You can decorate your garden in a variety of ways. Of course flowers are an option. However, you can highlight them even more by choosing pretty or extravagant flower pots that add interesting accents to your outdoor space. Since most flower pots are very expensive, it's a great idea to simply design flower pots yourself. And for this you can easily use old items that you thought you could no longer use. With this in mind, we have put together a gallery of interesting garden flower pot ideas that you can copy as you wish. You've probably seen some of these examples somewhere. But there are also original variants that you can try if you want to try something bolder. But look for yourself:
Cut old barrels in half and then use them as flower boxes. You can also paint it beforehand. If you have several barrels available, you can create such a friendly train.
No matter what shoes you use, they are all suitable for an original flower pot. You can also fill it with foil beforehand so that the moisture does not damage the material.
If you've just replaced your gutters, you can use the old ones for something new. Paint them any color you like and then use them as pretty and original flower boxes. You can even hang them on the wall.
You can even use jeans as a pot. For this purpose you need to sew the trouser legs closed. To make these fun containers, sew up the pant legs, fill the pants with soil, and plant any plants on top.
Do you still have an old bed lying around that you can't do anything with? Then just don't throw it away. With a little color you can create a wonderfulDesign a raised bed, which you can not only decorate with flowers, but also grow vegetables in. And since you no longer have to bend down to care for them, gardening will be even more fun. In this photo you can see a variant with a vintage look.
Your old coffee pot doesn't have to be thrown in the trash just because it was opened or stuck. In this example you can even see that these flaws give the pot a certain charm. Plant flowers in romantic colors and blossoms and you will have a very special pot. Grandma's dishes are anything but old-fashioned and useless.
You've probably seen variants like this before. There's a reason they're so popular. On the one hand, depending on their size, they offer a lot of space so that you can combine many flowers. On the one hand, the barrels outside create a romantic look that is also suitable for the rustic style. The barrels can still be individually designed. This gives you the opportunity to paint any motifs or varnish the barrels.
This variant is not new either. Nevertheless, we find you charming. All you need is an old bike with a bike basket. You can also easily get the latter if your bike doesn't have one. And that's exactly what you plant with colorful flowers. You can decide for yourself how lush you want the flowers to be for this decoration. You can also decorate the back of the bike with flowers and a basket.
Yes, you saw correctly. These are flower pots made from old shoes. This may sound strange and unpleasant, but you have to admit that this example doesn't look that bad. And since succulents are quite undemanding, they are also ideal for this type of flower pot. Design the shoes with a variety of variations.
And again see an example of how wonderful old dishes can be used as plant containers. The floral motifs on the teacup underline the beauty of the planted flowers, which in this case are blue pansies. Not only can you use this to beautifully decorate your outdoor area or one of your rooms, but you can also surprise someone special. That's an original gift, don't you think?
You can use the chest of drawers for more than just putting up the flower pots. You can even turn the drawers themselves into flower boxes. This gives you a modern vertical garden that, depending on the model, can exude a vintage charm. The stepped shape also makes watering, planting and care very pleasant. You can check out other interesting suggestions below: