Mosquitoes and flies canbe a real nuisance, especially on warm summer evenings. Here you can find out how you can use pretty flowers to drive away annoying insects from your balcony. These will not only keep mosquitoes away, but also attract bees, butterflies and other beneficial insects.
With flowers against mosquitoes on the balcony
Some groups of plants attract different insects through specific mechanisms, e.g. B. by the special appearance of the flowers or their scent. Sometimes nature works in reverse to repel certain insects. This can be used successfully to keep mosquitoes away from the seating area in the garden, on the balcony or on the terrace.
Sometimes garden owners hear aboutmosquito repellent plantsand imagine that with 2-3 specimens from this group you can create effective protection in your large garden. Unfortunately it doesn't work that way. We are not technically or financially able to create plant-based mosquito barriers that would work over a large area. On a smaller area, e.g. B. on a balcony, terrace or pavilion, it is possible, although you also have to plant a large number - a dozen or even several dozen - flowers. This will greatly reduce the arrival of unwanted insects, although there is still no guarantee that they will be completely deterred.
How do plants repel mosquitoes and flies?
Plants from the above group release certain active substances (usually essential oils), the smell of which mosquitoes and flies do not like. If you run your hand over the plants, you can already enjoy the mild scent. A chemical “shell” forms that surrounds the plant. Their strength (and the intensity of the smell) decreases the greater the distance from the plant. Therefore, plants should be planted as densely as possible, preferably on several levels. When the humidity is high, the scent is more intense.