Summer is already over, the days are getting shorter and wetter and the beautiful summer flowers are making room for the colorful autumn bloomers. Their enchanting leaves, fruits and flowers can freshen up any outdoor space and reveal the beautiful face of autumn.
In this article we present the most popular autumn flowers for balconies and give tips and inspiration for planting them.
Autumn flowers for the balcony enchant with their blossoms
If you want a beautiful and natural autumn decoration for the balcony, then autumn flowers are the right choice for you. They bring a colorful play of colors when many other plants have already bloomed. The autumnal color palette includes the most beautiful colors: soft orange, saturated red, elegant pink, dark violet and bright magenta. Some green leaves also take on warmer shades that everyone notices.
The colorful plants from the autumn range are usually available in flower shops from September and bloom from late summer until the beginning of frost. When planting, they should be planted close together as they do not show any noticeable growth. You should also definitely change the soil in the pots to be planted and replace it with high-quality potting soil without fertilizer.
Flower boxes with autumn flowers
Autumn flowers for the balcony look best in flower boxes or pots in a matching color. They can be attached to parapets and balcony railings and create a beautiful look both inside and out. Although the variety of balcony flowers is significantly less than in spring and summer, there are different beautiful combinations of autumn bloomers available.
You shouldn't necessarily plant the autumn flowers for the balcony in flower boxes and attach them to the railing. A nice decoration idea would be to distribute the flower pots with autumn flowers in a chaotic manner. For example, you can use it to decorate side tables or even create hanging planters. Below you will find different autumn flowers that usually beautify the balcony in autumn.
Plant the balcony with heather for autumn
Heather herbs (Erica) are of severalChosen by hobby gardeners for the autumn balcony. This includes the so-called Erika plant, which can be found with white or purple flowers. Most varieties are called bud bloomers because the buds do not open and therefore the colors last longer. Such plants cannot wither and look beautiful until the first frost. They can be planted either individually or together with other autumn flowers in a flower box.
Dahlias – the magical autumn flowers for the balcony and garden
Dahlias (Dahlia) are autumn flowers that can be found in different sizes and shapes. In the garden they can be planted in a bed with other perennials and on the balcony they look beautiful in pots. There are around 35 species that differ in the height and shape of the flowers.
Autumnal decoration on the balcony with orange dahlias
As far as care is concerned, flowers from this genus are easy to care for. They prefer a sunny location because their stems grow faster and the flowers fade in the shade. As autumn flowers, the orange dahlias are a good idea for Halloween decoration, especially in combination with carved pumpkins.
Plant balcony boxes with dahlias and ornamental plants
If you don't just want to plant the balcony flower box with dahlias, you can combine plants such as fat leaves and coleus with them. In this case, a beautiful contrast is created with the green leaves, which sets an accent on the colorful flowers of the dahlias.
The medium-sized cyclamens have become more important in recent years and are increasingly being chosen as autumn flowers for balconies. They create beautiful color effects even in the colder months and can even withstand the first sub-zero temperatures of winter.
When purchasing the flowers, it is best to opt for those with buds. This way a longer flowering period is guaranteed.
Autumn anemones as decoration for the balcony railing
The graceful autumn anemones (Anemone hupehensis) present a beautiful decoration idea for the old balcony railing. They are slightly taller perennials with thin stems that are long-term bloomers. Typical fall anemones bloom in light pink or purple, but you can also find ones in white or red.
Spring is a perfect time to plant autumn anemones. The ideal location for them is a sunny or partially shaded balcony where there is anotherWind protectionconsists. Most varieties require regular watering and are best planted in a container as they tend to go wild.
Yellow chrysanthemums for the balcony in autumn
Chrysanthemums (Chrysanthemum) are considered a classic autumn flower for the balcony. Thanks to their diversity, they can be planted in different areas and containers. Short chrysanthemums are suitable for the flower box on the balcony railing, medium ones for a bucket and the tall ones are more suitable for the perennial bed in the garden.
Many chrysanthemums are hardy and can tolerate cold. They bloom either in one color, white, red, yellow or pink, or in several colors at the same time. They like brighter balconies, but no direct sunlight at midday. A potting mix without fertilizer is sufficient for them as they do not use much nutrients in the colder months.
Beautiful autumn asters
Autumn asters are perennials that bloom in autumn in different colors such as white, pink, lavender and purple. The smaller varieties grow to around 25 centimeters high and are therefore perfect for the balcony.
These autumn flowers should be planted in a separate flower pot to show off their full blooms. They also need a hummus-rich substrate that is rich in nutrients, permeable and somewhat moist.
Ornamental berries as decoration
Autumn flowers with ornamental berries can be used in every autumn decoration. They can either be planted alone in a flower pot, or in a balcony box together with other flowers and ornamental plants such as the barbed wire plant.
Red berries serve as a color accent and become a real eye-catcher on the autumn balcony. The mock berries (Gaultheria), for example, are chosen by many hobby gardeners because they give a Christmassy feeling that refers to the approaching Christmas season.
Bergenias have beautiful flowers
Bergenias (Bergenia) are long-lasting, easy-care ground cover plants that bloom for the second time in autumn. They are perfect for planters and will enchant everyone with their dark pink and purple flowers.
Purpurglöckchen (Heuchera)
Purple bells also bring colorful diversity to the balcony. Its funnel-shaped, bell-shaped flowers appear in abundance from May to July. However, the actual decorative value is the attractive foliage. The leaves impress in autumn with their bright colors from yellow-orange to burgundy red to dark brown. They are not only beautifully drawn, but also elegantly curled.
The purple caramel bell (Heuchera villosa Caramel), for example, has caramel-colored leaves and produces individual white flowers. This variety grows up to 30 cm high and is perfect for the balcony box. Other recommended varieties include Heuchera micrantha 'Palace Purple' (bronze-brown-red), 'Plum Pudding' (reddish-silvery) and 'Regina' (dark red). If you want a particularly colorful and effective planting in a pot, you can choose Heuchera villosa 'Marmalade'. Due to the contrasting colors of the leaves in orange-ochre and pink, the perennial has a particularly fresh appearance. Countless varieties are available commercially and new ones are being added.
With hundreds of species, the sedum is one of the most versatile plants in the autumn garden. It thrives just as well in the pot as in the bed and scores particularly well with its decorative flower plates. The sedum 'Herbstfreude', for example, changes its color from white-green to strong purple-red when it blooms.
Violet family
Violet plants such as pansies and horned violets also make wonderful plants for balcony boxes in autumn. If you sow early in July, the pansies can also bloom in the fall. If you missed the sowing, you can also buy the violet plants in bloom from specialist retailers in autumn. The pansies can also easily overwinter in the flower box. Don't be surprised if they curl up their leaves. It is a natural protective measure against low temperatures. If the winter is mild, they can even bloom for the first time in January.
Companion plants for beautiful planting combinations
By the way, the colorful flowering wonders look particularly good with simple companion plants. Plants with different leaf and growth forms, for example, are perfect partners for many of the autumn beauties. Fountains of grass such as the green-white sedge (Carex), pennisetum (Pennisetum) and Japanese blood grass (Imperata cylindrica) provide additional dynamism in the plant community.
Large pots look more attractive if they are planted at staggered heights. Leaf artists, flower beauties and grass stars harmonize beautifully together. Plants with a tendency to tendrils also enrich every pot. The elegantly overhanging shoots of pennywort (Lysimachia nummularia) or ivy can also extend over the edge of the container. This way they hide hard edges. Of course, the colors of the containers must also match the flowers. The clearer the shape of the container, the more varied the planting can be.