Make your own succulent Advent wreath in a bowl – the 2021 Advent wreath trend is so beautiful!

Are you lacking inspiration for this year's Advent wreath? Then you've come to the right place! Today we're showing you a new Advent wreath idea: a sustainable arrangement with succulents, moss and four candles that can remain standing even after the Christmas season. AAdvent wreath in bowlis very trendy in 2021 and is a modern alternative to classic wreaths. We'll tell you how you can make and design a succulent Advent wreath yourself that is more beautiful and individual than purchased Advent decorations!

Advent wreath with succulents and hyacinths

Here is a really pretty and even quite simple DIY Advent wreath. By using candles of different colors and heights, you can create dimension and play with the composition of the tones. What's even more interesting is how this Advent wreath in a bowl changes over time as the hyacinths sprout and the candles burn. Do you like the idea of ​​vibrant and changing decoration? Then you should definitely make this succulent Advent wreath yourself!

What you need: A bowl, small succulents, moss and hyacinths, pillar candles in different colors and heights. Possibly plastic film, cut to size to protect the shell. When decorating, you can let your imagination run wild - snowberries, dried seed pods and other natural materials are ideal. Just use what you have in the garden and think is suitable.

Place the candles on the bowl. Then take the plants out of the pots and arrange them between the candles. Then cover the rest with moss and add your chosen decorations. Complete!

Succulent Advent wreath as a small forest landscape

If you want to make an Advent wreath yourself that is natural, simple and super cozy, then you can design it as a small forest landscape.

Buy a pretty little mini Christmas tree, a few succulents, floral foam and moss from the flower shop. To give the Advent wreath a natural look, use a large wooden bowl (e.g. with a diameter of around 55 cm). To protect the wood, line the bowl with a plastic bag. Some cute deer figurines and mini cones complete the theme perfectly.

Start by placing the largest items on the bowl to get an idea of ​​how many candles and decorations will fit. Cut the floral foam into small pieces and place them in water for half an hour. Distribute the soaked floral foam between the candles, succulents and the small Christmas tree (without plastic pots). Now place the moss on the free areas between the candles and plants and make sure that they are well covered so that no plastic or anything similar can be seen. Finally add the decorations. You can also put fresh flowers of your choice into the moist floral foam.

For a wintery look, you can decorate the succulents with white glitter

Use tea light holders in the Advent wreath instead of pillar candles

Tea light holders are a long-lasting and affordable alternative to large pillar candles. These can also be easily personalized with number stickers or markers. In this example you can see how great this Advent decoration looks in a large bowl with candle holders, green moss and various succulents. A chain of lights makes the decoration shine beautifully on days when the Advent candles are not lit.

Modern Advent wreath made of concrete

AConcrete Advent wreathlooks very simple, but also modern. This Advent candle holder, for example, is called “The Ring” and can be easily found online. It can be easily combined with natural materials. Their natural green lightens up the massive concrete wonderfully.

Scandinavian Advent wreath with succulents

Scandinavian gnomeshave been an integral part of Christmas decorations for several years now. The cute figures can also find space in your succulent Advent wreath! Match the colors of their hats to the candles and decorations you choose.

Nostalgic Advent decoration

If youget nostalgic at Christmas timeand remember your childhood, you can also include small vintage-style figures in your Advent wreath.

Houseleeks (Sempervivum) are often popular because of their pretty rosettes of leaves. But they also impress with their variety of colors. These houseleeks with black leaves were combined with black candles, for example, and set an extraordinary accent in the Advent wreath.

Artificial succulents can look like the real thing these days

Don't want to use live plants in your Advent wreath? No problem! Artificial succulents are a great alternative and look like the real thing!

Alternative Advent wreath with thin candles

We light four candles on the four Sundays of Advent. You can still keep the tradition of the four candles, but interpret their shape in a modern way. Here's a great idea with four very thin, white candles placed in a bowl of gravel and soil to make them stable. Just be careful that thin candles burn much faster. So you should only light them for a short time in the evening.

You can also put stick candles in a deeper bowl