You would probably like your children to be interested in gardening too. Many people are of the opinion that gardening is not for the little ones because it is rather boring for them. But that's not entirely true. With a few tricks you can quickly get children excited about gardening, for example by creating a garden specifically for children. Find a place in the garden for your own vegetable or flower bed where the children can work themselves and you are just the helper.
Creating a garden for children – the little ones can help!
The reason why children usually show no interest in the garden is simply that watching it is boring. Children in particular are curious and keen to experiment and therefore prefer to lend a hand themselves. As already mentioned, you can give them a small part of yours for this purposeVegetable or flower gardens so that you can sow, care for and possibly also learn to harvest.
Determine the right size
The bed for the children should be at least one square meter in size. It should be able to accommodate enough plants, but not too many, because ultimately the work should be manageable for the little ones. If the bed is larger, consider some paths so that children can easily reach all areas.
When andwocreate the garden
The best month for this is May. The earth is already nice and warm and, thanks to the lack of heat, also moist. These are the best bases for seeds to germinate and for the plants to grow quickly. Sun is important, so for future success the bed should also be in the sun.
Create a raised bedand plant
The raised bed is also great for this. You simply build this at waist height for the little ones, which makes the work easier and therefore more fun. After all, squatting becomes tiring over time, even for children. Alternatively, you can also get a knee cushion for the children for a normal bed.
Design the garden
The children's bed is the realm of children. This also means that you can design it the way you like. Provide stones or stone slabs with which you can create a bed border. Homemade or purchased flower plugs can also decorate the garden for children. If you create a garden for children, give them enough freedom afterwards, but be available to give advice.
Now it's time to prepare the bed well. First, show the little ones in one place: Loosen the soil and remove all the weeds together with the children when you create a garden for children. This is important for success in the bed. Mix some compost or other natural fertilizer into the soil. Make sure the children wear gloves when doing this. Children should not use chemical agents at all or only under supervision and then wash their hands.
Which plants?aresuitable?
It is well known that children's patience is limited. For this reason, fast-growing plants are preferable when creating a garden for children. This applies to both vegetable plants and flowers. Herbs are also a great idea for the children's bed because they are easy to care for and grow quickly. The children can then use the harvested products to help in the kitchen.
There are many varieties that grow quickly and are easy to care for. You can find a small selection in the following list. When starting a garden for children, they may consider these plants and vegetables:
– Strawberries
– Cherry tomatoes
– Zucchini
– Radishes
– Lamb’s lettuce
– Carrots
– Shell peas
– Beans
– Chives
– Lemon balm
– Peppermint
– Nasturtium
– Sunflowers
– Strawflowers and many others
Choose the right variety
Of course, it is mainly the children who decide on the choice of plants. Provide seeds from a variety of plants and let the children choose what they like best. Once you choose the plants, you canCreate a bed in the gardenfor children. Show them how to dig the planting holes and then have the children dig the rest.
Watch out for poisonous onesPlant
Especially if your child has to design and maintain a flower bed, care should be taken to avoid poisonous shrubs and other plants that the children could possibly put in their mouths. Choose non-toxic ground covers when creating a garden for children. Despite all the joy of teaching and learning, caution is still the be-all and end-all. Of course, this mainly applies to smaller children who do not yet understand that not everything should be put in their mouths.
ArrangeShethe plants
If it is a flower bed, the tallest plants should always be at the back and become smaller towards the front. You know this, but the children probably don't.Create a gamefrom it! Name the height of the plants you have chosen and let your children find the correct order.
The varietiesmark
So that your child always knows exactly where something is, you can make signs together and then use them to label the bed. This is particularly beneficial for herbs and vegetables.
Caring for the plants once they germinate is particularly important. Explain to the children when it is best to water, why it is necessary to fertilize, and so on. Gardening should be educational. Now you also have the opportunity to explain the role of bees and other insects. If you create a garden for children, you can also use it to illustrate various things in nature.
The right thingGarden tool
Of course, you should also definitely get child-friendly garden tools such as a rake, shovel, bucket and watering can. If your child has their own tools, they will be even more proud to get to work. In addition, child-friendly garden tools also make gardening much easier than the difficult ones for adults.
For comfortable gardening, clothing is of course also important, as it also has a protective function. So get them too if you are creating a garden for children. We have already mentioned gloves. On the one hand, these keep your hands clean and, on the other hand, protect them from chemicals in fertilizer and also from splinters. Rubber boots keep your feet dry, which is particularly important in damp beds. And don't forget sun protection. Avoid gardening with children during the hot hours of summer and protect their heads with a hat and their skin with sunscreen.
Gardeningon the balcony
Do you want to teach your children to garden but don't have a garden? That doesn't matter at all. Because even if you live in an apartment, you will at least have a balcony at your disposal. And there are plenty of vegetable and spice plants that also thrive in boxes and pots.
with relatives or friends
A relative or friend may also have a garden that you can use for your child. Talk to the person in question. After all, someone has to take care of the garden when your child is away. For example, you can create a garden for children at Grandma and Grandpa's. If you visit, the child will be taken care of. During the week, or during school time, grandma and grandpa take over the bed to ensure success even then.