How to dye eggs with a pattern

If you don't just want to create simple, monochrome Easter eggs, you can decorate them with a variety of patterns. There are many techniques for this, some of which we would like to introduce to you today. It's up to you whether you draw the patterns freehand onto the eggs or transfer finished ones directly using fabric and paper. Because when you color eggs with a pattern, anything you like is allowed! You can either do thatColoring Easter eggsin special colors for this purpose, in food coloring or you can use various vegetables with which you can naturally color the Easter eggs.

Coloring eggs with a pattern – abstract pattern

This technique may be familiar to many, but we would still like to briefly introduce it to you because the finished eggs not only look beautiful, but are also suitable as a basis for one of the other pattern ideas in this article. Prepare the colors (e.g. in a disposable muffin tin), lay out kitchen paper and place an egg in any color.

Hold it for a while, take it out again and blot the wet paint with kitchen paper. Then place it in a different position in the next color. Continue like this as often as you like until you like the abstract Easter egg. You can also wear gloves to avoid getting your hands inked while holding it.

Coloring eggs with a rubber band

The next idea is extremely easy to do. You dye the eggs as usual, except that you first tie rubber bands (or string) around them in any way you like. Not only can you use ribbons of different thicknesses, but you can also wrap them around the egg in a variety of ways, for example only getting stripes in the middle or all over the egg.

A nice idea is to first dye the egg in a light color and when it is dry, use the rubber to then change it to a different color. If you now remove the bands, the first color can still be seen. Of course, you can also combine more than two colors, for example by using the technique above. Just experiment a little. You can never have enough eggs at Easter.

Dye eggs – transfer patterns and colors from kitchen paper

You've probably already noticed that the tiny nubs on some kitchen paper form beautiful motifs and patterns. You can take advantage of this when you color eggs with a pattern. You need:

  • boiled eggs
  • kitchen paper
  • Easter egg dyes, food colors or natural colors
  • freezer bags
  • Rubber bands
  • optionally also gloves

First prepare the colors as usual, place kitchen paper in a baking or baking dish and drip different colors onto it. If you are happy with the color scheme, put on the gloves, place an egg on the paper, wrap it in it and secure everything with rubber bands. Then store the wrapped egg in a freezer bag, which you can also tie tightly with rubber bands. Now let the color work for a few hours. Not only are the colors transferred, but also the patterns from the paper.

Blown out Easter eggs with pattern of silk fabric

A silk scarf, an old silk blouse, a tie or leftover silk fabric - anything is suitable, provided it is 100% silk. You can then easily transfer the patterns and colors of the fabric onto the eggshell. This is how they get itEaster eggs patternthat are truly unique and professional looking. We explain how to dye eggs with patterns of this type and what you need:

  • deflated eggs
  • Silk fabric
  • light cotton cloth or silk tights
  • white vinegar
  • Rubber bands or string
  • Pot
  • Scissors

Cut the fabric into pieces large enough to wrap around the egg. Also pay attention to the pattern so that you don't accidentally cut what you want on the egg. Otherwise, a 10 cm square should be sufficient. Now wrap the egg and tie the cloth tightly (be careful not to break the eggshell). Then wrap the cotton cloth around it. In this way, the silk material is pressed better against the egg.

Heat 5 cm of water in a pot and add 60 ml of vinegar. Simmer the eggs for 20 to 25 minutes. Since blown eggs float on the surface, you should either turn them frequently or cover them with a plate that pushes them down. Carefully remove the eggs from the water, allow them to cool and remove the materials.

Color Easter eggs in three shades with adhesive tape

  • boiled or blown eggs
  • Colors
  • Give them away
  • Scissors

Prepare the colors and place the first egg in one of them for about 10 seconds. Take it out and dry it with paper towels. Cut squares out of the adhesive tape and stick them firmly onto the egg (e.g. 4 rows of 3 squares each as in the picture). Place the egg in the same color again, this time for about 15 to 20 seconds and then dry it again.

Then cut wholeStrips of adhesive tapeand glue them along the squares. Additionally, wrap another piece of ribbon around the egg so that it crisscrosses with the others. Color it again in the same color for 30 seconds, take it out, dry it and remove the tape. They're readyhappy eggs!

Design Easter eggs with rubber putty and baking soda

Collect forEaster egg coloring techniques, this is also recommended with baking soda and rubber putty. Of course, it is also possible to just use the rubber putty and any colors without baking soda. But maybe you would like to try out this variant. If you want to color these eggs with a pattern, you will need:

  • boiled eggs
  • Rubber putty
  • Backsoda
  • Muffin tray
  • Paint brush
  • Gloves
  • liquid food coloring
  • Vinegar

Place the eggs on a surface, dip a brush into the rubber putty and drizzle the eggs in any way you like. You can also trydot patterns and othersto paint or dab on with a brush. In small bowls or other suitable containers, mix 55 g of baking soda with 3 drops of paint and mix both well together.

Now place an egg in each muffin cup and use a brush and gloves to spread the baking soda colors onto the eggs. If necessary, you can then drip a few drops of color here and there directly onto the egg. Using a tablespoon, gradually pour vinegar over the eggs. This creates a reaction with the baking soda, causing everything to foam up a little. Then wash the eggs in clean water and remove the rubber putty.

Create a spotty pattern with rice

Honestly, would you have come up with this idea on your own? It's a very simple technique and you probably already have the necessary materials at home. If you want to dye eggs with a pattern in this way, put rice in onesealable freezer bagand then add a few drops of food coloring (about 7 to 8 drops for 200 g of rice). Seal the bag and mix well by kneading to color the rice (or stir with a spoon).

Then place eggs in the bags, close them again and carefully twist and turn them until they are colored. This creates a pretty irregular pattern. You can then change each egg to another color for multi-colored designs or leave it as one color.
Tipp:Instead of freezer bags, you can also use other types of sealable containers or plastic cups.

Fantastically beautiful flowers as patterns for Easter eggs

If you would like to dye eggs naturally with a pattern, we have thatperfect idea for you! Don’t just design themwith natural colors, but also provide them with beautiful flowers at the same time. You will now have a large selection of beautiful leaves and flowers in the garden. If you don't have a garden, just take a trip to the flower shop or a nearby meadow. You can certainly find something quickly. You need:

  • flowers and leaves
  • boiled or blown eggs
  • Vegetables for coloring (or alternatively simple Easter egg colors)
  • Sheer tights
  • optional cord or wire for tying
  • kitchen paper
  • Vinegar

Take an egg and place the desired leaf or flower anywhere (some flowers stick better if you dip them in water first). Then put the egg in a piece of tights and tie everything together tightly with a double knot or string/wire. Be careful not to let your leaf/flower slip. Cook the vegetables until the water is colored (do not use too much water).

Add vinegar to the water and cook the eggs in it for 30 minutes. Then let them steep for another 2 to 3 hours. You can then remove the tights and plants and you're done. If you want to dye eggs faster, you can simply use normal egg dyes and dye the Easter eggs according to the package instructionswith plantsMuster.

Coloring eggs with wax patterns

A technique that everyone probably knows, but should not be underestimated when it comes to creating Easter egg motifs and patterns, is thisPainting with waxbefore coloring. If you use wax, you can color the eggs naturally as well as use special Easter egg and food colors. There are now also special wax pencils that are particularly fine and perfect for drawing. But tools like the example below are also very practical. There wax is placed in the small metal container and briefly heated on a candle flame.

After you have drawn the desired motifs and patterns, color the Easter eggs as usual. Once the paint has dried, you can carefully scrape off any excess wax. The special thing about this technique is that you can decide for yourself which patterns you paint. BiggerChildren can also join in. If you use a normal candle or wax stick instead of such accessories, the eggs should still be warm so that the wax can melt while drawing. But if the egg is too hot, the wax will melt and ruin your wax pattern.

Dyeing eggs with a pattern – the necessary finishing touches

No matter which oneTechnique for coloring eggswith pattern you decide, the patterns only really come into their own when you make them shine. How does that work? Put a small amount of vegetable oil on a cloth and rub the eggs with it. But don't overdo it with the oil, otherwise they will become too greasy. Finally, wipe again with a clean and dry cloth and you can then arrange them in the Easter basket or Easter basket.