Plant a small balcony: Space-saving design ideas with raised beds, flower boxes and pots

Planting a small balcony can prove to be a big challenge. You have to think carefully about where the flower box, the bucket or the narrow raised bed will be. Good planning is very important for the end result.

Planting a small balcony: the basic principles

What can you plant on a small balcony? This depends not only on the available space, but also on the shape of the outdoor area. Proceed as follows:

1. Measure the balcony and create an accurate sketch. You can then bring these with you to the garden center so that you can estimate the size and number of flower boxes, pots and raised beds.

2. Only after you have purchased the tubs, pots, etc. can you choose the right plants.

3. Put the tubs, pots and balcony boxes in their places and look at how long and when they are in the sun. TheChoice of plantsdepends mainly on how much sun they get every day. If that's up to four hours a day, then you have a place in the shade. A location is considered shady if it is in full sun for at least 5 hours a day (preferably shortly before or after midday). Over 6 hours of direct sunlight a day means you should buy plants for sun and heat.

4. The volume of soil in a vessel also plays an important role. As a rule, shallow roots are recommended when there is little soil volume, and deep roots when there is more soil volume.

Climbing plants provide privacy and sun protection

If the balcony needs privacy or sun protection, climbing plants are ideal. They thrive particularly well in a balcony box with a trellis, which also serves as a unique room divider. But you can do the climbing plants yourself

There is a large selection of flowering or foliage plants. The classic – ivy – feels particularly comfortable in partial shade and shade. Climbing roses prefer shady and sunny locations. Grape vines are true sun worshipers.

Decorative foliage plants for the balcony box

Decorative foliage plants with a compact but dense growth also offer privacy and sun protection. Ferns and grasses can also achieve a similar effect.

Arrange flower pots and buckets in corners

Flower pots and tubs traditionally take up more space. Corner flower stands offer a compact solution and are perfectfor the narrow balcony. Corners also provide wind protection for sensitive plants.

Plants for shade in niches on the balcony

Even a sunny balcony has a small corner or niche that is in the shade. Make use of the space by placing shade-loving perennials there. Shade-loving plants will also feel comfortable under a serving cart or side table.

Plant a small balcony: Wooden boxes offer a flexible solution

Wooden boxes are ideal for flowers, perennials and ornamental grasses. They look good on the table as well as in a corner. A wooden box offers more flexibility, making it the perfect choice for anyone who wants to redesign their balcony every year.

Exotic plants on the small balcony: citrus plants

A lemon tree or an olive tree does not feel comfortable outside all year round. The sensitive exotics cannot survive the sub-zero temperatures in winter. In summer, the potted plants are allowed on the balcony. And sometimes a lemon tree with fragrant, bright yellow fruits is the only thing you need for decoration on your small balcony.

Herb garden on the narrow balcony

Do you have a narrow balcony? Then a herb garden in a small format is ideal. Herbs and spices exude a pleasant scent, can flavor dishes and salads and drive away annoying insects in summer.

Use climbing aid to attach cobs for young plants

Have you attached a climbing aid to an outside wall? Then you can prefer various plants there in jars and plastic bottles. The plastic bottle is lightweight and can therefore be filled with substrate and then planted.

Repurpose everyday objects and plant succulents

Bag dispensers, mailboxes, etc. can be easily converted and used as pre-growing trays for onion plants, succulents, etc.

Green wall for the balcony

Wall greening is particularly suitable for rectangular balconies. Narrow outdoor areas are visually reduced in size. Still, it's a good option for anyone with a green thumb.