Amaryllis (Knight's Star) is one of the most popular winter flowers. After the flowering period ends in January, the entire plant often ends up in the trash. It's a shame, actually, because the onion flower is perennial and can sprout again the next winter if cared for properly. We explain how to properly cut back and care for the amaryllis after flowering.
Amaryllis has faded, what to do? Remove wilted flowers immediately
The heyday of this beautiful exotic species begins in the run-up to Christmas. In the winter months their large, star-shaped flowers are a delight to the eye. The flowering period usually ends in January, but can extend into March if you cut off any wilted plants early. The plant puts its energy into producing flowers and not into producing seeds.
Cut back and repot amaryllis after flowering
The right time is around the beginning of February to mid-February.the faded amaryllisto cut off. Proceed as follows:
1. Remove any wilted flowers with the stem. It is best to use sharp secateurs. Disinfect the scissors after each cut if you want to cut back several specimens.
2. The exotic plant develops its roots in February and March. That's why now is the right timeRepot flower. The new potting soil will provide the bulb flower with important nutrients and promote new sprouting and leaf formation. Take a pot that is just a bit larger than the bulb. Drill drainage holes in the pot.
3. Check the roots for signs of disease. If you notice any damaged areas, cut them off. They are entry points for pests and rot.
Proper care in spring is crucial for amaryllis after flowering
The knight's star needs regular care even after it has been cut. In contrast to many native plants, where a resting phase begins after the flowering period, the life cycle of the exotic plant depends on the rainy and dry seasons. During the months of February – August, the bulb collects nutrients and then stores them for the dormant period that begins at the end of August. To help them do this, you should care for them properly and provide them with regular water and fertilizer. The following tips will help you:
- Never let the soil dry out; the amaryllis needs regular watering. Only water the plant from below; the leaves and above-ground parts of the plant should remain dry.
- Apply fertilizer every two weeks. It is best to use liquid fertilizer. However, after repotting, wait about 3 weeks before fertilizing the plants. The potting soil contains all the necessary nutrients and will nourish the amaryllis during this time.
- Place the flower in the sun until it produces new leaves. The leaves are very important and should appear about two weeks after pruning.
- Around the end of May or when temperatures rise above 20° Celsius, the amaryllis can be placed on the balcony or terrace. Choose a sunny and wind-protected place.
- Reserves for the next flowering period are created in the summer months. This is because the amaryllis then produces flowers after the dormant phase in late summer and autumn.
Encourage a second bloom in June and July
What few people know: Amaryllis sometimes blooms again in the summer. The flowering period is significantly shorter than usual. An important prerequisite for this second flower formation is proper care in spring. If the plant has been able to store sufficient reserves during this time, it can produce flowers again. So that theAmaryllis then still has energy for the flowering periodin winter, you should cut off the wilted flowers immediately.
Amaryllis after flowering: Don't overwinter until late summer
In August you can gradually reduce watering and stop it completely at the end of August. The same applies to fertilizing. Over the next four weeks, the above-ground parts of the plant will die off. These need to be cut off around mid to late September. Then you can overwinter the amaryllis. To do this, dig up the bulb, loosen potting soil from the roots and place the plant on newspaper. Let the onion dry overnight and then wrap it in newspaper. You can overwinter the winter flower in the basement for a month. The optimal room temperature in the winter quarters should not exceed 15 degrees Celsius.
Store the bulbs out of the reach of children and pets. The underground parts of the plant are very poisonous and an accident could be fatal.
Make the knight's star bloom again in winter
The plant comes out of hibernation about five to a maximum of 6 weeks after overwintering. You need to plant the bulb in a large pot. Use fresh potting soil. Then keep the plant dark and water it sparingly. Only when the new shoots and leaves appear can you brighten up the amaryllis again. This usually happens in early December, just before the flowering period begins.
Also read:How to overwinter Amaryllis & get them to bloom again
Special case of amaryllis in a glass
Not all amaryllis flowers can sprout in a glass. The onions are specially grown and pre-treated in garden centers so that they can then be grown in a special jar at home. An important requirement for this is that the onion is not placed in the water, but rather stands directly above the water. For this purpose, the onions are sold in special jars. These are not only functional but also very decorative.
However, the Knight's Star cannot last foreverstay in the glass. You will soon notice that the flower is developing its roots. After the end of the flowering period, it is cut back and planted in conventional soil. Be particularly careful when removing the exotic from the jar. The flower still has young roots that are very delicate and can be easily damaged.
Just like the potted plant, the amaryllis must then be fertilized every two weeks so that the bulb can recover and store new reserves for the rest period.
The amaryllis, still known in this country as the knight's star, is a beautiful and durable houseplant. It would be a shame to throw away the bulb after the flowering period is over. Because with the right care, it can bloom for years in the winter. In contrast to other plants, the rest phase for amaryllis only begins in late summer. Until then, it needs nutrients and sunlight so that it can absorb the nutrients.
Read in English:Amaryllis after blooming: where to cut and what care does the flower need afterwards?