Pink flowering perennials at a glance

The color pink is romantic. It also represents femininity and youth, has a calming and innocent effect and is very popular for this reason. It's no wonder that this color is not only often used in furnishings and decoration, but also decorates the garden in the form of beautiful flowers. Today we would like to focus particularly on perennials, of which there are numerous representatives in pink color. With them and other varieties of yellow, red, purple, white and evenin blue color, you can create a dreamy mix of colors. Below we have a list where you can find some types of pink flowering perennials - with care tips of course!

Pink flowering perennials – peony (Pioneer)

We'll start with a classic that's just too good not to mention. It is available as both a perennial and a shrub. Peonies come in many colors, including pink. Added to this is the wonderful scent that the flowers exude. So if you are looking for pink-flowering perennials, the peony is a must. The pink flowers vary in shade depending on the variety and can be paler or bolder. They usually bloom in May. The fragrant plant is best placed in a sunny or at least partially shaded place where there should be sufficient moisture, because peonies do not like dryness. For this reason, loamy soils are ideal if regular watering cannot be carried out.

snail knotweed (Polygonum affine)

With this ground cover you don't have to worry about snail infestations as it is insensitive to them. The pink to pink flowers appear between May and October and represent the tops of the 25 cm high plant. It requires pruning in spring, otherwise the number of flowers will decrease. The knotweed is planted in a sunny to partially shaded location with regular watering.

Round-leaved Dost (Oregano rotundifolium)

You can also get hardy, pink-flowering perennials with the round-leaved Dost. In addition, it is also wintergreen and can be planted in any area of ​​the garden such as the rock garden and in the pot. A sunny location with dry soil is perfect for this 30 cm tall perennial. The flowering of pink and pink shades takes place between June and September.

Large-flowered daylily (Hemerocallis)

This unique perennial comes in many different colors and color combinations, including pink. The impressive flowers appear in July or, depending on the variety, in August at the latest. Lilies like a sunny location and regular watering without waterlogging. With its 55 cm height, it can be placed in the middle of or behind low plants to create beautiful accents.

cloves (Dianthus) as pink flowering perennials

With the right variety, you can use carnations with their 15 cm height wonderfully as ground cover. Its wonderfully beautiful flowers appear particularly delicate and fragile and are particularly highlighted by the silvery leaves. Pink-flowering perennials, carnations bloom in May and June and like a sunny location, where they prefer normal watering but can also cope with shorter dry periods. Carnations are also evergreen.

Flammenblume (Phlox)

The flame flower is one of the best known and most popular perennials. The reason for this is probably the lush flowering and the easy care. These perennials have pink flowers, but they also come in other colors if you want to mix and match. These perennials also offer different growth heights depending on the variety. Because phlox loves the sun, it is wonderful for planting in sunny rock gardens where normal watering is required. Then in July or August there will be a beautiful and fragrant bloom.

Thymian (Thymus)

You probably don't think of thyme when you're looking for pink-flowering perennials. Not only do you get an easy-care, pretty flowering plant that smells pleasant, but you can also use it for delicious dishes. Thyme is an excellent spice, making it perfect for the herb garden. But the perennial is also a real gem in a simple flower bed and can decorate the front areas. A sunny and dry place meets its natural needs. The flowering period is in early to mid-summer, i.e. between May and July.

Indian nettle (Monarda fistulosa)

This tall perennial tolerates a sunny to partially shaded location wonderfully. It doesn't require a lot of water and can cope well with very short periods of drought. The flowers are particularly interesting. These can be expected between July and September and appear with a pleasant scent and a pale to strong pink tone. Indian nettles are pink-flowering perennials that you will look forward to every year. They are winter hardy.

Bleeding Heart (Spectacular dicentra)

The bleeding heart is a very popular garden plant and the reason for this is the unusual flower shape, which, as the name suggests, looks like a bleeding heart. Pink and white are the perfect color combination here, don't you think? Bleeding hearts are hardy pink perennials that prefer partial shade and bloom between April and June. At 80 cm, they also grow relatively high in contrast to some other perennials, so that their flowers can be shown off wonderfully.

Bergen (Bergen)

The bergenias, as pink-flowering perennials, are truly magnificent perennials because they impress with their lush blooms in different varietiesColors like whiteand pink nuances. It is drought tolerant and loves the sun, but can also thrive in the shade, making care even easier. The evergreen perennial blooms between March and May and is therefore a spring bloomer. At 40 cm, it is relatively small and can be planted anywhere, for example to fill gaps.

Beautiful pink flowering perennials – Autumn Anemone (Anemone hupehensis)

This pink beauty requires normal and loose soil. But avoid waterlogging. The perfect location is partial shade. Depending on the variety, there are different flowering times for the anemone, while this one in particular blooms between August and October, making it perfect for the autumn bed. Anemones spread quickly on their own, which you can prevent by cutting off the wilted flowers. This way the flowers cannot form seeds.

Scheinwaldmeister (Phuopsis Stylosa)

The perennial owes its name to the fact that its...Flowers on those of the woodruffremember. They are arranged in a spherical shape and look particularly interesting in this way. Their color varies between pink, pink and purple. Find a sunny spot with normal to dry soil. This perennial will thrive there and thank you with lush blooms between June and August. By the way, these are pink-flowering perennials that grow very low and are only 15 cm high.

Pink-flowering perennials – Meads Icons (Dodecatheon meadia)

Meads angelicas are very reminiscent of the beautiful cyclamen, don't you think? If you want small, pink-flowering perennials and still have free space in a sunny to partially shaded area in the garden, you can choose this delicate beauty. The rock garden is ideal. The flowers form on individual stems relatively far above the leaves and hang downwards like bells. They appear in May and June. Normal to moist soil is best suited for this plant.

Leaning snakehead (Chelone oblique)

This pink perennial is also a very beautiful and interesting specimen. Free choice in terms of location, as it thrives both in the shade on dry ground and in the sun, where it should be watered more regularly. The pink flowers are perfectly accentuated by the dark green leaves and bloom between July and October. The ideal autumn plant. The hardy plant grows up to 70 cm high.

Purpursonnenhut (Echinacea purpurea)

Purple coneflowers as summer and pink bloomersPerennials transform the gardenin a typical meadow landscape and also attract numerous bees and butterflies. The flowering period is between June and September. The location should be sunny, the soil should be dry to normal and permeable. Because these perennials bloom so profusely, you can also use them as cut flowers to decorate the table without leaving the flower bed bare. The very winter-hardy purple coneflower will delight you every year with its rather simple, yet beautiful flowers.

Wollziest (Stachys byzantina)

It's not just the pretty flowers that catch the eye with Wollziest. The silvery-gray leaves, which are soft and furry, are no less interesting. That's where the name comes from. It is precisely these leaves that make the plant an attractive specimen that attracts everyone's attention, even outside of the flowering period. With its 40 cm, the Wollziest isan ideal ground cover, which also feels comfortable in sunny gravel or rock gardens and is happy with dry soil. The summer bloomer produces its flowers between June and September. These are beautiful accents amidst the fluffy, gray leaves.

yarrow (Achillea millefolium)

The location for the yarrow should be sunny and dry to normal. Then it gets the ideal conditions for a beautiful pink flower, which takes place between June and August. The pink color of the 50 cm tall plant becomes stronger over the years.

Zistrose (A purple chest) for pink flowering perennials

You can also get pink flowering perennials with rock roses. The flowers are large and decorate the garden between May and July. Since it is not a winter-hardy plant, winter protection is necessary. During the warmer seasons, a location in the sun is again required. Pruning should be done after flowering. This guarantees a dense and more compact growth of the plant.

Myrtenaster (Aster ericoides)

The flowers of these pink perennials are reminiscent of daisies. However, the myrtle asters grow much higher at 120 cm. The perennial is also known as September herb, which suggests that flowering occurs in September or October at the latest. Find a sunny location with normally moist soil and look forward to a sea of ​​flowers.

sweet pea (Lathyrus latifolius)

Sweet peas produce beautiful pink flowering perennials that can also be used as climbing plants to decorate trellises or fences. Since there are different flower colors, it is advisable to combine several of them together in the garden. You can also choose between non-hardy annual varieties and those that will sprout again the following year. They feel comfortable in partial shade but also in the sun and prefer dry soil. The perfect summer perennial. It grows up to 2 meters high and blooms between June and September.

beautiful candle (Gaura lindheimeri)

The magnificent candle is available in white and pink, but also in two-tone versions that appear between June and October. A dry and sunny location is best suited for the plant, where it can develop freely and grow up to 80 cm high. Since it is not a particularly hardy perennial, winter protection should be considered to help it overwinter.