Plant flowers in March: These permanent bloomers are ideal for the balcony!

March is the right time to plant balcony boxes, containers and flower pots. If you want to enjoy beautiful blooms over the next few months, you can plant these flowers now.

Do you want a display of flowers on the balcony? Then start planting and sowing in spring. If you bought young plants from the garden center or grew the flowers yourself on the windowsill, you should first let them acclimatize in an unheated room. Then on a sunny day, leave the windows open for 4-5 hours and then you can plant the young plants in the balcony box or pot. If you put freshly bought flowers directly outside, they will be extremely stressed. This is because they are usually grown in greenhouses and can only thrive outside after an acclimatization period. Before sowing or planting out the flowers, change the substrate and work compost into the potting soil. The plants need a lot of nutrients so that they can grow quickly.

We list the most beautiful flowering balcony plants:

Which types of roses are perfect for the balcony?

Roses traditionally come into the flowerbed or pot at the end of March - beginning of April. There is a wide variety of varieties, with floribunda roses and small shrubs being the most suitable. But climbing roses also feel at home on the balcony at home and provide a splendor of flowers.

  • Climbing roses like “Florentina” or “Jasmina” are hardy, have a compact growth and thrive well in pots. Both varieties require a climbing aid.
  • Small shrub roses such as “Toscana”, “Amica” or “Heidetraum” also remain compact and reach a maximum height of barely 50 cm. They thrive best in full sun, although “Amica” also thrives in partial shade.
  • The apple rose (rose hip) is a compact shrub. It reaches a maximum height of 100 cm.

Sow these summer flowers for the balcony in March

Marigolds are real permanent bloomers and feel particularly comfortable on the balcony at home. As soon as the permanent frost is over, you can sow them. The marigolds are ideal for both hanging baskets and balcony boxes. Care is incredibly easy. If the location suits you, then you will thank them with a wonderful display of flowers all summer long.

Pinnacles are among themost popular balcony flowers. They can be sown directly into the balcony box as early as March, after the end of the permanent frost. For a wonderful display of flowers, plant the seeds 7 cm apart. Although they can also thrive in partial shade and sunny locations, they will produce fewer flowers. Sun worshipers feel most comfortable in full sun.

Last chance to plant those spring flowers and flowering shrubs

Pre-grown tulips are already available in garden centers. So if you missed the right time in autumn, you now have a second chance. However, spring is not a good time to plant tulip bulbs. They need more time to sprout and are unlikely to produce flowers.

Daffodils are also best planted in September so that they can develop their roots. If you missed the date in autumn, you can buy early spring bloomers if necessary and plant them directly in the balcony box.

Dwarf rhododendrons (azaleas), for example the “Scarlet Wonder” variety, are small, bushy shrubs that are perfect for the container garden on the balcony. Most Japanese varieties also remain compact, such as the azalea “Pink Spider”, which grows to a maximum height of 50 cm.

Plant flowers in March: early permanent bloomers

The Ice Begonias (God's Eye) will bloom profusely even in partial shade. However, the prerequisite is that the flowers receive at least 2 hours of sun in the morning. Plant the young plants in the balcony boxes and flower pots from mid-March, after the end of the permanent frost. Place the young plants 16 to 20 cm apart.

Bush daisies are permanent bloomerson the balcony. The flowering period extends from May to October. They grow to a maximum height of one meter, but most varieties reach an average height of around 70 cm. Many bush daisies also provide food for bees and bumblebees.

Goldmarie is one of the most popular balcony flowers. Their golden yellow flowers shine in the balcony box. The ornamental plant has a bushy habit. The young plants come into the balcony box in mid-March and bloom from May.

Ranunculus are available in a wide variety of colors. They are very easy to care for and, thanks to their long stems, are also ideal as cut plants. Their double flowers are a real eye-catcher in every balcony box.

Also interesting:Preparing plants in March: Don't miss any appointments!