Balcony plants for full sun that require (almost) no watering

Oh, how nice it would be if you could have a beautifully planted balcony without having to worry about the plants. That would be the dream of anyone who simply doesn't have a knack for plant care or who is often away from home for several days. What if we told you that flowers and greenery like this actually exist, even in full sun? Okay, these beauties can't do without water either. But the need is so small that it is not worth mentioning. The following balcony plants are suitable for full sun and without watering.

Balcony plants for full sun: easy-care planting in the flower box

Balcony plants for full sun that require no watering still sound like a fairy tale to you? You'll change your mind in a moment:

The silvery-green woolly zest

As if the leaves weren't decorative enough, during the flowering period of the Wollziest (Stachys byzantina) also beautifulPink flowersthat contrast wonderfully amidst the silver-green. Speaking of leaves: They get their fluffy look from the hairs that gave the plant its name, and it is also thanks to them that it tolerates drought. They prevent moisture from evaporating from the leaves. Thanks to this property, these beautiful specimens not only thrive in full sun, but also for long periods of time in summer without watering. The balcony plants for full sun can use their leaves to fill gaps between flowers in the box.

Balcony plants for full sun – the sedum

You may already know that this succulent can withstand drought and for long periods of time. In the Balkan countries it often adorns rocky surfaces in the wild and thrives without any problems, although dry summers are the norm there. The reason for this tolerance is the interesting leaves, which also have a decorative effect in the flower box. Even with a flower it willSedum will delight you, even if you have neglected watering them for a long time. The sedum (Sedum) so perfect.

Grow rosemary in a bucket

It will come as no surprise that this Mediterranean herb can withstand prolonged periods of heat without suffering any damage. But you probably wouldn't have thought of using rosemary of all things (Rosemary officinalis) for balcony design (considering that the moisture-loving geraniums and petunias are among the classics). But the herb plant not only looks great with its pointed leaves and beautiful flowers, but can also be used as a spice in the kitchen and without much care.

Thyme and sage are also suitable for easy-care planting in balcony boxes and can be harvested from a certain point in time.

Find out more about caring for rosemaryin this article.

Care for lavender in full sun and without water

Lavender is the ideal balcony plant for full sun and without much watering. You should only give the plant a few sips of water every few days in midsummer (ideally in the morning before the heat). You recognize the need for the soil to be dry even a few centimeters below the surface. Pay attention to drainage holes, as the plant cannot tolerate waterlogging at all. The scent drives away annoying mosquitoes, so you can spend pleasant evening hours on the balcony. It is important that you choose low-growing varieties for pots or boxes.

How to cut lavender so that it sprouts again next year and doesn't become woody,find out here.

Bright yellow girl's eye as balcony plants for full sun

Would you like to have more lush flowers in your box that would bloom for a longer period of time (almost without watering, of course)? The Girl's Eye (Coreopsis)is ideal for these conditions. The flower is particularly common in yellow, but there are also pink varieties. The beauty, which blooms in summer and late summer/autumn, feels right at home in the blazing sun and can also tolerate dry periods. Conversely, it can also withstand too much moisture for a certain period of time. However, avoid waterlogging over a longer period of time.

Houseleeks spend the winter outdoors without any problems

Are you still looking for a combination partner for the sedum? How about the visually attractive houseleek (Forever living), which comes from the same regions and impresses with its appearance and resistance? If you're going on vacation for two weeks and don't have anyone to look after the balcony plants, you definitely don't need to worry. Too frequent watering even disrupts the dense and lush growth of the rosettes. Easier to care for is hardly possible. And the bucket or box with the plants can even be left outside in winter (this also applies to the sedum).