Window decoration with a poinsettia: This is how you can effectively showcase the flower as an Advent decoration!

A beautiful window decoration should not be missing in any home at Christmas! Mainly made from natural materials such as fir branches, cones and of course the symbol of Christmas – the poinsettia. We explain how to stage the flowers effectively and show you several beautiful ideas for window decorations with poinsettias.

With its magnificent, large red bracts, the poinsettia is the classic winter flower. It enchants and has a very decorative effect - which is why it has established itself as a popular element of decoration in the run-up to Christmas. We'll show you some ideas on how you can use them to beautify your windowsill.

Make an Advent calendar

Surprise the family with a creative Christmas decoration and make an Advent calendar to hang up. All you need is a tree branch, several poinsettias (small, in pots or small metal buckets) and small boxes to put together the decorations.

Fill the boxes withhomemade little things. Wrap them lovingly and hang them from a large, solid branch, alternating with candy and poinsettias.

Window decoration with poinsettia: garland made from natural materials

For the next DIY idea you will need the poinsettia bracts, autumn leaves and other natural materials of your choice. Make beautiful envelopes out of old book sheets (or music paper). Place fresh flowers or poinsettia bracts in the envelopes. Decorate them with the autumn leaves and hang them up.

Christmas wreath on the window with pink accents

A Christmas wreath with a poinsettia in pink and beautiful fir branches is guaranteed to attract everyone's attention. Our tip: Use a pink pipe ring that matches the color of the door wreath. This way you can add a splash of color and at the same time keep the design as simple as possible.

Make an Advent calendar out of jam jars

Do you have a lot of jam jars that you don't use? Then you can paint them in different shades of pink and number them. Hide delicious surprises for every day until Christmas. So that the glasses don't look too boring, you can arrange several flower pots with pink poinsettias on the windowsill.

Window decoration with poinsettia in a vase

Together with other fresh natural materials (ornamental grasses, berries, etc.)you can use the poinsettiadisplay particularly creatively. You will need a deep vase and several kitchen sponges. Cut the kitchen sponges into cubes and fill the vase with them. They will later absorb the irrigation water and release it little by little. This means that the flowers and grasses are regularly supplied with water.

Christmas decorations with cones for the window

Even large cones can be embellished with felt balls. Hang them right next to a plant pot to make the Christmas decorations look complete. This decoration idea is ideal for anyone who wants a natural arrangement for Christmas.

Knitted planters for the flower

Alternatively, you can opt for knitted flower pots. Decorate them with stars, Christmas trees or other beautiful Christmas motifs. This will bring variety and effectively showcase the winter flower. By the way, the poinsettia looks best in small groups (3 to 5 plants). To ensure that the flowers create a uniform image, you can arrange them on a windowsill.

Make winter decorations in pink

You want an eclectic, slightly eccentric oneWinter decoration for the window? Then put on a garland of Christmas tree decorations and poinsettias. Of course, you can also use other natural materials such as individual fir branches. What is particularly important is that the individual figures and decorative pieces match each other in terms of color and style.

Creatively arrange the poinsettia in the flower pot

Would you like to effectively display the poinsettia in the pot? Then you can effectively stage the flower with pine cones, rust stars and other decorative elements.

Another variant for the windowsill is to decorate the bucket with wooden strips as desired. Or you can scatter cones and other decorative pieces around. Together with several red candles and mini wooden Christmas trees, it forms an effective ensemble.

So the window decoration with poinsettia really lasts a long time

To ensure that the poinsettia decoration lasts a long time, proper care plays a crucial role. Whether as part of a festive ensemble or as the highlight of the window decoration:Water the floweronly when the surface dries. The flower is a true sun worshiper and will therefore feel great at the window. It is actually exotic and needs a lot of warmth. If the window frame leaks, the delicate plant can freeze. Thick curtains can protect you from drafts and cold in the evening and at night. Otherwise, you will have to place the poinsettia somewhere else.

Even as a cut flower, the poinsettia needs little water and does well even with small amounts. Change the water in the jug regularly to prevent germs from forming there. Also remove wilted leaves and replace individual wilted cuttings with new ones. Without water, the cut flower cannot thrive for very long. If you decide to make such a decoration, wait as much as possible before making it. Otherwise, the poinsettia will wither before the guests arrive.
