Mulching in autumn: Why is this care measure so important and what benefits does it bring to the garden?

Mulching is a simple and effective way to winterize your garden and save time, money and energy in the spring. In this article we summarize why you should mulch your beds in autumn and what advantages this care measure brings.

Mulching is an ancient process that also occurs naturally in nature, for example through the falling autumn leaves. Mulching is nothing more than applying a layer of insulating organic matter to the surface of the soil. The organic mulch supplies the soil with nutrients, suppresses weeds, retains moisture in the soil and can act as a natural fertilizer.

There is no specific time for mulching - it can be done from spring to late autumn. So what's the point in applying a layer of mulch in the fall?

Mulch the garden in the fall and prepare it for the next gardening season

A little prep work in the garden can save you a lot of work later. Mulching can protect and beautify flower beds in late spring, but it is also beneficial for fall and winter gardens because it protects roots, prevents weeds, and nourishes the soil. Mulch your flower beds this fall to provide short- and long-term benefits to the garden.

Protect perennials from the cold

Unlike annuals, perennials come back year after year - or they can if you treat them right. Fall is the ideal time to care for your perennials by placing a layer of mulch around the stems and roots. At lower temperatures, the roots at the top of the soil can easily become stressed and freeze. Fine mulch made from leaf compost or needle litter offers ideal protection. These finer organic mulches decompose more easily than coarse wood chips or bark mulches and provide plants with important nutrients in the winter months.

Tipp:When mulching your garden in the fall, make sure the organic material is well incorporated into the soil.

Mulch and enrich the soil in autumn

As the organic matter in the mulch decomposes, minerals and nitrogen are released, enriching the soil throughout the fall and winter and leading to healthier shoots and flowers in the spring. Mulching in the fall preserves themsoil-improving earthwormsand microorganisms provide additional warmth and good food for the winter. In short, when you apply a layer of mulch to the beds, you nourish the entire garden ecosystem. The key is choosing the right mulch: bark chips for trees, straw for vegetable beds and strawberry beds, coniferous litter or shredded leaves for ornamental flowers and shrubs.

Reduce soil temperature fluctuations

In many regions, autumn is a time of great weather fluctuations. The cycles of freeze and thaw can cause great damage to sensitive root systems, especially those near the surface. Mulching helps protect plant roots by raising the freezing point of the soil and smoothing out temperature fluctuations. The result? Stronger plants that are less susceptible to stress.

Recycle leaves and use them for fall mulching

Stop throwing away useful leaves and mulch them instead. Applying leaf mulch is a great way to utilize fall leaves while providing nutrients and insulation for your garden beds. First, make sure the foliage is dry. Dry leaves are best for mulching and spreading on the ground. Then chop it up with the lawn mower and spread it over your beds.

You can use damp, rotted leaves as an additive to the soil. Work leaf mold into the soil with a hand cultivator to add nutrients.

Stop soil erosion

One of the most damaging effects of winter wind, rain and snow is soil erosion. Mulching prevents soil erosion by creating a barrier between the topsoil and the elements. To optimally protect flower and vegetable beds as well as shrubs and trees, you should apply 5-6 cm of mulch.

If you're dealing with sloping terrain, you may need a little support to hold the mulch in place. One option is to use plastic mulch, which is made from large sheets of polyethylene. These black plastic sheets can also prevent weed growth. Of course, plastic is not biodegradable and therefore has some disadvantages compared to organic mulch.

Suppress weeds

Mulch not only nourishes the soil, but it also smothers weeds and deprives them of necessary sunlight. Spread a 5mm layer of newspaper around the plants or wherever you wantSuppress weed growthwant. Then cover the newspapers with a thick layer of wood chips or 8 to 10 centimeters of grass clippings, pine bark or straw to say goodbye to the weeds.

Care for evergreen plants

Evergreen plants are known for their hardiness and beauty that lasts throughout the winter. But don't take these green plants for granted. Without proper care, they can become dry and brown in winter. To prevent this, mulch the soil surface from the root base (where the tree roots branch away from the trunk). The mulch ring should be about 10 cm deep and extend to the edge of the branches.

Mulching in the fall saves time next spring

Isn't it nice to have less work to do in the garden? Mulching in the fall will save you time and energy in the spring because you won't have to pull as many weeds. You also save yourself the work of spreading new soil and mulch after the winter snow. Furthermore, you can also save money. Mulched perennials will survive the winter, meaning you won't have to spend as much money on new plants next year.

The right amount is crucial

As with all good things, moderation is important when it comes to mulching. According to most experts, mulch should be spread in layers 5 to 10 centimeters thick. Too much mulch can trap excess moisture, which can lead to root rot and other diseases. If there is too little mulch, sunlight and air can penetrate the soil, which encourages weeds. So on average you should apply about 7cm of mulch - slightly less mulch around flower beds and slightly more around larger shrubs and trees.

Also interesting:Mulching trees, right? Guide with useful tips