How do you imagine a beautiful garden? Certainly as a combination of wonderful, flowering plants and a lot of green leaves. Do you also want to have some edible plants there? Certainly! From beautifully fragrant herbs to densely leafy vegetables, many edible plants show great shapes, textures and colors. OneGarden decoration made of vegetablesgives yourGarden landscapeOn the one hand, a unique beauty, on the other hand you can add a particularly fresh taste to your dishes. Let us break the border between our decorative and kept garden and see how edible plants can fulfill a double task by using vegetables as a garden.
Garden decoration made of vegetables - flowering chives
At first glance you can see a garden full of flowering flowers in the first picture. Would you please take a closer look? These attractive flowering plants are chives, the leaves of which we see more often in the kitchen and use them when cooking. The container is a garden decoration made of vegetables with a visually appealing combination of flowering ornamental plants, colorful leafy vegetables andKohlfilled.
Garden decoration made of vegetables - the spice lavender
The best edible plants for oneGarden decorationVegetables are those that are easy to breed and are also relatively rarely affected by pests. Their leaves sometimes show very interesting shapes, they are tapped, bumpy, prickly, etc., are also colorful and even have flowers. With these properties, the edible plants can not only come to our plate, but also beautify our garden. Do we now want to look at some edible plants that have a decorative value?
Kale as a garden decoration made of vegetables
Kale is one of the most popular edible plants in decorative gardens because it is perfect as a garden decoration made of vegetables. The curled leaves and purple veins are very attractive and add texture and color contrast to the garden look. The green and red cabbage are shown here that they grow together under blooming plants in a container. There are basically two types of kale: those who are usually grown to eat and the variety that can be referred to as decorative cabbage because of the decorative leaves. Decorative cabbage is edible, but is primarily grown for its appearance. It has a somewhat bitter taste.
Garden decoration made of vegetables - chard
The chard is another edible plant that has bright green leaves on colorful stems. The leaf veins adorn the thick leaves and make the plant very attractive for a garden decoration made of vegetables.
Head and leaf salads as a garden decoration made of vegetables
Colorful leaf salad is delicious and beautiful. All varieties of the leaf salad are very easy to raise, especially in flower pots. So you can easily use the leaf salads as a garden decoration. Edible leafy vegetables, including Chinese cabbage, cabbage and sugar pods, perform double tasks in this front yard. They bring a nice note to the garden landscape and are harvested and eaten later.
Herbs for the garden decoration made of vegetables
With the garden decoration made of vegetables, anything could never go wrong with herbs. They are some of the simplest edible plants that you can grow in the garden, either in containers or directly in the ground. The herbs can also be combined with other ornamental plants and edible plants. Parsley is often used as a green vegetable filler; Their decayed leaves create great structural contrast to plants with larger leaves. Here are planted in a container of parsley, aeonium and agaves.
In addition to parsley, other fresh herbs in the garden could also grow such as the green and purple basil, chives, rosemary, sage and thyme, they are all also great ornamental plants. Sage, salad and other edible plants can even be paired with tulips and added to this trio in terracotta pots.
Garden decoration made of vegetables and fruit - fruit trees
Fruit trees bring shadows and beauty with the bonus that they give us gifts with delicious fruits. You can get apples, apricots, cherries, citrus fruits, peaches and plum from your own garden if you maintain the corresponding trees there. This is also a great way to bring a lot of beauty into your landscape. Spring brings beautiful flowers, followed by the attractive green leaves and the colorful fruits.
Our tip for this garden decoration made of vegetables: Note trees that wear delicious fresh fruits require more maintenance and cleaning in the garden.
Garden decoration made of vegetables - artichokes
Artichoke plants are increasingly used for their decorative value, through their large leaves and lively purple flowers they adorn every garden. They offer large texture and strong color contrast in the garden decoration made of vegetables. You can get the mature artic coats for your table and then enjoy the striking purple flowers. In contrast to many other vegetables, artichokes are several years of plants.
The artichoke plant in this bed is paired by flowering one -year -old, roses and a small tree. Pepper plants can also be beauty with their colorful fruits.
Plant different types of cabbage in the garden
Edible plants, if only planted as a garden decoration made of vegetables, need fertile soil to show their best. Therefore, enrich your floor with compost and fertilizer every month to achieve the best results. Regardless of whether you eat your edible ornamental plants or not, that is completely up to you. But if you plan to eat them, you shouldn't use insecticides unless you are labeled for edible plants.
The next time you plan to fill out certain areas in your garden, you can find out more about the edible plants in the nursery and then choose decoration from vegetables for the garden. Read in specialist literature and imagine how beautiful your landscape will look like if you also add some edible plants there.