Making Christmas cards with beads and Hama iron-on beads: instructions and templates

Loved ones with beautiful onesto give Christmas cards, is now simply part of the festive ritual. Homemade cards are particularly well received and are a nice sign of love. We offer you several ideas for Christmas cards with beads and Hama ironing beads that you can make.

Make Christmas cards with beads: Creative Christmas tree

At Christmas, all craft enthusiasts let their creativity run wild. If you like your family and friendsSurprise with something homemadeand want to try something new this year, then the next idea is for you. The craft project is also great forFamilies with children. You need:

  • a folding card made of white cardboard
  • Glass beads or plastic beads, different colors
  • green embroidery thread
  • Nadel
  • Scissors
  • Superglue
  • Circle
  • Pencil
  • Lineal


  • First draw a triangle for the Christmas tree on the folding card.
  • Then, starting from the top of the Christmas tree, mark holes on the vertical lines at a distance of 0.5 cm. Pierce the holes with the compass.
  • Cut the green thread, thread the needle and attach the end of the green thread to the inside of the card with superglue.
  • Starting from the tip of the conifer, first insert the needle into the nearby hole on the left and then loosely thread it through several beads. Then push the needle through the opposite hole. Repeat the process or try other embroidery techniques. Anything you like is allowed.
  • Then fix the end of the thread on the back with superglue.
  • Cover the unsightly inside with a piece of ironing paper.

Make Christmas cards with beads and pipe cleaners

Another variant thateven inexperienced enthusiastsThe Christmas tree can be easily recreated using pipe cleaners and glass beads. You don't need much time for this craft idea, as the pipe cleaners can be bent in the desired direction quickly and easily. This is the perfect last minute card.


  • Folding card made of cardboard
  • Glass beads
  • 20 cm long pipe cleaners in different colors (green, silver, gold). You can also use bending plush
  • Self-adhesive rhinestones
  • a star made of cardboard in a contrasting color (gold, pink)
  • Superglue

When purchasing the materials, make sure that the pipe cleaners will fit through the holes in the beads.


  1. Start threading on one side of the pipe cleaner.
  2. Bend the pipe cleaner in a zigzag shape to form a “Christmas tree.” Push the beads into the corners.
  3. Fix the pipe cleaner in the middle of the folding card with superglue.
  4. Decorate with rhinestones and attach the star made of cardboard in a contrasting color to the top.

Make Christmas cards with the children

A beautiful oneChristmas tree made of embroidery threadAnd pearls don't just look good. Toddlers enjoy playing with the beads and moving them back and forth. The greeting card is therefore ideal for families with several children. While some are tinkering with their parents, others can play with the end result.

By the way, Christmas cards can not only be designed with the classic glass, plastic and wooden beads. You can also design your Advent cards with Hama beads. For the next craft ideas you will need the following materials:

  • a blank folding card made of white cardboard
  • Perler beads (beginners should choose 2-3 colors, craft enthusiasts can also work with more colors).
  • a plugboard
  • a template (see below)
  • a squared sheet of paper
  • a heavy book


  1. Transfer the template onto a squared sheet of paper
  2. Choose the beads
  3. Add the motif with the beads. Make sure that all ironing beads are at the same height.
  4. Cover the ornament with parchment paper and iron until the colors shine through. This is a sign that the beads have melted together.
  5. Place a heavy book on the still warm motif. Wait about half an hour until it cools down. Then carefully remove it from the plug-in plate.
  6. Stick the motif onto the folding card with universal glue or hot glue.

Make Christmas cards with beads and rhinestones

The third idea, a nice oneDesigning a Christmas card, is super simple and can be easily recreated. You will need several rhinestones and beads, a ruler, a marker and a folding card made of white cardboard. Choose a suitable motif, transfer it to the Advent card and decorate it with beads and rhinestones.

A homemade Christmas card is particularly well received by family and friends. If you want to try something new this year, make an Advent card with beads. The glass beads give the card an elegant touch and you can use iron-on beadsbeautiful Christmas motifsshapes. Whether noble or charming, for children or adults – the beads are true all-round talents and can be creatively presented.

Various Christmas motifs made from embroidery thread and beads

Templates for Christmas motifs with beads

Make Christmas motifs from ironing beads

Making Christmas cards: various decoration ideas