Balcony flower of the year 2022: This ranking depends on the size and sun exposure of the outdoor area

The key to turning your balcony into a mini oasis is choosing plants that are suitable for your growing conditions. So before you head to the garden center, consider what your space is like – outdoors or sheltered, sunny or shady, or something in between? Then take a look at this list. It contains suggestions for the balcony flower of 2022, broken down according to these criteria.

Balcony flower of the year 2022 – checklist according to various criteria

No two balconies are the same. Each has its own characteristics that you need to consider when choosing planting.

Santolina for limited balcony space

Baumwoll-Lavendel (Santolina chamaecyparissus)

  • Height: 50cm
  • Ausbreitung: 1 m
  • Best for: Sunny flower boxes

The cotton lavender's compact size and round habit make it a good choice for flower boxes on balconies, where space is usually at a premium. Most varieties have aromatic, silvery foliage complemented by yellow button flowers in summer, but S.rosmarinfolia has medium green foliage.Cut them in early springBack to the beginning of new growth, and cut off the spent flower heads in the fall. “Pretty Carol' and “Primrose Gem” are among the most attractive varieties for balcony plants for 2022.

Fragrant jasmine for a sheltered sunny corner

Jasminum “Devon Cream”

  • Height: 3 m
  • Ausbreitung: 3 m
  • Best suited for sun

This summer-blooming beauty from the Mediterranean will fill your balcony with fragrance. So you can sit back and dream of distant places. For these reasons, jasmine is not only the balcony flower of 2022, but also of every other year. They are hungry plants, so use a rich compost and line the bottom of the container with newspaper to retain moisture and nutrients.

Place the planter in a sheltered corner and let the long shoots grow along the balcony railing. Jasminum “Devon Cream” has magnificent cream-colored flowers. Supply tomato fertilizer monthly in summer.

Zinnia Elegans is one of the best plants for window boxes

Zinnia Elegans “Queen Red Lime”

  • Height: 1m
  • Ausbreitung: 50 cm
  • Best suited for sun

These fun annual plants from Mexico are easy to grow and their bright flowers stand out against a green background. If you water them regularly and provide them with tomato fertilizer, they will bloom from summer until the first frost. If you buy large cuttings in early summer, you can plant them immediatelyplant in pots. They are among the best plants for window boxes, although shorter varieties do better on windy balconies.

Pelargoniums cope well with heat

Pelargonium “Attar of Roses”

  • Height: 45cm
  • Ausbreitung: 50 cm
  • Best for: Sun, low maintenance

There's a reason why you can see pelargoniums, sometimes called delicate geraniums, on balconies and on walls in countries like Spain and Morocco. They cope well with hot, dry conditions and look stunning too!

The varieties with fragrant foliage are particularly interesting – “Attar of Roses” is one of the best varieties for this. The trailing varieties are ideal for planting on balconies, while the upright varieties look good in groups of similar shades. Water and feed them regularly in summer, and if you cut off the spent flowers, the plants will continue to bloom until the end of autumn.

Have –Balcony flower of the year 2022 for windy locations

Colorful hebe

  • Height: 30cm-1.2m
  • Ausbreitung: 30 cm-1.2 m
  • Best for: Wind and dry conditions

The small-leaved Hebe is not only brilliant as a balcony plant, but is also one of the easiest plants to care for. Their tough, leathery leavescope well with droughtand wind, and they naturally look like they've been trimmed, so you don't have to bother getting out the best pruning shears! Fortunately, they don't need much watering or feeding - that would make the foliage too lush and limp.

Campanula carpatica for small flower boxes

Carpathian campanula

  • Height: 10-20cm
  • Ausbreitung: 30-60 cm
  • Best for: Flower clusters

These garden plants are tougher than they look, primarily the low-growing varieties such as C.carpatica and C.portenschlagiana. They require little attention and tolerate a lack of nutrients and water as well as partial shade.

A relatively new, compact variety is “Porto”. It has pretty foliage with dainty purple bell-shaped flowers and is fantastic for small window boxes. It blooms throughout spring and summer if kept well watered.

Magnolias for potted trees in full sun or partial shade

Star magnolia

  • Height: 2 m
  • Ausbreitung: 3 m
  • Suitable for: Potted trees in full sun or partial shade

Some of the most magnificent magnolia trees grow so slowly that they are suitable for planting in containers. M. grandiflora is popular with garden designers because of its large, evergreen leaves that are bronze on the underside. If you have enough space, plant a row of four or five specimens in a trough or planter on the balustrade; the foliage that sits over the railing helps dampen the wind and provide some privacy.

Magnolia stellata “Water Lily” has white, fragrant flowers, while Magnolia stellata “Susan” stands out in spring with its deep purple flowers and is a beautiful eye-catcher. Full sun to partial shade is best. Cut them back after flowering to keep them compact.

Balcony flower of the year 2022 - euonymus for year-round interest

Euonymus japonica

  • Height: 2.5m
  • Ausbreitung: 2.5 m
  • Suitable for: year-round interest

The robust and reliable Euonymus japonica varieties are a safe choice for balcony plants. The upright “Green Spire” looks elegant in wooden planters and has glossy green leaves all year round. It looks fantastic with the fiery red foliage of Nandina domestica. On balconies with balustrades, it filters the wind well and offers protection to other plants behind it.

Euonymus likes full sun, but can also tolerate full or partial shade. Euonymus planipes has a graceful vase shape and wonderful autumn coloring of the leaves. This slow-growing tree can be grown in a large container and cut into topiaries.