Traditionally, eggs are dyed at Easter. Although we have seen almost everything possible regarding egg decoration and egg coloring, new ideas for fun Easter eggs are always in demand. Before these are eaten, you can use them to decorate your apartment beautifully and put together a pretty Easter decoration.
Design funny Easter eggs – what is needed
The shelf life of hard-boiled eggs is limited to a maximum of four weeks. Of course, this time varies depending on the storage temperature and also depends on how hard the egg is cooked.For decorative purposesIt makes more sense to buy eggs with white shells and blow them out. They will soon also be able to be designed with colors intended for food.
7 great ideas to imitate
You can easily blow out the eggs if you carefully poke two holes at the top and bottom of the egg with a large needle or a kebab skewer. You need to pierce the yolk and then stir everything gently. Then blow into the egg to empty it and then rinse the inside with water. Egg residue will later give off an unpleasant smell.
You can hang the emptied eggs by taking a string, tying a small piece of matchstick to it and pulling it through the two holes. You should make the one hole, at the bottom or top of your choice, a little larger so that the string can be pulled through it. Fix with superglue on one side and fill the hole with toothpaste on the other. When it hardens, you can proceed to coloring and designing the egg.
You can still decorate the blown eggs with egg paint if you already have some left over. Otherwise, use acrylic paints as they will make the eggshell more durable. They are also very easy to work with because they are water-based. The variety of colors is large and they are available both glossy and matt.
Small cacti
The following fun designs use white eggs because they catch paint more easily and also serve well as a white canvas on which you can paint imaginative pictures like a real artist.
For the first two DIY projects, the eggs are first colored in a basic color and then given a playful design. Here the eggs are not intended for hanging, so after emptying them, skewer them through the hole at one end of the egg onto a toothpick or shish kebab skewer. Prepare a small bowl of water in advance in which you dissolve a little of the desired color.
Then dip the egg completely into the paint, let it dry briefly and repeat several times as soon as the eggshell is evenly colored. Once you have already achieved the basic tone, you can proceed to decorating.
In the first example we showed an idea of how you can design the Easter eggs like strawberries. Colorful fineliners or, optionally, felt-tip pens are used for this purpose. You can quickly and easily paint the strawberry seeds black. Strawberry leaves, strawberry green and white flowers are also made from paper. Beautifully arranged in a basket or small bowl, they look great.
Our favorite of all the fun Easter egg ideas shown is definitely this one. The eggs are first colored light green. The typical thorns of the cacti will soon be drawn with a black fineliner.
As a final finish, the cactus eggs are given pink paper flowers on top. To ensure that the decoration is just right, get small flower pots, fill them with stones or sand and place your self-designed cacti on them.
Easter egg donuts
Anyone who likes sweets will surely love our next suggestion. Make the white eggs like real boxed donuts. This requires pastel colors that are reminiscent of the typical donut glaze. Sugar sprinkles in bright colors will complement the decoration idea and give it the necessary kick.
All you have to do is paint a ring on one end of each egg. Decorate with fineliner by painting small lines of sugar sprinkles on it. Arrange in a bowl and sprinkle with real sugar sprinkles.
Instead of painting, you can also use real sugar sprinkles. Using tweezers and superglue, carefully add a few sprinkles of sugar to the already painted donuts. Make sure that the glue is as invisible as possible and apply just a little of it to the sugar sprinkles and then carefully press it onto the eggshell.
Ice ballin waffle
The next DIY idea is just as sweet as the last. But a little more hard work and artistic skill is required here. To make the Easter eggs like ice cream cones, you don't have to use ones with a white shell, but ones with a brown one. You need acrylic paints in pastel shades, for example vanilla yellow, pink, mint green and also white. You also use fineliners in black and brown, as well as a very thin and a normal brush.
Next, only paint about 1/3 of the egg with the selected color and leave the rest in the natural egg color. Then draw the typical waffle pattern with brown lines. Draw cute faces on the colored area or use self-adhesive stickers.
egg cupsometimes different
The children will definitely like this idea for creative Easter egg design, because who doesn't like chewing gum and candies. First, a cup is made. To do this you will need red cardboard and hot glue. You will soon need to cut a bow and a small circle for each egg.
Funny eggsHowDesign candy or chewing gum dispensers
Cut the circle to the size of a 1 euro coin. Shape the egg cup around the egg so that it can stand on it later. Fix the interfaces with hot glue and, if desired, draw the characteristic opening of the candy dispenser on them.
Candy dispenser
For the fun candy or chewing gum dispensers with Easter eggs, it is better to use blown, white eggs. These will soon be designed as the candy dispenser jar full of colorful candies. Paint the round candies in different colors on the bowl.
Finally, secure the cup at the bottom and the cardboard circle at the top of the egg using hot glue. Decorate beautifully with colorful candies.
Cute oneswhite rabbits
Very simple and minimalist, typically Scandinavian, the following idea for funny Easter eggs can be realized with minimal effort. All you need are some white eggs, which you can either blow out or use hard boiled.
In addition to the eggs, you will also need felt in any color.
Funny Easter eggs 'bunnies'
Cut two rabbit ears out of felt for each egg. You can design these according to your own preference – pointed, oval or lop-eared. You can easily paint the bunny face using a black fineliner. What your Easter egg bunny still needs is a tail.
You make the bunny tail out of cotton balls and you make small pompoms yourself. Using all-purpose glue or hot glue, attach a pompom to the back. Try to attach the pompom so that it supports the egg a bit and keeps it stable.
For extra support, place a small piece of felt underneath the egg. These super cute Easter bunnies can be made in just a few minutes and are really original. Arrange in a basket or together with colorful Easter eggs.
What would go well with the sweet, white Easter bunny eggs are, of course, some carrots. Arrange small carrots next to the eggs, whether real or decorative. Place decorative straw or Easter grass at the bottom of a basket and use it to form a bed. Arrange the sweet Easter bunnies on it. The carrots will only add more color and create a real spring mood.
This fun Easter egg decorating idea is really simple and works quite well with eggs that you have left over but it's too late to dye with the egg dyes. You can create great Easter bunnies yourself with very little resources. Try it out or let your children do it themselves.
Animal parkfrom Easter eggs
Another fun idea for decorating Easter eggs is to use plastic figures. Take zoo animals and make a zoo out of eggs. Plastic dinosaurs are also quite suitable for this. Now you have to take the plastic figures apart.
A cutting knife will help you with this task to cut out the individual parts as accurately as possible. Using superglue, attach the animal's feet and tail, as well as other distinctive features, to the eggshell. If you wish, you can later paint the eggshell with acrylic paints and make it even more realistic.