The right care for amaryllis in pots – tips for the whole year

Amaryllis is one of the most popular houseplants because of its magnificent flowers. In the cold season they are a very special eye-catcher on the windowsill or the festive table. To ensure that your flower continues to bring joy, we will give you some important tips on proper care before and after flowering.

What does the exotic flower look like?

The plant has a large pear-shaped root bulb, from the tip of which long, straight flower stalks (50 cm long and 2-3 cm wide) grow up. When flowering comes, the leaves often die. Over time, huge, trumpet-shaped flowers are formed, which can be 3 to 12 cm in diameter.With good careThe plant produces not one, but two and even three flower stalks.

The size of the leaves, the diameter of the flowers and the height of the stem largely depend on the particular variety. TheColor of petalsis also very diverse. There are hybrids that glow in red, white, purple, pink or even green. Varieties with two-tone flowers, for example white with red stripes or edges, are particularly attractive.

Important!The plant is poisonous to animals and humans. The poison is contained in the sap of the plant. Therefore, it is recommended to place the pot in a place that is inaccessible to pets and children.

Differences between genus Amaryllis and genus Hippeastrum

The Ritterstern is often confused with Hippeastrum, also called Ritterstern. In fact, at first glance it is difficult to distinguish these two flowers. However, a careful comparison reveals many differences. The belladonna lily is the real amaryllis and belongs to the amaryllis family (Amaryllidaceae). The knight's star (Hippeastrum) is still popularly referred to as amaryllis to this day.

featureTrue Amaryllis (Belladonnalily)Hyppeastrum (Knight's Star)
OnionLarge, 5-10 cm in diameter, conicalLarge, 5-8 cm or more, pear-shaped
leavesDuring the flowering period, the leaves are almost completely absent or there are one or two leaves, the others appear only after the stem has completely dried outThe flowering plant has four leaves and a stem with buds at the same time
stalkMeaty and strongHollow inside, fragile
flowers3-12 buds on one stem2-6 buds on the stem, often only two of them bloom
flowering timeAutumn, beginning of winterFrom the end of winter to mid-spring
Home of the plantSouth AfricaSouth and Central America

Varieties of the knight's star

Modern hybrids can be divided into three large groups:

– Large-flowered varieties – These include Double Roma, Exotica, Monte Carlo, White Baby, Ampulo. The diameter of flowers of such species can reach 20 – 25 cm.
– Varieties with unusual color – Striped, speckled, with a border or a splash of color, the variations in color are numerous. This group includes Charisma, Clown, Papilio, Pizazz, Prelude.
– Narrow-leaved varieties – Their flowers are not very large, but they are fascinating with their unusual shape. These are varieties such as La Paz, Spotty, Evergreen.

Plant amaryllis bulbs

To grow this plant areheavy clay potsmost suitable. In a small, lightweight container, the amaryllis can easily fall over because of its strong stem. The size of the pot is selected according to the size of the flower bulb. In a properly selected container, the onion will fill almost the entire space. The distance between the bulb and the wall should be no more than 2 cm.

Take note!In large pots, the flowers form a particularly large number of daughter bulbs and stop blooming.

The plant loves humus-rich, loose and permeable soil. As a rule, it is recommended to mix the potting soil with coarse sand and perlite.

Repot amaryllis

Adult plants are repotted once in 2-3 years when the pot becomes too small for the bulb. The new pot should be 4-5 cm wider than the old one. The onion is freed from dried scales and rotten roots and placed in the new pot along with the lump of earth. When the plant forms daughter bulbs, carefully separate them and transplant them into their own pots. The Knight's Star can also be repotted at the end of each life cycle.

Care instructions for amaryllis in a pot

The life cycle of this beautiful flower is clearly divided into growth phase, flowering period and resting period. To keep the plant healthy, it is necessary to create optimal conditions for each phase of the life cycle. Whether the knight's star will bloom depends on proper care.

ConditionsThe rest period (spring, summer)Flowering period (autumn, winter)
sunlightThe onion should be stored in a dark placeBright diffused sunlight
irrigationvery sparingly, every 15-20 daysAbundant and frequent, as the upper layer of the soil dries out quickly
Room temperature10-15 Grad20-22 Grad
humidity40-50 %50-90 %

This is what year-round care looks like:

October – NovemberStew
from the beginning of Decemberwater sparingly
December – JanuaryFlowering period, water regularly
FebruarydieCut off spent flowers
March – AprilKeep warmer, water well
May – JuneFertilize liquid every 14 days
ab Augustwater less
SeptemberRemove dried leaves
October – NovemberIf necessary, repot and leave to rest at 15 degrees
from the beginning of Decemberwater sparingly

flowering time

During this period it is important not to forget fertilizer to encourage the formation of flowers. Under good conditions, a second or third stem may appear. To avoid weakening the bulb too much, the third stem is usually removed.

The flowering plant prefers a bright place at a temperature of 19-21 degrees. Under such conditions, the flowering period lasts 2 weeks or more.

After flowering, the spent flowers are cut off. The faded stem is not removed immediately, but is allowed to dry out naturally. This is necessary so that the onion is gradually supplied with nutrients and water. At this time leaves also appear, which will also wither for several months. The more leaves that grow, the better. So don't forget to water and fertilize regularly every two weeks.

The rest time

The transition to the rest period begins at the end of August. Stems and leaves wilt completely. If there are still one or two green leaves, they are shortened to 3 – 5 cm. Fertilization is now completely stopped. The pots of dormant bulbs are moved to a dark, cool place in September and October. The plants are checked regularly and watered from time to time so that the bulb does not dry out completely. The rest period lasts about 6 weeks.

*Do not store the onions in the refrigerator or at sub-zero temperatures. The Knight Star cannot stand the cold. Supercooled onions will no longer wake up.

The growth phase

When the rest period is over, the onions are placed back in a bright place. If you want the amaryllis to bloom again at Christmas, remove the bulb from the cool area at least 6 weeks beforehand.

The flowers feel most comfortable in a south-east or south-west window. If the room faces south, the pot can be placed on a flower stand near the window so that the plant is not in direct sun. Dark northern rooms are not suitable for these plants.

Keep the soil moist but not soggy. Water never needs to be poured on the onion. You can simply wipe off the dust that has accumulated on the leaves with a damp cloth.

Fertilize amaryllis

Fertilizing is important for the flower because the plant cannot absorb natural nutrients in a closed pot. Fertilize every two weeks in combination with watering as needed. After flowering, before the leaves dry out, fertilization is changed completely. Since fertilizers come in solid and liquid form, always follow the dosage instructions on the packaging.

fertilizerWhen and how to fertilize
Compost water or worm teaBefore flowering, 150 ml per plant
Liquid fertilizer for onion plants (stimulates growth and development)Throughout the growing season, like regular watering
Mineral fertilizersDuring the flowering period, instead of the usual watering

How to Make an Amaryllis Bloom

To ensure that the amaryllis delights you with its magnificent flowers every year, you should definitely give the plant a rest. The rest period is very important because then nutrients accumulate in the bulb and future flower heads are developed. After the dormant period, an adult, well-developed plant will form a strong inflorescence with buds in 6 – 8 weeks.

What to do if the onion doesn't sprout?

Sometimes capricious flower bulbs don't want to grow after rest. To get the flower to bloom again, just try this solution:

1. Place the pot in a warm but dark place (22 - 25 degrees).

2. Stop watering until the stem appears.

3. Then the plant is moved to a bright location and watered sparingly on a regular basis. Too much water causes the leaves to develop rather than the stem.

4. As soon as the flower stalk has reached a height of 10 - 15 cm, you can water and fertilize again as usual.

Multiply the knight star

There are several options for propagating this beautiful houseplant:

1. Young plantsto grow seeds
2. Propagation by daughter bulb
3. Division of the onion

Propagation via seeds is generally possible. This is a tedious method for amateur gardeners and is rarely used. However, most knight's stars are most easily propagated by daughter bulbs that form on the side of the mother bulb. Division of the bulb, on the other hand, is preferred for particularly valuable varieties that for some reason do not produce a daughter bulb.

Propagated by daughter bulbs

How can you promote the formation of offshoots?

After the autumn respite, the onion is placed in a spacious pot. After 1-2 months, small offshoots appear on the sides. At the end of winter, when the leaves dry up, it is time to separate the daughter bulb. If the breeding onions are too small (less than 1 - 2 cm in diameter), you should wait a little longer.

Separate the daughter bulb

Remove the amaryllis from the pot and cut off the largest daughter bulbs with a clean, sharp knife. They usually already have their own root strands.

To disinfect the plant and increase resistance, soak it in a dark purple solution of potassium permanganate for 2-3 hours. Take a pot and place pottery shards over the opening in the bottom as drainage. Prepare a nutrient-poor, light soil made of peat, potting soil, humus and sand in a ratio of 2:2:1:2. Instead of sand, you can use perlite or vermiculite. Place the daughter bulbs in the soil so that a third is above the ground and water generously.

In the first two years, the cuttings do not need a rest period, that is, they are grown as ordinary flowers, watered and fertilized regularly. It can take two to three years for the pupils to bloom for the first time.

Division of the mother bulb

This method is based on the plant's ability to form multiple growth points from one bulb.

Choose a strong, healthy plant with a large bulb (not less than 6-7 cm in diameter). Division begins when the amaryllis has faded and the leaves have just turned yellow.

The onion is not removed from the pot. Using a sharp knife, cut off all of the foliage along with the onion tip.

Then cut the onion crosswise into 4 parts. The incisions must be deep. Insert wooden or metal needles between the resulting segments so that parts do not come into contact.

Place the divided amaryllis plant in a bright place, on a south-east or south-west window. The best temperature for the development of shoots is 25 – 28 degrees. After 1-2 months, a sprout appears in each segment. A few months later, daughter bulbs emerge. In spring they can be separated and planted separately.

Care is only complicated at first glance. As a rule, it is a fairly easy-care houseplant that can be perfectly adapted to different room conditions. With a little sensitivity to the plant's needs, you will be able to enjoy it for years to come!