Propagating an aloe vera plant – better with offshoots or cuttings?

Caring for an aloe vera plant is easy. Propagating them is a little more complicated. Unlike other succulents and cacti, it is difficult to grow this type of plant from just one leaf (cutting). The chances of the leaf actually developing roots and becoming a healthy plant are slim. Therefore, most gardeners propagate them through side shoots, also known as offshoots or kindles. Today we will show you the two methods and give you tips on how to properly care for the young plants. The best time for propagation is spring or summer when the plant is in the growth phase.

Propagate the plant through a leaf cutting

The method of propagation by cuttings is used to rejuvenate an aged aloe. To do this, a few healthy leaves are cut off from the outer edge of the desert lily. Although it is possible to grow an aloe vera plant from a cutting, the chances of the leaf forming roots are very low.Due to the stored moistureThe leaves of the plant tend to rot before they can take root. However, the method is worth a try.

Find oneLeaf on the outer edge of the aloe plant, which is at least 8 centimeters long. Cut the leaf at the base with a sharp, clean knife. Try to cut diagonally down toward the trunk. The knife must be very clean or there is a risk of infecting the leaf.

Allow the sheet to air dry in a warm place for a few days until a film forms over the cut portion. This can take up to two weeks. This film prevents mold formation and ensures that the cut surface in the ground does not rot. An infected aloe vera leaf will not survive long.

Take a pot with a drainage hole in the bottom. If the water cannot drain away, the roots will rot. This can lead to waterlogging, which can kill a plant – including the hardy aloe vera.

Fill thatPot with cactus soiland moisten the soil well. If you don't have cactus soil, you can prepare your own substrate by mixing potting soil and sand in a 1:1 ratio. Consider first covering the bottom of the pot with gravel or pottery shards. This ensuresbetter drainageand allows the water to drain better. The pH value should be 6.0 to 8.0. If the pH is not high enough, add some garden lime. You can buy it at a garden store.

Insert the leaf into the ground with the long side down. Make sure about a third of the leaf is covered with soil. Consider putting the cut sheet in firstsome kind of rooting hormone to dip into, which promotes root formation. If you don't have such a plant remedy on hand, ground cinnamon or honey will also work.

Place the plant in a warm and sunny location and water gently. You should keep the soil constantly moist for the first four weeks. Once the leaf is planted, wait until the soil is completely dry before watering it again. As the seedling develops roots, it will shrink or dry out.

Can the plant be propagated in water and with cuttings?

Can Aloe Vera cuttings root in water? Some people report in gardening forums that they have had good experiences with this method. It took about three weeks for roots to appear. It is advisable to use shot glasses so that there is not too much of the cutting hanging in the water. This works even if the children are separated from the mother plant too early and therefore do not yet have roots.

Growing a plant from a “kindel” is a more effective oneVegetative propagation method. The mother plant forms these new shoots from around the age of three. They are usually smaller and lighter in color. They will also have their own roots.

Here are a few tips on what to look for when choosing a cutting:

  • The child should be a fifth of the size of the mother plant.
  • Choose an offshoot that has at least four leaves and has reached a height of 4-5 centimeters.

Remove the entire plant from the pot. This will make it easier to identify the roots of the offshoots and those of the mother plant. You may need to shake the soil away from the roots to better see the cutting. Although it is attached to the mother plant, it should have its own roots.

Divide the plant carefully

Separate the cutting from the mother plant, but be sure to leave the roots intact. The offshoot can be easily removed. If it doesn't, you'll need to cut it off with a sharp, sterile knife. First sterilize the knife with alcohol or hot water. Allow the cut surface to dry for a few days before proceeding. This will prevent infections.

Separate offshoots

The cutting must have some roots. Once you have removed the offshoot from the mother plant, you can put it back in the pot.

Then make a small hole in the ground and insert the cutting into it. The hole should be deep enough to accommodate the child's root system. Many gardeners recommend dipping the roots in root growth hormone first to encourage root formation.

Cover the roots with soil and add some water. The soil should be moist but not floating. It's a desert plant, so it doesn't normally need a lot of water. Place the plant in a sunny location and wait a week before watering it again. You can then water the plant as usual.

Tips for proper plant care

Make sure your plant gets plenty of sunlight. Ideally, you should expose the plant to full sun for 8 to 10 hours. You can achieve this by placing the plant in a south or west facing window.

Wait until the soil is completely dry before watering again. When you water the plant, make sure the soil is completely soaked. The water must drain freely from the pot.

This type of plant tends to go dormant during the winter months. So she won't need as much water. During the summer months the plant needs more water, especially when it is hot and dry.

Fertilize once a year in spring. The fertilizer should be water-based and rich in phosphorus.

Watch out for insects, diseases and fungi. Use a natural, organic pesticide to control pests such as: B. to keep mealybugs at bay. You can easily prevent fungus growth by keeping the soil dry. If you notice fungus, you can wipe it off with a cotton swab and a little alcohol.

Pay attention to the condition of the leaves. They are important indicators of the plant's health and show what it needs. Additionally, the leaves should grow upright or at an upward angle. If you notice the leaves becoming thin, give your plant more water. If the leaves have a shallow angle, the plant needs more sun.