Easter grass sow with children in potting soil or without earth on cotton wool: it works so easily!

Like many others, they may make Easter grass themselves this year. This is also a really nice handicraft idea, especially for children, because in principle you need nothing more than paper. However, we would have a more interesting proposal for you for this year, which will certainly also irritate you: How about sowing real grass as Easter grass this time? You will not only receive real plants with which you can teach your children the plant care. Real grass will also look incredibly pretty. Just stand the beautiful sight ofColorful Easter eggsAnd Easter figures on the bright green, fresh grass! We explain which seeds are best suited for Easter grass and how to proceed.

Sow Easter grass correctly

When sowing Easter grass?

If you want to plant Easter grass, you should of course choose the right time. After all, the grass takes time until it has grown nice. But when should you sow Easter grass? It is best to start sowing in March or at least a month before Easter. Then the seeds have enough time to germinate and grow densely and long enough.

Sow Easter grass - which seeds are suitable?

Different than you might think, you don't take ornamental grass if you plant Easter grass. Instead, grain is very suitable. We recommend that you sow wheat or spelled. If you want a particularly fast germination, it is best to use oats. Even barley or summer barley and lieschgrass are ideally suited if you prefer the classic look of blades of grass.

However, if the optics can also vary, please decidealso for cress. It is also very popular if you want to sow and plant Easter grass. You also get edible Easter grass with a cress and leek. So you can snack on and conveniently use your breakfast roll. All of these plants are characterized by a beautiful, juicy green and through a very fast growth.

Sow Easter grass - how long does it take to germination?

Germination is faster than you might assume. The first plants should appear after only 2 days, but at the latest after 2 weeks. After that you just have to water them regularly. They can even suck blades of grass every now and then. If you find over time that the blades of grass do not grow as densely as you would like, you can sow cress between the stalks a few days before Easter. This germinates and grows very quickly and in this way compresses wonderfully in order to perfect your Easter grass decoration at the last moment.

Instructions - so they plant the seeds in earth or on cotton wool

Regardless of whether you sow Easter grass with children or not, two options are available to you: either you use cotton wool or the classic potting soil. However, if you sow Easter grassin kindergartenOr in primary school, the variant with cotton wool is recommended. With potting soil you could pollute the surroundings and would do more work than necessary. Otherwise, they are similar to both variants:

Potting soil

If you want to let your grass grow in potting soil, it is best to have it first germinated in kitchen paper. This is particularly advantageous when you use older seeds and want to be on the safe side. The seedlings then transfer them directly to the potting soil. Alternatively, you can start the potting soil directly.

Sowing Easter grass - instructions for potting soil:

  • Add the seeds to water optionally overnight (you can suck up with moisture).
  • Place kitchen paper or cotton wool in a container.
  • Moisten the paper/cotton wool and sprinkle the seeds over it.
  • Keep the whole moist until the seeds germinate, but don't drown them.
  • Transfer the seedlings into a flowerpot, a bowl or any other container with potting soil, which you also moisten.


  • Fill a container with potting soil and moisturize them well.
  • Sprinkle the seeds evenly over the earth and keep them moist until germination (spray them with water, for example).

Place the container in a warm, bright place (without direct sunlight).

Easter grass sowing without earth with cotton wool

Whether you sow Easter grass in primary school, daycare or at home - you usually have cotton wool at hand, it does not make dirt and proves to germinate of any seeds as very practical. If you want to make the chosen Easter grass seeds on cotton wool, proceed as follows:

Sow on cotton wool Easter grass - instructions:

  • Add the seeds to water optionally overnight (you can suck up with moisture).
  • Distribute cotton wool in any container and moisten them well.
  • You can then sow the Easter grass about this. Make sure to distribute the seeds evenly.
  • Press the seeds slightly.
  • To moisturize, use a spray bottle to avoid flooding the seeds until germination.
  • Place the container in a warm, bright place (without direct sunlight).

Tipp: You don't have to dispose of the grass immediately after Easter. Especially if you have cats, hamsters, rabbits or guinea pigs as pets, you can offer you a real feast for the palate.

Do you fancy more ideas with grass?Make a grass head!