Which balcony flowers bloom the longest? 25 permanent bloomers for pots and flower boxes

No matter whether in the garden or on the balcony: every hobby gardener wants onea splendor of flowers, which pleases the eyes all summer long. There is enough space for flowering perennials and shrubs in the garden and on the terrace, but space on the balcony is limited. But you can also find suitable flowers for this outdoor area. We take the question “Which balcony flowers bloom the longest?” under the microscope.

Which balcony flowers bloom the longest? Popular long-blooming balcony flowers

1. Angel face

The angelic face is a true sun worshiper. These summer flowers prefer oneLocation in full sun, which is well protected from wind and rain. They are particularly suitable for the south-facing balcony and, if well cared for, produce purple flower buds from the beginning of May to the end of October.

2. Fuchsien

Fuchsias thrive the other way aroundbest in the shadeor partial shade. They are particularly suitable as climbing plants for the balcony. When choosing a pot, make sure it is not too large. Also avoid overheating the roots. During dry periods in summer, you should also spray the flowers with water every 2-3 days.

3. Gerbera

The gerberas are available in all rainbow colors and nuances. The balcony flowers prefer a sunny location that is in the sun in the morning and in the shade in the afternoon. A permeable and nutrient-rich, fresh to moderately moist soil offers the best possible conditions for a long flowering period.

4. Hydrangeas

The hydrangeas bloom in white, purple and lavender. They grow quite tall and are the perfect cut flower for the bouquet. As balcony plants, they thrive in sunny locations with well-drained soil.

5. Waldreben

The clematis are the perfect gap fillers in the flower box. They need at least 6 hours in full sun. The clematis require a little more soil volume - at least 30 liters. Fertilize the substrate every two weeks to extend the flowering period.

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6. Hibiscus

The hibiscus, still known as rose marshmallow in Germany, is a popular houseplant that is allowed on the sunny balcony in midsummer. Rain protection and orientation are important. Locations in partial shade prove to be optimal.

7. Steppe sage

The steppe sage is a perennial that is characterized by its small but very beautiful flower candles. The flower color varies from fiery red to purple.

8. Yarrow

The yarrow gives the balcony an elegant touch. Good drainage is an absolute must because the flower cannot tolerate rot.

9. Foxgloves

Many hobby gardeners consider the foxglove as a flower for the garden. But it also feels at home on the balcony and can provide flowers all summer long.

10. Cloves

The carnation is one of the most beautiful permanent bloomers for the balcony at home. The hobby gardener has a wide variety of varieties to choose from. Carnations come in all colors of the rainbow.

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11. Lilies

Lilies are the queens of cut flowers. But they also look good in flower pots. Small lily varieties are suitable for the balcony. As long as the location is in full sun and the soil is moderately moist, the lily will bloom from May to August.

12. Gladiolus

The gladioli usually have a short flowering period. They produce flowers in July and August. However, if you don't plant them in the pot until the end of May, the flowering period will be extended by a month. Therefore, gladioli are the perfect plant partners for spring flowers.

13. Yellow coneflower

Depending on the variety, the yellow coneflower is a long-blooming plant that produces small yellow flowers all summer long. A permeable soil and plenty of sunlight – that’s all the flower needs to delight us with its splendor.

14. Begonias

Among the summer flowers, begonias are the ultimate bloomers. From April to October there is a sea of ​​flowers on the balcony. The flowers grow best in partial shade, although there are more than 1000 varieties and some of them can withstand full sun.

15. Foxtail

The foxtail produces many small purple flowers at the beginning of summer. This summer flower blooms until October and reaches a height of 1.5 meters. In the pot it becomes significantly smaller and has a compact growth. The foxtail prefers full sun and a permeable, humus-rich soil.

16. Spider flower

The flowering period of the spider flower begins in July and ends in October. The ornamental plant comes from South America and is a true sun worshipper. In the flower box it rarely grows higher than 80 cm.

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17. Plume

The plume brings a touch of exoticism to the balcony with its pink, fire red or yellow flowers. The correct planting time is the end of May. Early-grown young flowers are sold in garden centers, which are then allowed on the balcony after a week of getting used to them. The summer flower produces blooms from June to early October. To extend the flowering period, you should regularly cut off the withered flowers.

18. California Poppy

The California poppy blooms persistently all summer long. It grows best in poor dry soil and prefers direct sun. The flower is poisonous to humans and animals and is therefore not suitable for families with pets and small children.

19. Lantana

Lantana comes from Central America and prefers a location in full sun. The summer flower is perennial, but not hardy. In April the flowers are taken out of their winter quarters and kept warm. After the Ice Saints you can also be taken outside. Moderately fresh soil and regular fertilization ensure blooms from May to October.

20. Hussar buttons

The hussar buttons bloom in bright yellow from June to the beginning of autumn. The ground cover is ideal for planting in balcony boxes and hanging baskets. The summer flower can thrive in light shade, but it cannot tolerate waterlogging.

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21. Petunias

The petunia comes in all colors of the rainbow and blooms magnificently throughout the summer season. Remove dead flowers to encourage flowering. The only thing that small petunias cannot tolerate is high humidity and rain. They are therefore more suitable for the covered west or south balcony.

22. Mexican sunflower

The Mexican sunflower only begins to bloom in July and then produces flowers until October.

23. Zinnia

The zinnias also decorate the flower box until October. They are easy to care for and bloom beautifully as long as they are in the sun and have nutrient-rich soil.

24. Sunflowers

The sunflower is not only suitable for the cottage garden, but also cuts a fine figure on the balcony. There are several varieties that bloom over 6 months. Sunny to partially shaded locations are best. The sunflower needs a lot of water and nutrients.

25. Margerites

The daisy blooms from April to October. It is used as a balcony flower and is usually planted in pots. The perennial summer flowers also need to be watered extensively during the summer as this promotes flower formation.