Do not leave your boxes and pots empty in the cold season: With many plants you can plant your balcony in February. The key to a green winter balcony is to find out which plants resist the cold in winter. Read on if you want to get tips for a planted balcony in winter!
Planted balconies are announced in winter
Camelie, winter jasmine, sneezing, alpine veins, ... there are flowers that defy the frost. If you have a green thumb, it would be a shame to waste it over the winter. It is best to play with green tones, sizes and shapes ofevergreen plants like ivy, Bamboo, boxwood, pieris.
It is important to drain the planters sufficiently to prevent putrefaction from spreading in the earth and roots in the damp winter time. Ton or ceramic pots in particular are not always frost-proof. So remember to provide the bottom of the pot with a drainage layer (tona and garden textiles), because waterlogging and cold are not a good couple.
Also place a partition between the pots and the floor to protect them from cold and prevent them from sinking into puddles when it rains. When excess watering or rainwater freezes in the pot, it expands and can lead to cracks in the material. In addition to sufficiently large drainage holes, aDrainage from bloated toneOr help to derive coarse gravel on the bottom of the pot.
If you have placed the pot directly on the bottom of your balcony or terrace, make sure that the drain holes are not blocked. Make sure that the pots are not on the way to the drafts, but behind windbreak. Also have some pieces of fleece ready for wintering, e.g. B. Air foil or styrofoam that are useful in strong cold.
But too little watering is not a good countermeasure, because once the earth has dried out, it can no longer absorb moisture in frost. Unfortunately, this means that their plants dry up. For healthy winter plants on the balcony or the terrace, you always have to ensure that the soil moisture is uniform.
Balcony in February: Which plants are allowed out?
Below you will find a list of plants thatBeautify your balcony in Februarycan.
Snowdrops in the pot
If you have snowdrops in the garden, you can decorate the balcony in February quickly, beautifully and inexpensively with the delicate onion flowers. Simply remove a few tuffs in an inconspicuous area. Plant them in vessels and cover the edges with moss. Before you bring the plants to a warm place, protect the pots on the balcony for a few days. After flowering, the snowdrops return to the bed. There they multiply with onions and seeds.
Plant flowering onions
Pulled crocuses and daffodils in pots are often offered in garden trade. Beautize your balcony in February with these cute and frost -resistant flowers! If the plants are faded later in spring, you can plant them together with your potted bales in the garden.
Step mothers on the balcony in February
Push pansies can be planted in pots on the balcony in winter because they are frost -resistant. These pretty plants are ideal for buckets. Simply use normal potting soil. Make sure that the roots are not tied too much and that the foliage is green. Test whether the roots are bound by lifting the plant out of the container and watching the roots. With a healthy plant, it is much more likely that it forms roots and grows faster.
Canna Rhizome multiply from the end of February
Canna Indica can be planted in a bright place from the end of February.For this purpose, the rhizomes(Root sticks) inserted ten centimeters deep into the earth. When planting, make sure that the roots run horizontally. Cut the roots of the canna fresh in front of the planting. Suitable substrate is nutrient -rich potting soil. Note: Pour only moderately, otherwise the rhizomes rot. As soon as the first leaf tips appear, increase the amount of water and supply the plant with liquid fertilizers according to the instructions on the packaging.
Planting bucket made of catering flowers
Primula denticulata are offered early in the year. If you sell them as a balcony flowers, it is easy to conclude that it is short -lived plants. But that's not true. The hardy pairs decorate pots and boxes for several years. The onion key flower is a nice eye-catcher with its approximately two-month flowering period. If you plant them, the earth should be in the bedAnd in the potbe slightly moist and nutrient -rich. The plant does not tolerate waterlogging. Therefore, a drainage made of gravel in the pot is advisable.
Planting time for the crown of fame
If you are looking for an unusual pot climbing plant for the balcony and terrace, you should try the glory crown (Gloriosa Rothschildiana). In February, plant the extended rhizomes of the onion plant in a container with soil. Place the pot in a warm place. Keep the floor evenly moist. In the case of dry air heating, the plant is sprayed with water for one to two days.From every rhizomeOnly a sprout develops. The exotic reaches a height of one meter and needs a climbing aid, plump afternoon sun is not suitable for the plant. The rhizomes should not be overwintered too cool at about 10 to 15 degrees Celsius.