Make an Advent wreath out of pine cones, pine or spruce cones and other materials

Everything revolves around pine cones, fir greens andother natural materials. Nothing seems cozier, more nostalgic and more romantic at Christmas than what nature has to offer. While some prefer more modern decorations and are looking for a touch of elegance, others value the classics to get into the Christmas spirit. If you are one of the latter, we are not surprised that you have landed in today's article. And we are guaranteed to amaze you with our adorable ideas for a DIY Advent wreath made of pine cones, pine cones or other types of cones! The fact that the wreaths are wonderfully easy to make is an added bonus that you will appreciate. Get started now!

It doesn't matter if you have a ringmade of floral foam, a wire ring, cardboard ring or even no blank at all - pretty much any variant is possible with tenons. In addition, an Advent wreath like this looks great made entirely of cones, as well as in combination with other natural materials. But just take a look for yourself and choose your favorite Advent wreath made of pine cones. You can of course use any type of cone for any of our ideas. For example, our first instructions are about spruce cones, but fir, pine or larch cones are also possible.

Just because you use the cones of a specific conifer does not mean that the branches have to come from that tree. For example, we really like the following variant with spruce cones and pine branches. You can combine whatever you like! A poinsettia was placed in the middle, which you can use for somethingmore puristic wreathbut you can also leave it out.

  • Plastic plate
  • Strohring
  • brown adhesive tape/packing tape
  • Hot glue
  • Cones
  • artificial moss
  • 4 plug-in candle holders, as desired for table candles or pillar candles
  • thin wire
  • Conifer branches and thuja branches
  • artificial branches with berries
  • Candles
  • Additional decorations such as Christmas tree balls, stars, etc. as desired.

Would you like this Advent wreath made of pine cones, spruce cones orMake pine cones, start by wrapping the ring with the tape. Then stick it on the plate. Then glue the artificial moss along the outside with hot glue and then the cones standing upright in front of it. The top of the ring is still bare and visible at this point. Change this by alternately covering them with the branches. This time you don't use glue, but rather pieces of wire that you bend into a U-shape and use to secure.

Then insert the four candle holders into the wreath at equal distances from each other. The Advent wreath made of pine cones looks beautiful as is and if you want, you can use it as is. In this case, you don't need a plate as it will serve as a coaster for the flower. But you can also continue decorating. Put a poinsettia in the middle, then add artificial ones here and thereBranches with red berriesand distribute other decorations.

Here you can find out howThen care for the poinsettia properly.

Make an Advent wreath without a blank for tea lights

Would you like to spontaneously make an Advent wreath out of pine cones yourself, but don't have a blank at home? Then improvise! Simply find cardboard, cut out a ring and glue and/or tie lanterns, cones and any other materials you have at home to it. You can make the cardboard ring more stable by wrapping it a few times with wide packing tape.

If you then add fabric in a matching color (for an Advent wreath made of pine cones, for example in brown), any gaps will be less noticeable later.

Make your own elongated Advent wreath

Rustic or rather modern... Can't decide? This idea for oneelongated shape as an alternativeThe classic combines both and creates a really beautiful table decoration that you will enjoy using next year. You can paint the cones any way you like or leave them natural and then simply arrange them on the tray.

Instructions for an Advent wreath made of pine cones on a wooden disc

This idea for unusual Advent wreaths looks naturally beautiful and at the same time elegant thanks to the table candles. Different cones are simply arranged on a wooden board. So you can create an alternative to the Advent wreath made of pine cones, but also with pine cones. Simply glue these onto a wooden board or disc with hot glue.

You can also stick the candle holders there. To get different heights for the candles, you can glue one or two of the candle holders to the pane and the others to pine cones that you have previously shortened as desired. You can see what is meant in the picture instructions above.

Advent wreath with branches and cones for hanging

If you would like to make your own Advent wreath with pine cones, that is also possiblehanging versiona really wonderful idea. To do this, first make a wreath out of pine greens and tie cones to it with wire. Glue smaller cones to branches and pin them to the wreath too. If you want, you can add other elements, such as artificial poinsettias in white color.

You might also be interested in:9 DIY ideas for natural Christmas decorations with pine cones

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Inspiration for Advent wreaths made from natural materials

Spruce cones and evergreen branches

Combine different cones and natural materials

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Advent wreath made of pine cones with pine branches as accents

Golden arrangement with table candles

Red accents

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