An unexpected frost in the fall can quickly devastate your garden. It is particularly damaging to delicate plants that are too sensitive to survive sudden temperature changes. Even in the fall, when we're trying to harvest as much as possible, frost can force established plants to go dormant and become unproductive. You should therefore protect sensitive plants from the cold.
A little vigilance and a few supplies can make a big difference in protecting sensitive plants from the cold. Check out some effective tips to help you save your plants.
Bring potted plants indoors
If frost is forecast, wait until dusk to bring your potted plants and hanging baskets indoors. Plants in containers are more susceptible to frost damage because they do not benefit from the insulating effect of soil as would ground plants. Potted plants areat lower temperaturesmuch more susceptible to root damage.
Choose a place that is not too warm - as sudden temperature changes can scare the plants - such as: E.g. a place in the garage, shed or basement. Thoroughly inspect plants for pests and diseases before bringing them indoors. Keep them separate from your houseplants to prevent the possible spread of pests.
Water plants in the afternoon
It may seem counterintuitive, but keeping the soil moist can protect sensitive plants from the cold. Moist earth has an insulating effect that radiates heat upwards when darkness falls. If you are watering plants before a cold snap, do so during midday when temperatures are still somewhat warm.
Apply a thick layer of mulch
Like a sweater that you put on on cold days, a layer of mulch on the beds protects the soil from sudden temperature changes. Use straw, wood chips, leaf mold, or even just a pile of leaves to insulate the plants' root system underground.Mulchthe soil to a depth of 8 to 15 cm to create a good barrier. Leave an inch or two open around the central stem to allow heat from the soil to travel up through the plant. Although mulching your garden beds is one of the best things you can do to keep maintenance down, you will want to remove some of this protective mulch once the weather warms up.
Cover individual plants with a cloche
A cloche is a bell-shaped cover made of plastic or glass that keeps smaller plants warm and cozy in cold weather. You can purchase plastic garden cloches and reuse them as needed during harsh weather. If you're in a pinch, you can use many things in your home as a cloche. An upside down bucket or flower pot would do the trick. If you are using cloches to protect against frost, be sure to place them over your plants just before dark and uncover them again in the morning so they can benefit from the sun's warmth and energy.
Protect sensitive plants from the cold with blankets
To protect a larger group of plants, simply cover them with blankets, sheets, towels or cloths. Before spreading the fabric, place several stakes around the plants to create a tent-like structure when covered. Allow the material to fall over the plants all the way to the ground. Do not tie it around the trunk or stems of the plants, otherwise the earth's heat will not be able to radiate upward through the plant.
Weigh down the corners and edges with heavy stones or bricks to prevent the covers from blowing away at night. If you put the covers on just before dark, you will need to remove them first thing in the morning the next day. If you're constantly dealing with frost in your garden, consider investing in special, reusable and breathable frost blankets that can be cut to size.
Pack your trees
Younger trees, aged 1 to 4 years, are much more sensitive to frost damage, which can literally kill them. Citrus trees are particularly sensitive to frost and should be protected when temperatures drop to -2°C. To protect trees from the cold, wrap their trunks with towels, blankets, cardboard, rags, or pipe insulation. You can also use burlap or felted tree covers.
Start at the base of the trunk and wrap all the way around, making sure the layers overlap a few inches. Continue in this manner until you reach the lowest branches of the tree. Attach the wrap to the tree with some twine or weatherproof tape. If temperatures reach -3°C for an extended period of time, place a layer of plastic wrap over the wrapping to further protect it from frost.
How to Create a More Frost Tolerant Garden
Save yourself the panic and heartache of losing your flowers, trees and plants to sudden frost by planning your garden accordingly. Plants native to your region are much better adapted to the temperature fluctuations in your habitat. When planning your garden, avoid planting frost-sensitive plants in low-lying areas and in depressions in the ground that create frost pockets. Because warmer air rises and cooler air sinks, frost-sensitive plants should be planted in higher areas, in raised beds, or in containers that can be easily brought indoors during cold weather.