Each country has its own special traditions and typical symbols and decorations. Today we would like to introduce you to such a decoration from Poland. These are the so-called “Pajaki” (in German “spider”), which are viewed as good luck charms in their home country and, similarlythe dream catcher, protectshould. Towards the end of autumn, pajaki were made for Christmas to protect the residents of the house from the harsh winter. The decoration often decorates the home to welcome spring and during the Easter holidays. Originally, the Pajaki Mobilé consisted of straws that were collected from the fields during harvest. Nowadays, paper straws and numerous other colorful elements are also used to make this attractive decoration. The perfect decoration for carnival! If you feel like making your own carnival decorations, you can consider Pajaki. We'll show you how you can make the mobile.
It's not just for carnivalPaper decorationsuitable. It can decorate the house on any occasion. Whether for a party, for Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving or simply for no occasion and as everyday decoration for the living room or bedroom - the original Polish mobile will quickly transform into the highlight of your home decoration and attract everyone's attention. Depending on the occasion or mood, you can adjust the colors used and conjure up new models again and again. No matter whether you specifically want to make a carnival decoration or are just in the mood for crafting - the following instructions will give you an overview of the basic principle of this Polish decoration, which you can then modify, expand and individualize according to your ideas. This is how you can make a Pajaki Mobilé:
Make Pajaki Mobilé with paper for carnival
- Craft cardboard
- Tissue paper
- Straws, real ones, made of paper or plastic (in the example 24 pieces)
- Yarn
- Metal ring (alternatively, an embroidery frame is also suitable)
- thin craft wire
- Washi tape or fabric strips
- Any decorations such as pompoms, tassels, beads, artificial flowers etc.
- Glue, scissors, possibly a punch and needle, hole punch
Making a Polish mobile – instructions
Once you have all the materials together, you can get started and make the mobile. Cutthe tissue paperin strips, place two to four layers on top of each other and cut the strips on one side to create fringes. Then take a pen or straw and wrap a multi-layered strip around it. Tape the end in place and remove the roll from the pen/straw. Now carefully “peel” the individual layers outwards. This creates a puffy flower. Make as many flowers as you want or need for your model.
Then punch out flowers from the craft cardboard. You can also cut out a template and then trace and cut out floral motifs freehand. Punch holes in the middle of the finished paper flowers. Then cut the straws into pieces of any size. How many you need in total depends on your design, of course. In the example, 24 pieces were enough. These were cut into approx. 5 cm pieces. Form a ring out of the wire and wrap it aroundwith washi tape. If you are making the mobile, you can also use ready-made rings.
Creative self-made chandelier
Then tie several pieces of string to this ring and distribute them at even intervals all around (in the example there are a total of 5 garlands). It's best to cut them a little longer rather than too short. You can always shorten them at the end. Then alternately thread pieces of strawand paper flowers. You can use a needle to make threading easier. Once the garlands are finished, you can knot them together at the other ends. Then attach a small piece of yarn with a loop to these knots to create the carnival decorationat the window, can be hung on the ceiling or anywhere else.
Then add morehanging garlandsbelow the ring. These run from one vertical garland to another. Tie a piece of twine right next to one of the vertical garlands, string the decorations on, then attach the other end near the next garland. These horizontal garlands should not be too tight. Finally, you can distribute the tissue paper flowers (stick a small piece of the thin wire through the flower and then tie it to the ring). Cut off any protruding yarn ends anywhere on the mobile. You can see a few more ideas for the individual elements that you can use when making a mobile like this in the picture above.
Pajaki for planting
Hanging flower potsand plants are very popular because they enhance every room and create a refreshing atmosphere. How about combining Pajaki and planters? If you make the mobile in this way, simply replace the ring with a homemade container made of cardboard and papier-mâché, which you can then plant. Here's how it's done:
- cardboard (the thicker the better)
- Pencil
- Cutter and suitable support for cutting (e.g. wooden board or special mat)
- tape
- Newspaper, torn into strips (approx. 2.5 x 12 cm)
- 100 g Flour
- 300 ml water
- Bowl and whisk
- Colors and brushes
- optional foil for laying out
Make your own party decorations for your home
Draw a circle of any size on the cardboard (in the example 60 cm diameter) and then a smaller one (in the example 42 cm) inside to get a ring, which you then cut out with the cutter on a suitable surface (you can also place a thick piece of cardboard underneath). Then cut two 9cm wide strips from the cardboard - one 60cm long and the other 42cm long (or longer and you will shorten them later when gluing). You then bend these strips slightly at several intervals in order to form rings from them, which you stick upright to the inner and outer edges of the flat ring using adhesive tape.
Now seal the ringwith paper mache. To do this, mix the flour with the water, dip a strip of newspaper into the mixture, wipe off the excess on the edge of the bowl and stick the strip anywhere on the ring. Continue like this until the entire container is covered. Allow the layer to dry overnight and apply another layer the next day, allowing it to dry in the same way. You can then paint the container and, after the paint has dried, craft and design the rest of the mobile. Fill the ring with potting soil, plant and hang. You can also line the ring with foil before planting.
Make a lucky charm mobile – more ideas
A ring as a base, string and straws are the basic materials you need if you want to make a Pajaki Mobilé. What other things and decorations you use afterwards and how exactly you put them together depends entirely on your ideas. Tassels, pompoms and beads are a few options, but so are lids and evenMaking origamisvery good for designing. Would you like to collect some more inspiration? Then take a look at our gallery. You're sure to find some great ideas that you can use for your own design.
Making mobiles for a recycling project
Who would likeMaterials recycled, can also do this with DIY Pajaki. In the example above you can see a model that uses plastic bottle lids and squeezes. Combined with wooden beads and paper flowers, creative pajaki are created for any occasion.
Make your own Pajaki chandelier in any color
Would you like the Pajaki asMake your own carnival decorationsor for another type of party, you can use bright colors and make a particularly cheerful mobile. Precisely because craft stores offer us the best materials these days, the classic and natural straws and other natural materials are rarely used anymore. Instead, paper straws with great patterns and colored paper get more attention.
Make natural mobiles yourself
Of course, that doesn't mean you can't toouse natural materialswhen you make the Pajaki Mobilé. Dried flowers or fresh ones as well as leaves, twigs or fruits and seeds such as chestnuts, acorns, beechnuts and the like are also suitable for a lifelike design.
Idea for St. Patrick's Day in green and with shamrocks and for Valentine's Day with hearts
Design with origami cranes
Make mobiles yourself and hang them up in groups
Punch out circles from paper and use them for pajaki
Make your own flowers out of newspaper
Make a mobile for decoration above the table
Party decoration with Pajaki in pastel tones
Circles made of paper and pompoms
Lots of paper flowers and homemade pompoms
Felt flowers to decorate
Colorful plastic straws and paper flowers
Pretty home or party decoration for children and adults
Let your imagination run wild and make a Polish mobile
Wooden bead chandelier
Idea in white and with flowers
Modern look in mustard yellow and petrol blue
Make your own little pajaki