Cheap Christmas decorations for outside: 3 ideas for large Christmas bells to imitate!

An effective oneOutdoor Christmas decorationsFinding them can be difficult… and expensive. A lot of what's on the market isn't necessarily the most sophisticated, and if you find what you want, it'll cost you a fortune. Would you like to make original yet inexpensive Christmas decorations yourself in 2021? Then take a look at this cool idea for XXL Christmas bells. The trick? They're made from inexpensive materials like plastic flower pots, metal bowls, and exercise balls!

Cheap Christmas decorations made from metal bowls

These unusual Christmas bells are made from mixing bowls. You can hang them outside, tie them into a garland and evenattach to the door frame at the entrance to the house! If you add fir green around the silver bells, they really come into their own and stand out!

For crafting you will need:

  • Metal mixing bowls – 2 bowls for each bowl
  • Black acrylic paint
  • Paint brush
  • E6000 glue
  • Jute string for hanging the bells (or ribbon)
  • Bows and various decorations


1. Paint two lines across the bottom of a bowl.
2. At the end of each line, draw a circle.

3. Once the paint has dried, glue the second mixing bowl onto the painted bowl.

If you want to hang the large Christmas bells outside, it is important that you use a glue that will REALLY hold them. Hot glue won't be of much use here. E6000 glue is easy to find and very inexpensive. It may take longer to dry, but it's worth the wait!

4. Glue jute hanging string and other decorations to the top of the jingle bells. If you want, you can of course leave your giant jingle bells plain.
5. Allow the glue to dry overnight.

What we think is so great about these beautiful large bells is the fact that you can decorate them in so many different ways! Bows and other embellishments always look so beautiful this time of year. The sky is the limit, so be creative!

Cheap Christmas decorations made from plastic flower pots

These inexpensive Christmas decorations can be made in less than 1 hour! For crafts, choose plastic plant pots with a rounded shape to make them look like real bells. For an even more beautiful effect, you can buy pots in different sizes.

Materials required:

  • 1 plastic flower pot for each bell
  • Spray paint in silver
  • Gloves and cardboard
  • PP cord
  • Cordless drill
  • Christmas balls, preferably in red
  • Pencil


1. Spray the flower pots with the silver spray paint. Protect the work area with cardboard and wear gloves. Allow the paint to dry for about 10-15 minutes.

2. Depending on the size of your plant pot, cut a piece of PP rope. The Christmas ball should hang on this string.
3. Now drill a hole in the bottom of the pot and thread the string through it.
4. Tie a Christmas ball to the end of the string.

5. Use a pencil to mark the spot where you should tie the string on the inside of the pot.
6. At the end, tie a loop on the outside for hanging.

You can use thicker paper clips as hooks for hanging the bells. This way they can be easily attached to an artificial fir garland.

Optionally, you can tie several bells together in a bundle

Inexpensive Christmas decoration made from exercise ball and hula hoop

Last week we showed you how tothese huge Christmas ballscan be made from beach or exercise balls. Now comes another great idea with these inexpensive materials: large Christmas bells! To make the craft, all you need are two exercise balls, two hula hoops, gold spray paint, black acrylic paint, a brush and large Christmas bows.

The bells look great both indoors and outdoors!

Exercise balls and hula hoops come in different sizes. So make sure that their diameters match each other. Slide the hoop over the ball down to the middle. If it's too tight, you can try cutting it up and then gluing it back together.

Spray the balls and tires with the gold spray paint and let the whole thing dry for about 30 minutes. It is important that you use a spray paint specifically for plastic, otherwise it will not last.

Once the spray paint has dried, you can use acrylic paint to paint the black elements. If you want to protect your Christmas decorations against snow and rain, you can optionally spray the bells with clear varnish. At the end, attach the large loops with E600 and you're done!

What else can you use to make the bells? Decorative bucket with country house charm!

Andin this articleYou will find 2 cool ideas for illuminated Christmas balls - made from wire mesh and fairy lights and from ball lamps.