaps and layer the flowers in bunches of three, for example, to create a structure.

4. Cut six long strands of nylon thread and tie them tightly around the wreath frame, about 2 inches apart.

5. Tie five to six feather butterflies on each strand, alternating the colors.

Spring mobile made from plastic bottles

PET bottles, which are not allowed in the deposit machines, are ideal as craft materials. Do you also like the idea ofCraft recycling? Then the following project is perfect for you. For this mobile, flowers are made from plastic bottles and hung on a branch. We will now explain how to do it.

Necessary materials:

  • recycled plastic bottles
  • white glue
  • colorful tissue paper
  • Aluminum adhesive tape
  • large plastic beads
  • a piece of thick yarn or cotton rope
  • a branch or an embroidery frame as a base for hanging

1. Cut out a closed flower shape with five petals from the top of each plastic bottle (without the cap). Glue strips of tissue paper in any color to the “flowers” ​​using diluted glue. Allow the strips to extend beyond the edges and cut them off once they are completely dry. Cover the necks of the bottles and the tips of some of the petals with aluminum tape.

Also read:How about making some pretty hanging decorations?

2. Now make the flower chains. To do this, tie a knot in the yarn, thread a large plastic bead and thread the yarn through the neck of the bottle from bottom to top. Select the position of the next flower, tie a knot in the yarn again and thread another bead and then a flower. The plastic beads hold the flower in place. For a flower chain, 3 to 5 flowers are enough, depending on how long you want them. When you are happy with the length, measure 20-30 cm of the yarn for fastening and then cut it off. Repeat this process for all flower chains.

Tip: If you don't want to use beads, you can pierce the plastic bottle caps and leave the flowers attached to the knot.

3. To finish the mobile, hang the flower chains on a branch or a round embroidery frame. Complete!