Modern Advent wreath in gold: these 3 ideas for the Advent decorations are simple and succeed everyone

Christmas approaches slowly but safely and the anticipation for the popular festival increases with every past day. If you have not yet started preparation, then it is now a cheap time for it. First start with the Advent decoration, because until the first Advent remains less than 3 weeks. With us you will learn how to make an advent wreath in gold in a modern way to give the decoration a personal touch.

The Advent wreath is a classic decoration for the pre -Christmas season, which should not be missing in any home. However, if you want to take a step away from the classic wreath of fir, you canAlternative Advent wreathdecide. Take a look at our examples and DIY ideas for a modern Advent wreath in gold and be inspired!

What do you need for a modern advent wreath?

Advent wreaths have been part of the German tradition at Christmas time since the 19th century. They not only serve to decorate the apartment to the festival, but also count the weeks until Christmas. The four candles, which are lit on Sunday, take on this role.

The classic advent wreath still consists of fir branches and other (mostly red) decorative elements such as grinding and balls. However, since this classic decoration in our modern apartments does not always fit well, you will find a variety of modern advent wreaths that are aimed at the last living trends and still use tradition.

A modern Advent wreath is also much easier to make than the classic. You don't have to bind real wreaths and braid branches. The four candles are enough, theOn a nice trayarranged and decorated with decorations of your choice.

Modern decorate: Advent wreaths in gold that everyone can do

In addition to red and green, gold is one of the classic Christmas colors. If you want to make a modern Advent wreath yourself without breaking tradition, you can add gold elements in your decoration. Here we offer a few quick and very simple idea of ​​how this can be achieved.

So you can make a super simple Advent wreath in gold yourself

Admittedly, most of us are not gifted. But does that mean that you can't make your own decoration? Of course not! The following idea is ideally suited for everyone who has two left hands. Because tinkering without cutting, gluing, binding etc. can everyone, right? That's how it works!

First collect the following materials:

  • a golden plate or a golden tray
  • White advent candles (stump cerema) in the same or different sizes
  • golden pearl chain
  • Small golden Christmas balls (matt, shiny and with glitter)
  • white stars


  1. Clean the plate and polish it with a soft cloth. Gold has to shine!
  2. Then put the candles on the plate. Whether in the square, in the semicircle or in the middle, you decide yourself. For an interesting effect, you can choose candles in different sizes to give the wreath more dimension.
  3. Add a pearl chain by wrapping it around the candles on the plate. Finally, fill the empty areas with golden Christmas decorations and white stars.
  4. Find a suitable place for the modern Advent wreath in gold and wait until the first Sunday of Advent to light the first candle.

A notice:Since the candles and the decoration are not fixed, you should be careful when shifting so that the jewelry and the candles do not fall down. But you can use the individual elements after the festival elsewhere or simply pack it carefully until next Christmas.

Gold accents made easy: tinker fast DIY Advent wreath

If you still prefer the classic round form of the Advent wreath, but unfortunately cannot bind a wreath yourself, then you can use a simple trick. Buy a cheap, basic wreath, for example from pasture. Get a few small golden decorative elements from the decorative shop, golden or white stump cerema and candle holder with pick, as well as a bottle of golden spray paint. Don't forget the glue either! The hot glue gun can simply work wonders with such small craft projects!

From here it is very simple: first spray all the parts you want to have gold and let the color dry. For this step we recommend that you go outside. Then simply put the four candle holders into the wreath at the same distance from each other, stick the decoration in between and finally add the candles. That's it!

Unusual, child -light idea for the Advent wreath in gold

No expensive materials are required for this unusual wreath. Without tinkering and gluing, everything this DIY project requires are 5 minutes and a few decorative elements that you may already have in your Christmas box.

This modern Advent wreath in gold is elongated and is arranged in a basket. But you can also use a small box or something similar. You also need golden fabric. This can be a fabric napkin, a table runner or a scarf. The stump ceremics are first placed in the basket - one for every Advent. If you don't find candles with numbers, you can simply stick golden numbers stickers and paint the numbers. The golden fabric is then placed in the basket and put between the candles so that the bottom of the basket is no longer visible. The places between the candles can then be decorated with small decorative figures in gold and silver, such as balls, fir trees, angels, stars, etc. To make the Advent wreath glow, even if the candles do not burn, you can then wrap a thin chain of lights around the basket. Was it complicated? Not at all.