ImWinteris baked again as much as it takes. If you don't feel like making the same cookie recipes over and over again, we have a great alternative: a cake that combines all the ingredients that make up a perfect winter cake. We're talking about a delicious apple cake with crunchy nuts and a creamy sour cream layer. Here's how to whip up this dessert that's sure to impress everyone!
3. For the batter, mix in a large bowlButterorMargarinewith thesugar, vanilla sugarandSaltusing a mixer until we get a nice mixture. Now this oneAdd one at a time (!) and stir in at the highest level. In a separate bowl, mix the dry ingredients (Flour, baking powder, hazelnuts) and alternating with theMilchAdd in two batches and mix briefly at medium speed. Pour the dough into the mold, smooth it out and place the apples on top in a wreath shape. Put in the oven for about 40 minutes. Then loosen the springform pan and let the cake cool down thoroughly.
4. For the crunchy hazelnut layer, we melt themButterin a pot together withZuckerandMilchand add the nuts. Brown on medium heat for three minutes, stirring well. Place everything on baking paper and let the mixture cool completely. If you're in a hurry, you can go here insteadPumpkin seedsas an autumn topping, then this step is eliminated and the hazelnut mixture does not have to be prepared or cooled.
5. For the sour cream layer, we first mix itsour cream, sugarand a packageStagesteifin a bowl. In a separate bowl we beat themScenewith another packageStagesteifand then carefully fold it into the sour cream mixture. Now pour the cream evenly onto the cooled cake and spread it out. Decorate with the brittle and somethingCinnamonpour over it – done!
Enjoy your meal with the most delicious autumn cake!