Easy-care perennials: Sedum for sunny and dry locations

The “Sedum” family includes a wide variety of plant species. The succulent is not only widespread in Europe, but also thrives in Asia and America and grows relatively low. In addition, the so-called sedum is a perennial plant that, despite its small size, is very attractive not only in flower pots, but also in the garden. The reason for this is, among other things, the original, small leaves, which can have different colors, but also the diverse flowers of the different subspecies of the sedum. If you are looking for easy-care perennials with which you would like to decorate the garden in a particularly interesting way, then the sedum is without a doubt a great option.

Easy-care perennials – sedums for the beds

Use the sedum to design different areas in the garden. Due to its low growth, it is best suited for the front areas of the bed. Especially dry andsunny locationsYou can use these specimens as easy-care perennials to create very pretty rockeries and beds in the garden. The plant does not need deep soil to grow. This makes the sedum simply wonderful as a ground cover. And the perennial is even very popular as a houseplant.

Diverse species

We would like to introduce you to easy-care perennials from the Sedum family in this article. There are different variants that differ in leaf and flower color and also look very good in combinations. Our examples are wonderfully suitable for the garden and are also extremely easy to care for. However, there are a few things to keep in mind so that you can enjoy them for a long time.

The right location

Every type of sedum loves the blazing sun. This is typical of the succulents, which also include the sedum. Partial shade is an alternative to sun. However, lush growth cannot be guaranteed there. This applies at least to the smaller species that are used as ground cover. The taller growing varieties do much better in the shade.

The floor

The sedums place almost no demands on the soil at all. They feel comfortable anywhere, so you will quickly find the perfect location in the garden. The only important thing is that it is permeable to water and not too moist. Since sedum is a drought-loving plant, the roots and later the plants themselves would rot there. Fertilizing is unnecessary. If you don't have time to water, you don't have to worry about it. The rain provides the plants with sufficient moisture.

Easy to care for and perfect for beginners

So as you can see, sedums are plants that can take great care of themselves. For this reason, even beginners can easily approach them. If you have areas in the garden where other plants and flowers would not thrive, use sedums. You can also use them to decorate the terrace. Create pretty arrangements of them and any other succulents. The winter-hardy varieties don't even need to be kept warm in the winter. They die and quickly grow back in spring to delight us with pretty leaf colors and colorful flowers from the beginning of summer into autumn.

Hot stonecrop

Very low-growing and easy-care perennials are the representatives of the hot stonecrop (Sedum acre). The plant with its light green and almost triangular leaves only grows to a height of 5 to 50 centimeters. And although these are already very attractive and a real eye-catcher, the tiny, yellow flowers that cover the entire plant in June and July are a joyful highlight. The hot stonecrop is an important remedy in medicine. This type of sedum is very undemanding when it comes to soil. It feels very comfortable even in calcareous soil.

White sedum

The white sedum (A white seat) in turn has larger leaves that have an almost round shape. Thanks to various varieties, they can be dark green to reddish in color. At 10 to 20 centimeters, these plants are slightly larger than the stonecrop in the garden, but are still often used as ground cover. Since the flowering period begins at the same time for both, the two specimens can be perfectly combined with each other to create a mix of colors.

Humpbacked stonecrop

The humpback stonecrop (Daisy seed) impresses with the silvery-green color of the leaves, which also have a rounded shape and grow close together. If you are looking for easy-care perennials for the garden that also grow low, this species is also well suited because it only grows up to 10 centimeters high. The flowers can have different colors. Choose between red and white and enjoy the sightBlossoms in summer.

Kamchatka sedum

The leaves of this Sedum species are shaped somewhat differently. Although they are triangular like the stonecrop, the tips of the Kamchatka sedum (Kamtschatic seat) slightly serrated at the tips. If you want to plant low-maintenance perennials in the garden that bloom over a longer period of time, this type is the right choice. It blooms from June to September, with the large, yellow flowers growing very luxuriantly.

Large stonecrop

With a height of up to 80 cm, the large stonecrop (Sedum maximum) is without a doubt one of the larger specimens. If you want perennials as individual plants or in smaller groups, choose this species. The leaves are rounded, large and jagged at the edges. The flowers, which can be either white or pink, form at the end of the long stem. The large stonecrop is also a medicinal herb.


Another tall-growing species is the so-called Siebold stonecrop (The seat of the siebolds). However, you can only expect a height of approx. 30 cm. The egg-shaped, blue-gray leaves have a reddish edge. But there are also cultivated species in which the leaves are brightly colored. You get perennials that bloom in late summer and early fall with this plant. The flowers here are pink in color.

Hanging plant

The Siebold stonecrop originally grows horizontally. In this way you can use the plant wonderfully to plant a slope. The species also makes a wonderful impression in a hanging pot. Combine easy-care perennials like these with any others to create a pretty mix.

Magnificent stonecrop

The last type of Sedum that we would like to introduce to you is also one of the tall-growing species, measuring 30 to 50 centimeters. It is the magnificent sedum (A watchable seat). It has grey-green leaves, in some cases also reddish, which are quite large and jagged. Plant easy-care perennials of this type in combination with the other types. The magnificent sedum blooms later in autumn and immediately after the Siebold sedum. This means you can enjoy flowers in the bed for longer, which in this case are pink to purple.

A popular, easy-care garden plant

The reason for the popularity of sedums in the garden is not just the fact that they are perennial species. In addition, it is hardy and grows again in the spring. The Sedum types do not take up much space and are therefore also suitable for smaller gardens. The low-growing specimens are even often used for green roofs because their shallow roots do not damage the roof covering.

Sedums as ground cover

As already mentioned, the low-growing varieties are very suitable for covering larger areas and creating a carpet of flowers in the garden. They also spread faster than their larger relatives. Propagation occurs in three different ways. On the one hand there are the seeds and on the other hand cuttings can be used.

Divide the plants

The third variant is division, in which stems with a developed root ball are removed from the original plant. If the covered area is too large for you, you can easily remove unnecessary plants and plant them somewhere else. Since the sedums grow quickly, you can do this at any time of the year.

Cut ground cover

Even damaged roots don't bother them. The plants recover quickly from these. Regular cutting is not only possible, but is actually very beneficial for the ground cover. In this way you stimulate the growth of the plants and their leaves and flowers become more lush.

Flowering in late summer and autumn

With the taller perennials you can take advantage of a later flowering period. Propagation is not that easy here. Seeds are most commonly used. Sometimes propagation through offshoots is also successful. For this purpose, leaves or stems with leaves are stuck into the soil to form roots.

Stonecrop is not the same as houseleek

The sedums are often referred to as houseleeks (Forever living) confused. These are also succulents, but they form rosettes. It is typical for houseleeks that the mother rosette dies after flowering. Young rosettes form around it in advance. The houseleek is mainly cultivated as a green plant because it is very pretty even without flowers. The cobweb houseleek (Sempervivum arachnoideum), as well as mountain houseleek (A mountain perennial).