Easter is one of the most popular family celebrations. The children are looking forward to itexciting Easter egg huntand the adults – to seeing the family again and to Easter cake with friends. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to spend the Spring Festival with your loved ones. In this case, Easter cards will be sent. In today's article we will explain to you how you can make creative Easter cards. A homemade Easter greeting is of course something special that will bring joy to your family and friends.
Make Easter cards: Origami bunny
The first craft idea is from theOrigami artinspired. This stylish Easter card finds its place on the sideboard or book shelf. It is also perfect as a gift tag. We offer you the free template for the Easter bunny, which you can print out on colored paper and then stick onto white cardboard. It looks particularly stylish if you transfer the template onto origami or pattern paper and then glue it onto the white cardboard.
The bunny is particularly effective when the greeting card is oriented in portrait format.
Make Easter cards: 3D Easter eggs made of honeycomb paper
The next craft idea will be easy for even beginners. We'll explain to you how to get onebeautiful 3D greeting cardYou can make your own from cardboard, washi tape, honeycomb paper and decorative ribbons. You need the following materials:
- a sheet of white cardboard
- Colored paper, packaging paper, scrapbooking or motif paper
- an Easter egg template
- a template “Happy Easter”
- a pair of scissors
- tape
- a cutter knife
- Glue for paper
Craft instructions: Fold the white cardboard in half so that you get a greeting card in landscape format. Place several sheets of colored paper underneath each other and secure them with clothespins or paper clips. Print out the Easter egg template, cut it out and transfer it to the colored paper. You will need a total of 4 Easter eggs in additionwith washi tapeor decorative ribbons. To make the honeycomb paper Easter egg, cut the Easter egg template in half (the cutting direction should be vertical). Then transfer the template to honeycomb paper. Carefully pull the honeycomb paper Easter egg halves apart. Use the tape to stick them together first and then to the inside of the greeting card. Position the Easter egg in the center and then arrange the other colored paper Easter eggs. Transfer the “Happy Easter” template to colored paper and cut it out with a craft knife. Alternatively, you can write on the greeting card using the hand lettering technique.
Design Easter cards: watercoloring
With the term “Watercoloring” is the name given to a painting technique in English-speaking countries. Below we will explain to you how you can make a watercolor sheet yourself and spice up your greeting cards with watercolors or watercolors. If you are a beginner then you can use watercolors. You can dilute these with water to lighten them or mix them together to create new shades. Craft enthusiasts can rely on watercolor paints because they have high opacity.
The first step is to paint a white sheet of cardboard with watercolor paints. You can mix and dilute the paints as you like. Try different color combinations. Then fold a blue sheet of cardboard in half to create a landscape greeting card. Freehand draw an Easter egg on the top of the greeting card and cut it out. Then glue the painted sheet of cardboard to the inside of the greeting card.
Alternatively, you can download an Easter bunny silhouette, cut it out and place it on the Easter card. Hold the template with one hand to prevent it from slipping. Then paint the area around the Easter bunny silhouette with watercolors and let it dry. Finally, carefully remove the template and write the friend's name on the greeting card with a fineliner.
A third variant for a watercolor Easter card: Paint a sheet of cardboard, mix shades from the same color family and create gentle color gradients. Let the colors dry and then draw Easter eggs on them with a fineliner. Cut out the Easter eggs with a craft knife and glue them onto a greeting card. Paint flowers, tree branches or other natural motifs on the Easter card. You can also decorate the Easter card with cheerful spring motifs. In most craft shops you can find stamps with different designs that you can use to create your Easter card.
If you are a beginner and have never painted with watercolors before, you can use the so-called brush or watercolor pencils. You can use the brush pens to draw lines and also paint on surfaces. These watercolor pencils have a flexible brush tip so you can paint lines of different widths. The color intensity can also vary greatly. Then you can mix the colors and create gradients using a special watercolor and water brush. Simply wet the brush and paint over the watercolors.
Make Easter cards: Make your own bunny silhouette out of washi tape
You don't have to spend a lot of money for a creative Easter card. The following DIY idea is perfect proof that you can make a beautiful greeting card for Easter even with few materials. All you need is washi tape, white cardstock (a sheet of A4), a black marker and a pompom (if desired). First, fold the cardboard in half so that you have a greeting card in landscape format. Then draw an Easter bunny freehand or use a template and transfer it to the Easter card. Turn the sheet of paper over and stick the washi tape on it. Then turn the sheet of paper over again and cut out the Easter bunny silhouette. Glue the motif onto the greeting card and decorate it as desired. For example, you can use “Happy Easter” stickers or write down a loving message with a marker. If you wish, you can make a pom-pom and use it as a bunny tail.
You can also decorate your Easter card with other motifs. Easter eggs, flowers and chicks, for example, are suitable. Stick the Easter motif with various washi tapes, decorate it with glitter, rhinestones, narrow decorative ribbons and other decorations of your choice. You can also use this to spice up gift bags, napkins, gift boxes, etc.
Make a 3D greeting card with a pop-up Easter motif
Making a pop-up Easter card is really easy. All you need is a template, a sheet of colored paper and white cardboard. For decoration, you can use self-adhesive metallic circles, decorative ribbons, glitter and stickers of your choice. How to make the Easter pop-up greeting card: First, fold the cardboard in half. Cut the colored paper. Then print out the egg template and cut it out. Place the template on the colored paper and secure it with a clip. Trace the contours and cut out the motif. Be sure to leave a 3 cm long edge free at the top and bottom. Then fold the colored paper in half. Now all that's left is to decorate the Easter egg with decorative ribbon and spice it up with stickers.
Making Easter cards: ideas with dried flowers
When designing the next Easter card, dried flowers are the focus. Whether you bought a bouquet of flowers at the supermarket or collected wildflowers on a nature walk, you can use them for the next craft. All you need is glue, a black marker, tweezers and a brush.
Here's how you can make beautiful spring cards: On a trip, collect green leaves and wildflowers and place them on a piece of paper. Cover them with a second sheet of paper and stack several books on top. Allow the flowers to dry for 2 weeks. Then you can start crafting. Fold the white cardboard in half. Draw a vase with a pencil or marker. If you can't draw freehand, you can print out a template and attach a sheet of thin painting paper to it with glue. Then stick the template and the paper on the window pane. Trace the image, trace the contours of the vase with a pencil and then with a marker. Carefully pick up the dried flowers with tweezers and apply glue with a brush. Then arrange them on the picture.
Easter card ideas: Make chicks out of honeycomb paper
It is not always possible for the whole family to celebrate Easter together. If family members or friends live in another city or even abroad, the family or circle of friends stay in touch through greeting cards. Surprise your loved ones with a creative Easter card with a cute honeycomb paper chick. Homemade items are always well received because you can personalize the greeting card. For the DIY greeting card you will need the following materials: yellow honeycomb paper, wrapping paper, a pencil, a compass, double-sided adhesive tape and a craft knife. First, cut out a semicircle with a diameter of 3 cm from the honeycomb paper. Then pull the semicircle apart and stick three strips of tape to the back. Cut a rectangle measuring 210 mm x 184 mm from the packaging paper. Fold the rectangle in half to create a folded card measuring 105mm x 184mm. Now all that's left is to glue the semicircle onto the packaging paper. Using a pencil, draw feet, wings, and feathers on the chick’s “head.” For the beak, cut out a small triangle from red cardboard. Now all that remains is to write a loving message and the spring card is ready.
Make Easter cards: use templates
If you don't have the time or the right materials to make Easter cards, then there's only one thing left. Print out a template on white paper and glue it to the Easter card.